*** Settings *** Documentation Routines for managing interactions with the E2 Simulator Resource ../global_properties.robot Library KubernetesEntity ${NAMESPACE} Library E2SimUtils ${DBHOST} ${DBPORT} *** Variables *** ${DBHOST} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_DBAAS_IP_ADDR} ${DBPORT} ${GLOBAL_DBAAS_SERVER_PORT} ${NAMESPACE} ${GLOBAL_RICPLT_NAMESPACE} *** Keywords *** Generate RAN Name [Documentation] Generate a new RAN name suitable for use with E2 [Arguments] ${ran_name_prefix}=${EMPTY} ${resp} = randomRANName ${ran_name_prefix} [Return] ${resp} Delete RAN Database Entry [Documentation] Delete the RNIB record for a specific RAN Name [Arguments] ${ran_name} ${gnbs} = gNodeBDelete ${ran_name} Dictionary Should Contain Key ${gnbs} ${ran_name} Restart E2 Simulator [Documentation] Restart all E2Sim pods [Arguments] ${deployment}= ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_E2MGR_DEPLOYMENT} ${resp} = Redeploy ${deployment} [Return] ${resp}