/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /* Contains definitions for MAC CL modules */ #ifndef __LWR_MAC_H__ #define __LWR_MAC_H__ #define MAX_NUM_CELL_SUPP 1 #include "envdep.h" #include "gen.h" #include "ssi.h" #include "cm_hash.h" #include "gen.x" #include "ssi.x" #include "cm_hash.x" #include "cm_lib.x" #include "du_app_mac_inf.h" typedef enum { PHY_STATE_IDLE, PHY_STATE_CONFIGURED, PHY_STATE_RUNNING, MAX_STATE }PhyState; /* Events in Lower Mac */ typedef enum{ FAPI_PARAM_REQUEST, FAPI_PARAM_RESPONSE, FAPI_CONFIG_REQUEST, FAPI_CONFIG_RESPONSE, FAPI_START_REQUEST, MAX_EVENT }EventState; typedef struct clCb { Region region; Pool pool; Bool clCfgDone; /* CL configuration done */ CmHashListCp cellCbLst; /* List of Cells configured */ U8 numOfCells; /* Number of Cells configured */ PhyState phyState; /* State of PHY */ EventState event; /* State of Event */ }ClCb; typedef struct cellCb { U16 cellId; MacCellCfg cellCfg; PhyState phyState; }ClCellCb; typedef enum { RELEASE_15 }ReleaseCapab; typedef enum { NOT_SUPPORTED, SUPPORTED }ParamSupport; typedef enum { NORMAL_CYCLIC_PREFIX_MASK, EXTENDED_CYCLIC_PREFIX_MASK }CyclicPrefix; typedef enum { SPACING_15_KHZ, SPACING_30_KHZ, SPACING_60_KHZ, SPACING_120_KHZ }SubCarrierSpacing; typedef enum { BW_5MHZ, BW_10MHZ, BW_15MHZ, BW_20MHZ, BW_40MHZ, BW_50MHZ, BW_60MHZ, BW_70MHZ, BW_80MHZ, BW_90MHZ, BW_100MHZ, BW_200MHZ, BW_400MHZ }SupportedBandwidth; typedef enum { CCE_MAPPING_INTERLEAVED_MASK, CCE_MAPPING_NONINTERLVD_MASK }CCEMappingType; typedef enum { FORMAT_0, FORMAT_1, FORMAT_2, FORMAT_3, FORMAT_4 }Formats; typedef enum { MAPPING_TYPE_A, MAPPING_TYPE_B, }MappingType; typedef enum { ALLOCATION_TYPE_0, ALLOCATION_TYPE_1, }AllocationType; typedef enum { VRB_TO_PRB_MAP_NON_INTLV, VRB_TO_PRB_MAP_INTLVD }VrbToPrbMap; typedef enum { DMRS_CONFIG_TYPE_1, DMRS_CONFIG_TYPE_2 }DmrsConfigType; typedef enum { DMRS_MAX_LENGTH_1, DMRS_MAX_LENGTH_2 }DmrMaxLen; typedef enum { DMRS_ADDITIONAL_POS_0, DMRS_ADDITIONAL_POS_1, DMRS_ADDITIONAL_POS_2, DMRS_ADDITIONAL_POS_3 }DmrsPos; typedef enum { MOD_QPSK, MOD_16QAM, MOD_64QAM, MOD_256QAM }ModulationOrder; typedef enum { AGG_FACTOR_1, AGG_FACTOR_2, AGG_FACTOR_4, AGG_FACTOR_8 }AggregationFactor; typedef enum { SF_FORMAT_A1, SF_FORMAT_A2, SF_FORMAT_A3, SF_FORMAT_B1, SF_FORMAT_B2, SF_FORMAT_B3, SF_FORMAT_B4, SF_FORMAT_C0, SF_FORMAT_C2 }ShortFormat; typedef enum { PRACH_FD_OCC_IN_A_SLOT_1 = 1, PRACH_FD_OCC_IN_A_SLOT_2 = 2, PRACH_FD_OCC_IN_A_SLOT_4 = 4, PRACH_FD_OCC_IN_A_SLOT_8 = 8 }FdOccPerSlot; typedef enum { RSSI_REPORT_DBM, RSSI_REPORT_DBFS }RssiMeasurement; typedef struct clCellParam { ReleaseCapab releaseCapability; /* Release Capability */ PhyState ParamPhystate; ParamSupport skipBlankDlConfig; ParamSupport skipBlankUlConfig; ParamSupport numTlvsToReport; CyclicPrefix cyclicPrefix; SubCarrierSpacing supportedSubcarrierSpacingDl; SupportedBandwidth supportedBandwidthDl; SubCarrierSpacing supportedSubcarrierSpacingsUl; SupportedBandwidth supportedBandwidthUl; CCEMappingType cceMappingType; ParamSupport coresetOutsideFirst3OfdmSymsOfSlot; ParamSupport precoderGranularityCoreset; ParamSupport pdcchMuMimo; ParamSupport pdcchPrecoderCycling; U8 maxPdcchsPerSlot; Formats pucchFormats; U8 maxPucchsPerSlot; MappingType pdschMappingType; AllocationType pdschAllocationTypes; VrbToPrbMap pdschVrbToPrbMapping; ParamSupport pdschCbg; DmrsConfigType pdschDmrsConfigTypes; DmrMaxLen pdschDmrsMaxLength; DmrsPos pdschDmrsAdditionalPos; U8 maxPdschsTBsPerSlot; U8 maxNumberMimoLayersPdsch; ModulationOrder supportedMaxModulationOrderDl; U8 maxMuMimoUsersDl; ParamSupport pdschDataInDmrsSymbols; ParamSupport premptionSupport; ParamSupport pdschNonSlotSupport; ParamSupport uciMuxUlschInPusch; ParamSupport uciOnlyPusch; ParamSupport puschFrequencyHopping; DmrsConfigType puschDmrsConfigTypes; DmrMaxLen puschDmrsMaxLength; DmrsPos puschDmrsAdditionalPos; ParamSupport puschCbg; MappingType puschMappingType; AllocationType puschAllocationTypes; VrbToPrbMap puschVrbToPrbMapping; U8 puschMaxPtrsPorts; U8 maxPduschsTBsPerSlot; U8 maxNumberMimoLayersNonCbPusch; ModulationOrder supportedModulationOrderUl; U8 maxMuMimoUsersUl; ParamSupport dftsOfdmSupport; AggregationFactor puschAggregationFactor; Formats prachLongFormats; ShortFormat prachShortFormats; ParamSupport prachRestrictedSets; FdOccPerSlot maxPrachFdOccasionsInASlot; RssiMeasurement rssiMeasurementSupport; }ClCellParam; EXTERN ClCb clGlobalCp; EXTERN ClCellCb * rgClUtlGetCellCb ARGS((U16 cellId)); #endif /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/