# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from kubernetes import client, config import sys import string import random import time import ssl import asyncio import websockets import urllib.parse # This library provides a massively-simplified interface to the kubernetes # API library to reduce bloat in robot tests. class KubernetesEntity(object): def __init__(self, namespace): self._ns = namespace self._annotationGensym = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(16)) # FIXME: this needs to be configurable. config.load_kube_config() self._k8sApp = client.AppsV1Api() self._k8sCore = client.CoreV1Api() self._k8sEV1B1 = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api() def Deployment(self, name, namespace=None): # this will throw kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException if # the deployment doesn't exist. we'll let robot cope with # that. # calling code will most likely want to check that # deploy.status.replicas == deploy.status.available_replicas return self._k8sApp.read_namespaced_deployment(namespace=namespace or self._ns, name=name) def StatefulSet(self, name, namespace=None): # as above, but for statefulsets, and with the assumption # that the typical check here sfst.replicas == sfst.ready_replicas return self._k8sApp.read_namespaced_stateful_set(namespace = namespace or self._ns, name=name) def Service(self, name, namespace=None): # as above, we'll rely on this to throw if the svc dne. # not much to check directly here. calling code will want # to hit svc.spec.cluster_ip:r.spec.ports[0..n] with some # sort of health-check request return self._k8sCore.read_namespaced_service(namespace=namespace or self._ns, name=name) def Pod(self, name, namepsace=None): return self._k8sCore.read_namespaced_pod(namespace=namespace or self._ns, name=name) def Redeploy(self, name, wait=True, timeout=30, namespace=None): # restart an existing deployment by doing a nonsense update # to its spec. body = {'spec': {'template': {'metadata': {'annotations': { self._annotationGensym: str(time.time()) }}}}} r = self._k8sEV1B1.patch_namespaced_deployment(namespace=namespace or self._ns, name=name, body=body) if wait: r = self.WaitForDeployment(name, timeout, namespace=namespace or self._ns) return r def WaitForDeployment(self, name, timeout=30, namespace=None): # block until a deployment is available while timeout > 0: dep = self.Deployment(name, namespace=namespace or self._ns) if dep and dep.status.conditions[-1].type == 'Available': return True time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 raise TimeoutError('Kubernetes timeout waiting for ' + name + ' to become available') def RetrievePodsForDeployment(self, name, namespace=None): # return the pod names associated with a deployment d = self.Deployment(name, namespace or self._ns) labels = d.spec.selector.match_labels pods = self._k8sCore.list_namespaced_pod(namespace or self._ns, label_selector=",".join(map(lambda k: k + "=" + labels[k], labels))) return list(map(lambda i: i.metadata.name, pods.items)) def RetrieveLogForPod(self, pod, container='', tail=sys.maxsize, namespace=None): # not really an "entity" thing per se, but. # kinda want to include timestamps, but i don't have a use case for them. return self._k8sCore.read_namespaced_pod_log(namespace=namespace or self._ns, name=pod, container=container, tail_lines=tail).split('\n')[0:-1] def ExecuteCommandInPod(self, pod, cmd, strip_newlines=True, namespace=None): # near as i can tell, the python k8s client doesn't implement # 'kubectl exec'. this is near enough for our purposes. # 'cmd' is an argv list. channels={1: 'stdout', 2: 'stderr', 3: 'k8s'} output={'stdout': [], 'stderr': [], 'k8s': []} path='/api/v1/namespaces/%s/pods/%s/exec?%s&stdin=false&stderr=true&stdout=true&tty=false' % \ (namespace or self._ns, pod, urllib.parse.urlencode({'command': cmd}, doseq=True)) # we could probably cache and reuse the sslcontext, but meh, we're not # after performance here. ctx=ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) c = client.Configuration() async def ExecCoroutine(): # base64.channel.k8s.io is also a valid subprotocol, but i don't see any # reason to support it. async with websockets.connect(uri,\ ssl=ctx,\ subprotocols=["channel.k8s.io"],\ extra_headers=c.api_key) as ws: async for message in ws: if message[0] in channels and (not strip_newlines or len(message) > 1): # we probably should throw up if we get an unrecognized channel, but # i really don't want to be bothered with asyncio exception handling # for that vanishingly improbable case. output[channels[message[0]]].extend(message[1:-1].decode('utf-8').split('\n')) ctx.load_verify_locations(c.ssl_ca_cert) if(c.cert_file and c.key_file): ctx.load_cert_chain(c.cert_file, c.key_file) uri = 'wss://%s%s' % (c.host.lstrip('https://'), path) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ExecCoroutine()) return(output)