*** settings *** Documentation Negative tests for the AppMgr: ensure that AppMgr produces expected errors for a variety of invalid requests Library Collections Library UUID Resource /robot/resources/global_properties.robot Resource appmgr_interface.robot *** Keywords *** Deploy Duplicate XApp And Expect Error [Documentation] Ensure AppMgr produces an appropriate error when an already-running XApp is deployed @{d} = Get Deployed XApps Should Not Be Empty ${d} No XApps currently deployed @{names} = Pluck name ${d} ${xapp} = Evaluate random.choice(${names}) random ${status} ${u} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Deploy XApp ${xapp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${status} FAIL Undeploy Nondeployed XApp And Expect Error [Documentation] Ensure AppMgr produces an appropriate error when an existing but non-running XApp is deleted @{d} = Get Deployed XApps @{a} = Get Deployable XApps Should Not Be Empty ${a} No XApps available to deploy @{dNames} = Pluck name ${d} @{a} = Subtract From List ${a} ${dNames} Should Not Be Empty ${a} No undeployed XApps ${xapp} = Evaluate random.choice(${a}) random ${status} ${u} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Undeploy XApp ${xapp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${status} FAIL Request Nonexistent XApp And Expect Error [Documentation] Ensure AppMgr produces an appropriate error when retrieving a nonexistent XApp ${xapp} = Generate UUID ${status} ${u} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get XApp By Name {$xapp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${status} FAIL