# Python ORAN SDK an extension of ONAP SDK, to use ORAN and ONAP components programmatically with Python code ## Description ORAN SDK is an extension of ONAP SDK. Please check [doc](https://python-onapsdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) site to find out all the features about ONAP SDK. This project aims to provide a consistent and complete set of interactions with ORAN’s many services. Using few python commands, you should be able to run different tests with different components from ONAP and ORAN. ### Setting up development environment Ensure you have executed the script located in ... scripts/layer-0/0-setup-tests-env.sh This will setup eveything for you. ### Testing This project uses tox to run all the tests and do lint and docstyle checks. ``` $ tox ``` #### Unit testing To run only the unit test: ``` $ tox -e unit-tests ``` #### Integration testing To run the integration tests, start all the needed ONAP and ORAN components & network simulators first on kubernetes. Go to *scripts/layer-2* directory and start all the needed components with the scripts. Then execute the integration tests with command: ``` $ tox -e oran-tests ``` #### Code analyse and check style checking To run code analyse and check check styles: ``` $ tox -e pylint ``` To check compliance with Python docstring conventions: ``` $ tox -e pydocstyle ```