# ================================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ================================================================================== import uuid from ctypes import POINTER, Structure from ctypes import c_int, c_char, c_char_p, c_void_p, memmove, cast, create_string_buffer from ricxappframe.rmr.exceptions import BadBufferAllocation, MeidSizeOutOfRange, InitFailed from ricxappframe.rmr.rmrclib.rmrclib import rmr_c_lib, get_constants, state_to_status ############## # PRIVATE API ############## def _get_rmr_constant(key: str, default=None): """ Gets the constant with the named key from the RMR C library. Returns None if the value is not a simple type. This happens during sphinx autodoc document generation, which mocks the rmrclib package to work without the RMR shared object file, and the response is something like this: Workaround for https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/7422 """ val = get_constants().get(key, default) return val if isinstance(val, (type(None), bool, bytes, float, int, str)) else None # argtypes and restype are important: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24377845/ctype-why-specify-argtypes def _wrap_rmr_function(funcname, restype, argtypes): """ Simplify wrapping ctypes functions. Parameters ---------- funcname: str Name of library method restype: class Name of ctypes class; e.g., c_char_p argtypes: list List of ctypes classes; e.g., [ c_char_p, int ] Returns ------- _FuncPointer: Pointer to C library function """ func = rmr_c_lib.__getattr__(funcname) func.restype = restype func.argtypes = argtypes return func ############## # PUBLIC API ############## # Publish constants from RMR C-language header files for use by importers of this library. # TODO: Are there others that will be useful? #: Typical size message to receive; size is not limited RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES = _get_rmr_constant('RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES') #: Multi-threaded initialization flag RMRFL_MTCALL = _get_rmr_constant('RMRFL_MTCALL', 0x02) # initialization flags #: Empty flag RMRFL_NONE = _get_rmr_constant('RMRFL_NONE', 0x0) #: State constant for OK RMR_OK = _get_rmr_constant('RMR_OK', 0x00) #: State constant for no endpoint based on msg type RMR_ERR_NOENDPT = _get_rmr_constant('RMR_ERR_NOENDPT') #: State constant for retry RMR_ERR_RETRY = _get_rmr_constant('RMR_ERR_RETRY') #: State constant for timeout RMR_ERR_TIMEOUT = _get_rmr_constant('RMR_ERR_TIMEOUT') # Publish keys used in the message summary dict as constants # message payload, bytes RMR_MS_PAYLOAD = "payload" # payload length, integer RMR_MS_PAYLOAD_LEN = "payload length" # message type, integer RMR_MS_MSG_TYPE = "message type" # subscription ID, integer RMR_MS_SUB_ID = "subscription id" # transaction ID, bytes RMR_MS_TRN_ID = "transaction id" # state of message processing, integer; e.g., 0 RMR_MS_MSG_STATE = "message state" # state of message processing converted to string; e.g., RMR_OK RMR_MS_MSG_STATUS = "message status" # number of bytes usable in the payload, integer RMR_MS_PAYLOAD_MAX = "payload max size" # managed entity ID, bytes RMR_MS_MEID = "meid" # message source, string; e.g., host:port RMR_MS_MSG_SOURCE = "message source" # transport state, integer RMR_MS_ERRNO = "errno" class rmr_mbuf_t(Structure): """ Mirrors public members of type rmr_mbuf_t from RMR header file src/common/include/rmr.h | typedef struct { | int state; // state of processing | int mtype; // message type | int len; // length of data in the payload (send or received) | unsigned char* payload; // transported data | unsigned char* xaction; // pointer to fixed length transaction id bytes | int sub_id; // subscription id | int tp_state; // transport state (a.k.a errno) | | these things are off limits to the user application | | void* tp_buf; // underlying transport allocated pointer | void* header; // internal message header (whole buffer: header+payload) | unsigned char* id; // if we need an ID in the message separate from the xaction id | int flags; // various MFL (private) flags as needed | int alloc_len; // the length of the allocated space (hdr+payload) | } rmr_mbuf_t; RE PAYLOADs type below, see the documentation for c_char_p: class ctypes.c_char_p Represents the C char * datatype when it points to a zero-terminated string. For a general character pointer that may also point to binary data, POINTER(c_char) must be used. The constructor accepts an integer address, or a bytes object. """ _fields_ = [ ("state", c_int), ("mtype", c_int), ("len", c_int), ("payload", POINTER(c_char)), # according to the following the python bytes are already unsigned # https://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/695078-ctypes-unsigned-char ("xaction", POINTER(c_char)), ("sub_id", c_int), ("tp_state", c_int), ] _rmr_init = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_init', c_void_p, [c_char_p, c_int, c_int]) def rmr_init(uproto_port: c_char_p, max_msg_size: int, flags: int) -> c_void_p: """ Prepares the environment for sending and receiving messages. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern void* rmr_init(char* uproto_port, int max_msg_size, int flags) This function raises an exception if the returned context is None. Parameters ---------- uproto_port: c_char_p Pointer to bytes built from the port number as a string; e.g., b'4550' max_msg_size: integer Maximum message size to receive flags: integer RMR option flags Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to RMR context """ mrc = _rmr_init(uproto_port, max_msg_size, flags) if mrc is None: raise InitFailed() return mrc _rmr_ready = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_ready', c_int, [c_void_p]) def rmr_ready(vctx: c_void_p) -> int: """ Checks if a routing table has been received and installed. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern int rmr_ready(void* vctx) Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context Returns ------- 1 for yes, 0 for no """ return _rmr_ready(vctx) _rmr_close = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_close', None, [c_void_p]) def rmr_close(vctx: c_void_p): """ Closes the listen socket. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern void rmr_close(void* vctx) Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context Returns ------- None """ _rmr_close(vctx) _rmr_set_stimeout = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_set_stimeout', c_int, [c_void_p, c_int]) def rmr_set_stimeout(vctx: c_void_p, rloops: int) -> int: """ Sets the configuration for how RMR will retry message send operations. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern int rmr_set_stimeout(void* vctx, int rloops) Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context rloops: int Number of retry loops Returns ------- 0 on success, -1 on failure """ return _rmr_set_stimeout(vctx, rloops) _rmr_alloc_msg = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_alloc_msg', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [c_void_p, c_int]) def rmr_alloc_msg(vctx: c_void_p, size: int, payload=None, gen_transaction_id=False, mtype=None, meid=None, sub_id=None, fixed_transaction_id=None): """ Allocates and returns a buffer to write and send through the RMR library. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_alloc_msg(void* vctx, int size) Optionally populates the message from the remaining arguments. TODO: on next API break, clean up transaction_id ugliness. Kept for now to preserve API. Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context size: int How much space to allocate payload: bytes if not None, attempts to set the payload gen_transaction_id: bool if True, generates and sets a transaction ID. Note, option fixed_transaction_id overrides this option mtype: bytes if not None, sets the sbuf's message type meid: bytes if not None, sets the sbuf's meid sub_id: bytes if not None, sets the sbuf's subscription id fixed_transaction_id: bytes if not None, used as the transaction ID. Note, this overrides the option gen_transaction_id Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ sbuf = _rmr_alloc_msg(vctx, size) try: # make sure the alloc worked sbuf.contents # set specified fields if payload: set_payload_and_length(payload, sbuf) if fixed_transaction_id: set_transaction_id(sbuf, fixed_transaction_id) elif gen_transaction_id: generate_and_set_transaction_id(sbuf) if mtype: sbuf.contents.mtype = mtype if meid: rmr_set_meid(sbuf, meid) if sub_id: sbuf.contents.sub_id = sub_id return sbuf except ValueError: raise BadBufferAllocation _rmr_realloc_payload = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_realloc_payload', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), c_int, c_int, c_int]) # new_len, copy, clone def rmr_realloc_payload(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p, new_len: int, copy=False, clone=False): """ Allocates and returns a message buffer large enough for the new length. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_realloc_payload(rmr_mbuf_t*, int, int, int) Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: c_void_p Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure new_len: int Length copy: bool Whether to copy the original paylod clone: bool Whether to clone the original buffer Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ return _rmr_realloc_payload(ptr_mbuf, new_len, copy, clone) _rmr_free_msg = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_free_msg', None, [POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)]) def rmr_free_msg(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p): """ Releases the message buffer. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern void rmr_free_msg(rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf ) Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: c_void_p Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure Returns ------- None """ if ptr_mbuf is not None: _rmr_free_msg(ptr_mbuf) _rmr_payload_size = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_payload_size', c_int, [POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)]) def rmr_payload_size(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p) -> int: """ Gets the number of bytes available in the payload. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern int rmr_payload_size(rmr_mbuf_t* msg) Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: c_void_p Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure Returns ------- int: Number of bytes available """ return _rmr_payload_size(ptr_mbuf) """ The following functions all seem to have the same interface """ _rmr_send_msg = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_send_msg', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [c_void_p, POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)]) def rmr_send_msg(vctx: c_void_p, ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)) -> POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t): """ Sends the message according to the routing table and returns an empty buffer. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_send_msg(void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg) Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context ptr_mbuf: c_void_p Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ return _rmr_send_msg(vctx, ptr_mbuf) # TODO: the old message (Send param) is actually optional, but I don't know how to specify that in Ctypes. _rmr_rcv_msg = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_rcv_msg', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [c_void_p, POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)]) def rmr_rcv_msg(vctx: c_void_p, ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)) -> POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t): """ Waits for a message to arrive, and returns it. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_rcv_msg(void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* old_msg) Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context ptr_mbuf: c_void_p Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ return _rmr_rcv_msg(vctx, ptr_mbuf) _rmr_torcv_msg = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_torcv_msg', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [c_void_p, POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), c_int]) def rmr_torcv_msg(vctx: c_void_p, ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), ms_to: int) -> POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t): """ Waits up to the timeout value for a message to arrive, and returns it. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_torcv_msg(void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* old_msg, int ms_to) Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context ptr_mbuf: c_void_p Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure ms_to: int Time out value in milliseconds Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ return _rmr_torcv_msg(vctx, ptr_mbuf, ms_to) _rmr_rts_msg = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_rts_msg', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [c_void_p, POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)]) def rmr_rts_msg(vctx: c_void_p, ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), payload=None, mtype=None) -> POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t): """ Sends a message to the originating endpoint and returns an empty buffer. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_rts_msg(void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg) additional features beyond c-rmr: if payload is not None, attempts to set the payload if mtype is not None, sets the sbuf's message type Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an RMR context ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an RMR message buffer payload: bytes Payload mtype: bytes Message type Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ if payload: set_payload_and_length(payload, ptr_mbuf) if mtype: ptr_mbuf.contents.mtype = mtype return _rmr_rts_msg(vctx, ptr_mbuf) _rmr_call = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_call', POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), [c_void_p, POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)]) def rmr_call(vctx: c_void_p, ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)) -> POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t): """ Sends a message, waits for a response and returns it. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_call(void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg) Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an RMR message buffer Returns ------- c_void_p: Pointer to rmr_mbuf structure """ return _rmr_call(vctx, ptr_mbuf) _rmr_bytes2meid = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_bytes2meid', c_int, [POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), c_char_p, c_int]) def rmr_set_meid(ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), byte_str: bytes) -> int: """ Sets the managed entity field in the message and returns the number of bytes copied. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern int rmr_bytes2meid(rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf, unsigned char const* src, int len); Caution: the meid length supported in an RMR message is 32 bytes, but C applications expect this to be a nil terminated string and thus only 31 bytes are actually available. Raises: exceptions.MeidSizeOutOfRang Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an RMR message buffer byte_tr: bytes Managed entity ID value Returns ------- int: number of bytes copied """ max = _get_rmr_constant("RMR_MAX_MEID", 32) if len(byte_str) >= max: raise MeidSizeOutOfRange return _rmr_bytes2meid(ptr_mbuf, byte_str, len(byte_str)) # CAUTION: Some of the C functions expect a mutable buffer to copy the bytes into; # if there is a get_* function below, use it to set up and return the # buffer properly. # extern unsigned char* rmr_get_meid(rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf, unsigned char* dest); # we don't provide direct access to this function (unless it is asked for) because it is not really useful to provide your own buffer. # Rather, rmr_get_meid does this for you, and just returns the string. _rmr_get_meid = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_get_meid', c_char_p, [POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), c_char_p]) def rmr_get_meid(ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t)) -> bytes: """ Gets the managed entity ID (meid) from the message header. This is a python-friendly version of RMR C method:: extern unsigned char* rmr_get_meid(rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf, unsigned char* dest); Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an RMR message buffer Returns ------- bytes: Managed entity ID """ sz = _get_rmr_constant("RMR_MAX_MEID", 32) # size for buffer to fill buf = create_string_buffer(sz) _rmr_get_meid(ptr_mbuf, buf) return buf.value _rmr_get_src = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_get_src', c_char_p, [POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), c_char_p]) def rmr_get_src(ptr_mbuf: POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t), dest: c_char_p) -> c_char_p: """ Copies the message-source information to the buffer. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: extern unsigned char* rmr_get_src(rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf, unsigned char* dest); Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes POINTER(rmr_mbuf_t) Pointer to an RMR message buffer dest: ctypes c_char_p Pointer to a buffer to receive the message source Returns ------- string: message-source information """ return _rmr_get_src(ptr_mbuf, dest) _rmr_set_vlevel = _wrap_rmr_function('rmr_set_vlevel', None, [c_int]) def rmr_set_vlevel(new_level: c_int): """ Sets the verbosity level which determines the messages RMR writes to standard error. Refer to RMR C documentation for method:: void rmr_set_vlevel( int new_level ) Parameters ---------- new_level: int New logging verbosity level, an integer in the range 0 (none) to 5 (debug). """ _rmr_set_vlevel(new_level) # Methods that exist ONLY in rmr-python, and are not wrapped methods # In hindsight, I wish i put these in a separate module, but leaving this here to prevent api breakage. def get_payload(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p) -> bytes: """ Gets the binary payload from the rmr_buf_t*. Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an rmr message buffer Returns ------- bytes: the message payload """ # Logic came from the answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55103298/python-ctypes-read-pointerc-char-in-python sz = ptr_mbuf.contents.len CharArr = c_char * sz return CharArr(*ptr_mbuf.contents.payload[:sz]).raw def get_xaction(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p) -> bytes: """ Gets the transaction ID from the rmr_buf_t*. Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an rmr message buffer Returns ------- bytes: the transaction id """ val = cast(ptr_mbuf.contents.xaction, c_char_p).value sz = _get_rmr_constant("RMR_MAX_XID", 0) return val[:sz] def message_summary(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p) -> dict: """ Builds a dict with the contents of an RMR message. Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an RMR message buffer Returns ------- dict: Message content as key-value pairs; keys are defined as RMR_MS_* constants. """ return { RMR_MS_PAYLOAD: get_payload(ptr_mbuf) if ptr_mbuf.contents.state == RMR_OK else None, RMR_MS_PAYLOAD_LEN: ptr_mbuf.contents.len, RMR_MS_MSG_TYPE: ptr_mbuf.contents.mtype, RMR_MS_SUB_ID: ptr_mbuf.contents.sub_id, RMR_MS_TRN_ID: get_xaction(ptr_mbuf), RMR_MS_MSG_STATE: ptr_mbuf.contents.state, RMR_MS_MSG_STATUS: state_to_status(ptr_mbuf.contents.state), RMR_MS_PAYLOAD_MAX: rmr_payload_size(ptr_mbuf), RMR_MS_MEID: rmr_get_meid(ptr_mbuf), RMR_MS_MSG_SOURCE: get_src(ptr_mbuf), RMR_MS_ERRNO: ptr_mbuf.contents.tp_state, } def set_payload_and_length(byte_str: bytes, ptr_mbuf: c_void_p): """ Sets an rmr payload and content length. Parameters ---------- byte_str: bytes the bytes to set the payload to ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an rmr message buffer Returns ------- None """ if rmr_payload_size(ptr_mbuf) < len(byte_str): # existing message payload too small ptr_mbuf = rmr_realloc_payload(ptr_mbuf, len(byte_str), True) memmove(ptr_mbuf.contents.payload, byte_str, len(byte_str)) ptr_mbuf.contents.len = len(byte_str) def generate_and_set_transaction_id(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p): """ Generates a UUID and sets the RMR transaction id to it Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an rmr message buffer """ set_transaction_id(ptr_mbuf, uuid.uuid1().hex.encode("utf-8")) def set_transaction_id(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p, tid_bytes: bytes): """ Sets an RMR transaction id TODO: on next API break, merge these two functions. Not done now to preserve API. Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an rmr message buffer tid_bytes: bytes bytes of the desired transaction id """ sz = _get_rmr_constant("RMR_MAX_XID", 0) memmove(ptr_mbuf.contents.xaction, tid_bytes, sz) def get_src(ptr_mbuf: c_void_p) -> str: """ Gets the message source (likely host:port) Parameters ---------- ptr_mbuf: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to an rmr message buffer Returns ------- string: message source """ sz = _get_rmr_constant("RMR_MAX_SRC", 64) # size to fill buf = create_string_buffer(sz) rmr_get_src(ptr_mbuf, buf) return buf.value.decode()