# ================================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. # Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ================================================================================== """ Provides classes and methods to define, raise, reraise and clear alarms. All actions are implemented by sending RMR messages to the Alarm Adapter. The alarm target host and port are set by environment variables. The alarm message contents comply with the JSON schema in file alarm-schema.json. """ from ctypes import c_void_p from enum import Enum, auto import json import os import time from mdclogpy import Logger from ricxappframe.rmr import rmr from ricxappframe.alarm.exceptions import InitFailed ############## # PRIVATE API ############## mdc_logger = Logger(name=__name__) RETRIES = 4 ############## # PUBLIC API ############## # constants RIC_ALARM_UPDATE = 110 ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_NAME_ENV = "ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_NAME" ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_PORT_ENV = "ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_PORT" # Publish dict keys as constants for convenience of client code. # Mixed lower/upper casing to comply with the Adapter JSON requirements. KEY_ALARM = "alarm" KEY_MANAGED_OBJECT_ID = "managedObjectId" KEY_APPLICATION_ID = "applicationId" KEY_SPECIFIC_PROBLEM = "specificProblem" KEY_PERCEIVED_SEVERITY = "perceivedSeverity" KEY_ADDITIONAL_INFO = "additionalInfo" KEY_IDENTIFYING_INFO = "identifyingInfo" KEY_ALARM_ACTION = "AlarmAction" KEY_ALARM_TIME = "AlarmTime" class AlarmAction(Enum): """ Action to perform at the Alarm Adapter """ RAISE = auto() CLEAR = auto() CLEARALL = auto() class AlarmSeverity(Enum): """ Severity of an alarm """ UNSPECIFIED = auto() CRITICAL = auto() MAJOR = auto() MINOR = auto() WARNING = auto() CLEARED = auto() DEFAULT = auto() class AlarmDetail(dict): """ An alarm that can be raised or cleared. Parameters ---------- managed_object_id: str The name of the managed object that is the cause of the fault (required) application_id: str The name of the process that raised the alarm (required) specific_problem: int The problem that is the cause of the alarm perceived_severity: AlarmSeverity The severity of the alarm, a value from the enum. identifying_info: str Identifying additional information, which is part of alarm identity additional_info: str Additional information given by the application (optional) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, managed_object_id: str, application_id: str, specific_problem: int, perceived_severity: AlarmSeverity, identifying_info: str, additional_info: str = ""): """ Creates an object with the specified items. """ dict.__init__(self) self[KEY_MANAGED_OBJECT_ID] = managed_object_id self[KEY_APPLICATION_ID] = application_id self[KEY_SPECIFIC_PROBLEM] = specific_problem self[KEY_PERCEIVED_SEVERITY] = perceived_severity.name self[KEY_IDENTIFYING_INFO] = identifying_info self[KEY_ADDITIONAL_INFO] = additional_info class AlarmManager: """ Provides an API for an Xapp to raise and clear alarms by sending messages via RMR directly to an Alarm Adapter. Requires environment variables ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_NAME and ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_PORT with the destination host (service) name and port number; raises an exception if not found. Parameters ---------- vctx: ctypes c_void_p Pointer to RMR context obtained by initializing RMR. The context is used to allocate space and send messages. managed_object_id: str The name of the managed object that raises alarms application_id: str The name of the process that raises alarms """ def __init__(self, vctx: c_void_p, managed_object_id: str, application_id: str): """ Creates an alarm manager. """ self.vctx = vctx self.managed_object_id = managed_object_id self.application_id = application_id service = os.environ.get(ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_NAME_ENV, None) port = os.environ.get(ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_PORT_ENV, None) if service is None or port is None: mdc_logger.error("init: missing env var(s) {0}, {1}".format(ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_NAME_ENV, ALARM_MGR_SERVICE_PORT_ENV)) raise InitFailed target = "{0}:{1}".format(service, port) self._wormhole_id = rmr.rmr_wh_open(self.vctx, target.encode('utf-8')) if rmr.rmr_wh_state(self.vctx, self._wormhole_id) != rmr.RMR_OK: mdc_logger.error("init: failed to open wormhole to target {}".format(target)) raise InitFailed def create_alarm(self, specific_problem: int, perceived_severity: AlarmSeverity, identifying_info: str, additional_info: str = ""): """ Convenience method that creates an alarm instance, an AlarmDetail object, using cached values for the managed object ID and application ID. Parameters ---------- specific_problem: int The problem that is the cause of the alarm perceived_severity: AlarmSeverity The severity of the alarm, a value from the enum. identifying_info: str Identifying additional information, which is part of alarm identity additional_info: str Additional information given by the application (optional) Returns ------- AlarmDetail """ return AlarmDetail(managed_object_id=self.managed_object_id, application_id=self.application_id, specific_problem=specific_problem, perceived_severity=perceived_severity, identifying_info=identifying_info, additional_info=additional_info) @staticmethod def _create_alarm_message(alarm: AlarmDetail, action: AlarmAction): """ Creates a dict with the specified alarm detail plus action and time. Uses the current system time in milliseconds since the Epoch. Parameters ---------- detail: AlarmDetail The alarm details. action: AlarmAction The action to perform at the Alarm Adapter on this alarm. """ return { **alarm, KEY_ALARM_ACTION: action.name, KEY_ALARM_TIME: int(round(time.time() * 1000)) } def _rmr_send_alarm(self, msg: dict): """ Serializes the dict and sends the result via RMR using a predefined message type to the wormhole initialized at start. Parameters ---------- msg: dict Dictionary with alarm message to encode and send Returns ------- bool True if the send succeeded (possibly with retries), False otherwise """ payload = json.dumps(msg).encode() mdc_logger.debug("_rmr_send_alarm: payload is {}".format(payload)) sbuf = rmr.rmr_alloc_msg(vctx=self.vctx, size=len(payload), payload=payload, mtype=RIC_ALARM_UPDATE, gen_transaction_id=True) for _ in range(0, RETRIES): sbuf = rmr.rmr_wh_send_msg(self.vctx, self._wormhole_id, sbuf) post_send_summary = rmr.message_summary(sbuf) mdc_logger.debug("_rmr_send_alarm: try {0} result is {1}".format(_, post_send_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_STATE])) # stop trying if RMR does not indicate retry if post_send_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_STATE] != rmr.RMR_ERR_RETRY: break rmr.rmr_free_msg(sbuf) if post_send_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_STATE] != rmr.RMR_OK: mdc_logger.warning("_rmr_send_alarm: failed after {} retries".format(RETRIES)) return False return True def raise_alarm(self, detail: AlarmDetail): """ Builds and sends a message to the AlarmAdapter to raise an alarm with the specified detail. Parameters ---------- detail: AlarmDetail Alarm to raise Returns ------- bool True if the send succeeded (possibly with retries), False otherwise """ msg = self._create_alarm_message(detail, AlarmAction.RAISE) return self._rmr_send_alarm(msg) def clear_alarm(self, detail: AlarmDetail): """ Builds and sends a message to the AlarmAdapter to clear the alarm with the specified detail. Parameters ---------- detail: AlarmDetail Alarm to clear Returns ------- bool True if the send succeeded (possibly with retries), False otherwise """ msg = self._create_alarm_message(detail, AlarmAction.CLEAR) return self._rmr_send_alarm(msg) def reraise_alarm(self, detail: AlarmDetail): """ Builds and sends a message to the AlarmAdapter to clear the alarm with the the specified detail, then builds and sends a message to raise the alarm again. Parameters ---------- detail: AlarmDetail Alarm to clear and raise again. Returns ------- bool True if the send succeeded (possibly with retries), False otherwise """ success = self.clear_alarm(detail) if success: success = self.raise_alarm(detail) return success def clear_all_alarms(self): """ Builds and sends a message to the AlarmAdapter to clear all alarms. Returns ------- bool True if the send succeeded (possibly with retries), False otherwise """ detail = self.create_alarm(0, AlarmSeverity.DEFAULT, "", "") msg = self._create_alarm_message(detail, AlarmAction.CLEARALL) return self._rmr_send_alarm(msg)