apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: EnvoyFilter metadata: name: {{.Name}}-outbound-filter namespace: {{.Namespace}} spec: workloadSelector: labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: {{.Name}} configPatches: # The first patch adds the lua filter to the listener/http connection manager - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER match: context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND listener: filterChain: filter: name: "envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager" subFilter: name: "envoy.filters.http.router" patch: operation: INSERT_BEFORE value: # lua filter specification name: envoy.lua typed_config: "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua" inlineCode: | function envoy_on_request(request_handle) local uri = request_handle:headers():get(":path") local method = request_handle:headers():get(":method") if (method ~= "POST" and uri ~= "/auth/realms/{{.Realm}}/protocol/openid-connect/token") then -- Make an HTTP call to an upstream host with the following headers, body, and timeout. local headers, body = request_handle:httpCall( "jwt_cluster", { [":method"] = "GET", [":path"] = "/token", [":authority"] = "jwt-proxy", ["realm"] = "{{.Realm}}", ["client"] = "{{.Client}}", ["authenticator"] = "{{.Authenticator}}", ["caCrt"] = "{{.CaCrt}}", ["tlsCrt"] = "{{.TlsCrt}}", ["tlsKey"] = "{{.TlsKey}}", ["ns"] = "{{.Namespace}}" }, "jwt call", 5000) if (headers["authorization"] ~= nil) then request_handle:headers():add("authorization", headers["authorization"]) end end end - applyTo: CLUSTER match: context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND patch: operation: ADD value: # cluster specification name: jwt_cluster type: STRICT_DNS connect_timeout: 60s lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN load_assignment: cluster_name: jwt_cluster endpoints: - lb_endpoints: - endpoint: address: socket_address: address: port_value: 8888