#!/usr/bin/env bash #================================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #================================================================================== # # Mnemonic: run_unit_test.ksh # Abstract: This drives unit testing setting up working directories # and such. This expects that RMR dev package(s) is/are # installed. Some CI envirpnments don't provide this, or # the ability to pre-install before running this test, so # we will force one to be there if we don't find it in /usr. # # CI Mode # For the Jenkins jobs to capture trigger data allowing sonar # analysis, we must force a build in the ../src directory. # CI mode is on by default, to force this build, but can be # turned off with the -c option for local builds/testing. # # Date: 10 December 2019 # Author: E. Scott Daniels # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function abort_after { touch $running sleep ${1:-60} if [[ -e $running ]] then echo "abort: unit test running too long, killing ${2:-nojobgiven}" kill -9 ${2:-bad-pid} fi } function setup_dirs { mkdir -p /tmp/fifos mkdir -p /tmp/mc_listener_test/final mkdir -p /tmp/mc_listener_test/stage mv_src=/tmp/mc_listener_test/mv_src # source that will be renamed rather than copied mv_dest=/tmp/mc_listener_test/mv_dest ps -elf >$mv_src copy_src=/tmp/mc_listener_test/copy_src copy_dest=/tmp/mc_listener_test/copy_dest ps -elf >$copy_src src_md5=$( cat $copy_src | md5sum ) # use cat so that filename doesn't factor in to output rm -f $copy_dest } function purge_dirs { rm -fr /tmp/mc_listener_test } # This is a hack! There seems not to be an easy way to have the LF # environment add RMR (or other needed packages) for testing. If we don't # find RMR in the /usr/local part of the filesystem, we'll force it into # /tmp which doesn't require root. We'll be smart and get the desired # rmr version from the repo root juas as we _expected_ the CI environmnt # woudl do (but seems not to). # function ensure_pkgs { if (( no_rmr_load )) then return fi if (( force_rmr_load )) || [[ -d /usr/local/include/rmr ]] then echo "[INFO] found RMR installed in /usr/local" return fi rv=$( grep "version:" ../../rmr-version.yaml | awk '{ print $NF; exit( 0 ) }' ) rr=$( grep "repo:" ../../rmr-version.yaml | awk '{ print $NF; exit( 0 ) }' ) if [[ -z $rv ]] then rv="4.2.1" # some sane version if not found fi if [[ -z $rr ]] then rr="release" fi echo "[INFO] RMR seems not to be installed in /usr/local; pulling private copy: v=$rv" pkg_dir=/tmp/ut_pkg mkdir -p $pkg_dir ( set -e opts="-nv --content-disposition" url_base="https://packagecloud.io/o-ran-sc/$rr/packages/debian/stretch" cd /tmp wget $opts ${url_base}/rmr_${rv}_amd64.deb/download.deb wget $opts ${url_base}/rmr-dev_${rv}_amd64.deb/download.deb for x in *rmr*deb do dpkg -x $x $pkg_dir done ) if (( $? != 0 )) then echo "[FAIL] unable to install one or more RMR packages" exit 1 fi LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$pkg_dir/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH LIBRARY_PATH=$pkg_dir/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH export C_INCLUDE_PATH="$pkg_dir/usr/local/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # these aren't set by default in some of the CI environments # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH # defined in the CI configuration where jenkins jobs are looking for gcov files gcov_dir=/tmp/gcov_rpts if [[ ! -d $cov_dir ]] then echo "[INFO] making $gcov_dir" mkdir $gcov_dir fi running=/tmp/PID$$.running force_rmr_load=0 ci_mode=1 # -c turns off; see the flower box above while [[ $1 == -* ]] do case $1 in -c) ci_mode=0;; -f) force_rmr_load=1;; -N) no_rmr_load=1;; # for local testing *) echo "unrecognised option: $1" exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [[ $1 == "purge" ]] # just purge then purge_dirs exit 0 fi ensure_pkgs # ensure that we have RMR; some CI environments are lacking if (( ci_mode )) # in CI mode we must force a build in the src so build wrapper captures trigger data then echo "building in src for sonar build wrapper capture" ( cd ../src export TEST_COV_OPTS="-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs" # picked up by make so we get coverage on tools for sonar make -B ) fi echo "building unit test(s)" if ! make -B unit_test # ensure that it's fresh then echo "[FAIL] cannot make unit_test" exit 1 fi echo "unit test(s) successfully built" setup_dirs if [[ $1 == "set"* ]] # setup only then exit fi rm -fr *.gcov *.gcda # ditch any previously generated coverage info ./unit_test >/tmp/PID$$.utlog 2>&1 & pid=$! abort_after 60 $pid & wait $pid if (( $? != 0 )) then echo " run_unit_test: wait popped" rm -f $running cat /tmp/PID$$.utlog rm -f /tmp/PID$$.* purge_dirs exit 1 fi rm -f $running echo "[PASS] base unit tests all pass" echo "[INFO] file/directory verification begins...." # validate files that should have been created/copied rc=0 ls -al /tmp/mc_listener_test/* >/tmp/PID$$.fdlog 2>&1 if [[ -e $copy_src ]] then echo "[FAIL] copy source test should have been unlinked but was there!" rc=1 else dest_md5=$( cat $copy_dest | md5sum ) # use cat so that filename doesn't factor in to output if [[ $dest_md5 != $src_md5 ]] then echo "[FAIL] md5 of copy test file didn't match soruce" cat $dest_md5 echo "$dest_md5 $src_md5" rc=1 fi fi purge_dirs if (( rc > 0 )) then cat /tmp/PID$$.fdlog fi ./show_coverage.ksh unit_test.c # compute coverage and generate .gcov files echo "Coverage with discounting (raw values in parens)" ./discount_chk.ksh $(ls *gcov|egrep -v "^test_|unit_test.c") if (( rc > 0 )) then echo "[FAIL] overall test fails" else echo "[PASS] overall test passes" rm -f *test*.gcov # ditch test specific coverage files first #cp *.gcov $gcov_dir/ # make avilable to jenkins job(s) ./publish_cov.ksh # push to reports dir and fix internal source filenames fi rm -f /tmp/PID$$.* exit $rc