// vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Mnemonic: unit_test.c Abstract: Basic unit tests for the mc listener. Date: 22 August 2019 Author: E. Scott Daniels */ #define FOREVER 0 // allows forever loops in mcl code to escape after one loop #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TEST_MTYPE 1000 // message type for testing #include "test_rmr_em.c" // emulated rmr functions (for receives) // this/these are what we are testing; include them directly (must be after forever def) #include "mcl.c" #include "rdc.c" /* Set up env things for the rdc setup call. */ static void set_env() { setenv( "MCL_RDC_ENABLE", "1", 1 ); // cause 'raw' capture to be setup setenv( "MCL_RDC_STAGE", "/tmp/mc_listener_test/stage", 1 ); // unit test script should create and will purge after setenv( "MCL_RDC_FINAL", "/tmp/mc_listener_test/final", 1 ); setenv( "MCL_RDC_SUFFIX", ".xxx", 1 ); setenv( "MCL_RDC_DONE", ".done", 1 ); setenv( "MCL_RDC_FREQ", "10", 1 ); } /* Parms: [fifo-dir-name] */ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { void* ctx; void* bad_ctx; // context with a bad directory path for coverage/error testing int errors = 0; char* dname = "/tmp/fifos"; char* port = "4560"; int fd; int fd2; int rfd; // a reader file des so we can read what we write fifo_t* fref = NULL; // fifo type reference; we just verify that suss sets it char wbuf[2048]; char payload[1024]; char* bp; void* buf; int state; char timestamp[1024]; // read will put a timestamp here if( argc > 1 ) { dname = argv[1]; } set_env(); // set env that setup_rdc() looks for ctx = mcl_mk_context( dname ); // allocate the context if( ctx == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] couldn't make context\n" ); exit( 1 ); } mcl_set_sigh(); // prevent colobber from broken pipe open_fifo( ctx, TEST_MTYPE, WRITER ); // open dummy to prevent blocking reader rfd = open_fifo( ctx, TEST_MTYPE, READER ); // open a reader to check fanout output if( rfd < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] unable to open a pipe reader for type == 100\n" ); errors++; } fd = suss_fifo( ctx, TEST_MTYPE, WRITER, &fref ); // should open the file for writing and return the fdes if( fd < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo did not return a valid fd\n" ); errors++; } if( fref == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo did not set the fifo reference pointer\n" ); errors++; } else { chalk_ok( fref ); chalk_error( fref ); } fd2= suss_fifo( ctx, TEST_MTYPE, 0, NULL ); // should open the file file for reading and return a different fd if( fd < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo did not return a valid fd\n" ); errors++; } if( fd == fd2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] reading and writing fifo file descriptors expected to differ; both were %d\n", fd ); errors++; } mcl_start_listening( ctx, port, 0 ); // start the listener // under test, the FOREVER = 0 keeps fanout from blocking; drive several times to cover all cases mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); // first rmr receive call will simulate a timeout mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); // second receive simulates a health check mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); // 3-n return alternating timeout messages; drive so that mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); // we will have several land in the FIFO mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 1 ); *timestamp = 0; state = mcl_fifo_read1( ctx, TEST_MTYPE, payload, sizeof( payload ), TRUE ); if( state < 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] fifo_read return positive value when expected to\n" ); errors++; } state = mcl_fifo_tsread1( ctx, TEST_MTYPE, payload, sizeof( payload ), TRUE, timestamp ); if( state < 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] fifo_read with timestamp return positive value when expected to\n" ); errors++; } state = fifo_read1( NULL, TEST_MTYPE, payload, sizeof( payload ), 1, timestamp ); // coverage error check if( state != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] fifo_read didn't return 0 when given a nil context to\n" ); errors++; } mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 0 ); // test with writing short header mcl_fifo_fanout( ctx, 5, 0 ); // ------ some error/coverage testing --------------------------- logit( LOG_CRIT, "critical message" ); logit( LOG_ERR, "error message" ); logit( LOG_WARN, "warning message" ); logit( LOG_STAT, "stats message" ); fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] expected create fail message should follow\n" ); bad_ctx = mcl_mk_context( "/nosuchdirectoryinthesystem" ); // create a context where fifo opens should fail if( bad_ctx == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] couldn't make 'bad' context" ); exit( 1 ); } fref = NULL; fd = suss_fifo( bad_ctx, TEST_MTYPE, 1, &fref ); // should fail to open the file for writing beacuse directory is bad if( fd >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo returned a valid fd when given a context with a bad directory path\n" ); errors++; } if( fref != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo returned an fref pointer when given a bad context\n" ); errors++; } fd = suss_fifo( NULL, TEST_MTYPE, 1, &fref ); // coverage nil pointer check if( fd >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo returned a valid fd when given a nil context a bad directory path\n" ); errors++; } fd = suss_fifo( ctx, -1, 1, &fref ); // mad message type check if( fd >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] suss_fifo returned a valid fd when given a bad message type\n" ); errors++; } // -- buffer testing ------------------------------------------------------ bp = build_hdr( 1024, wbuf, 0 ); bp = build_hdr( 1024, NULL, 0 ); if( bp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] build_hdr didn't return a buffer pointer when given a nil buffer\n" ); errors++; } free( bp ); bp = build_hdr( 1024, wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ) ); if( bp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] build_hdr didn't return a buffer pointer\n" ); errors++; } // ----- msg receive testing ---------------------------------------------------- buf = mcl_get_msg( NULL, NULL, 1 ); // drive nil pointer checks if( buf != NULL ) { errors++; fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL], get_msg call with nil context returned a buffer pointer\n" ); } buf = mcl_get_msg( ctx, NULL, 1 ); // drive to force coverage; nothing is sent, so we can't validate buffer mcl_fifo_one( NULL, NULL, 1, 1 ); mcl_fifo_one( ctx, NULL, 1, 1 ); mcl_fifo_one( ctx, wbuf, 0, 1 ); mcl_fifo_one( ctx, wbuf, 10, 100 ); // --- some rdc testing as best as we can without message generators -------- rdc_init( NULL, NULL, ".foo", ".bar" ); // coverage testing ctx = setup_rdc(); // coverage test to ensure that it generates a context if( ctx == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] setup_rdc did not return a context pointer\n" ); errors++; } rdc_set_freq( NULL, 0 ); // error/nil test rdc_set_freq( ctx, 0 ); // error/nil test rdc_set_freq( ctx, 10 ); // roll after 10seconds to test that build_hdr( 1024, wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ) ); bp = NULL; bp = rdc_init_buf( TEST_MTYPE, wbuf, 10, bp ); // set up for write rdc_write( ctx, bp, payload, sizeof( payload ) ); // write the raw data fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] pausing to test rdc file rolling\n" ); sleep( 15 ); build_hdr( 1024, wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ) ); bp = NULL; bp = rdc_init_buf( TEST_MTYPE, wbuf, 10, bp ); rdc_write( ctx, bp, payload, sizeof( payload ) ); // CAUTION: filenames need to match those expected in the run script as it creates src, and will validate, destination files state = copy_unlink( "/tmp/mc_listener_test/no-such-copy_src", "/tmp/mc_listener_test/copy_dest", 0664 ); // first couple drive for error and coverage if( state >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] copy-unlink of bad file didn't return bad state\n" ); errors++; } state = copy_unlink( "/tmp/mc_listener_test/copy_src", "/tmp/mc_listener_test-nodir/copy_dest", 0664 ); if( state >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] copy-unlink of bad target didn't return bad state\n" ); errors++; } state = copy_unlink( "/tmp/mc_listener_test/copy_src", "/tmp/mc_listener_test/copy_dest", 0664 ); // drive for coverage; setup script can check contents if( state < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] copy-unlink expected success but failed\n" ); errors++; } state = mvocp( "/tmp/mc_listener_test/bad-src-mv_src", "/tmp/mc_listener_test/mv_dest" ); if( state >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] mv or copy expected failure didn't set bad state\n" ); errors++; } state = mvocp( "/tmp/mc_listener_test/mv_src", "/tmp/mc_listener_test/mv_dest" ); if( state < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] mv or copy expected to succeed didn't set good state\n" ); errors++; } // ---- finally, check error count, write nice cheerful message and exit ---- if( ! errors ) { fprintf( stderr, "[PASS] unit_test: everything looks peachy\n" ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] unit_test: there were %d errors\n", errors ); } return errors != 0; }