# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # Copyright (c) 2020 HCL Technologies Limited. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. **settings *** Documentation Keywords for interacting with the XApp Manager, including listing, deploying, and undeploying XApps Library RequestsLibrary Library Process Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Resource /robot/resources/global_properties.robot Resource /robot/resources/ric/ric_utils.robot *** Variables *** ${APPMGR_BASE_PATH} /ric/v1/xapps ${APPMGR_ENDPOINT} ${GLOBAL_APPMGR_SERVER_PROTOCOL}://${GLOBAL_INJECTED_APPMGR_IP_ADDR}:${GLOBAL_APPMGR_SERVER_PORT} *** Keywords *** Run AppMgr Health Check [Documentation] Runs AppMgr Health check ${resp}= Run Keyword Get Deployed XApps Get Deployed XApps [Documentation] Obtain the list of deployed XApps from the Appmgr ${resp} = Run AppMgr GET Request [Return] ${resp.json()} Get Deployable XApps [Documentation] Obtain the list of deployed XApps from the Appmgr #${resp} = Run AppMgr GET Request /search/ ${resp} = Run AppMgr GET Request Should Be True ${resp} [Return] ${resp.json()} Get XApp By Name [Documentation] Get installed XApp from Appmgr given name [Arguments] ${xapp_name} ${resp} = Run AppMgr GET Request /${xapp_name} Should Be True ${resp} [Return] ${resp.json()} Get XApp By Name and ID [Documentation] Get installed XApp from Appmgr by name and ID [Arguments] ${xapp_name} ${xapp_id} ${resp}= Run AppMgr GET Request /${xapp_name}/${xapp_id}/ Should Be True ${resp} [Return] ${resp.json()} Deploy XApp [Documentation] Create Xapp [Arguments] ${xapp_name} &{dict} = Create Dictionary xappName=${xapp_name} ${data} = Evaluate json.dumps(&{dict}) json Log To Console ${dict} Log To Console ${data} ${resp} = Run AppMgr POST Request ${EMPTY} ${data} Should Be True ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Deploy XApps [Documentation] Create one or more XApps [Arguments] @{xapp_names} FOR ${xapp} IN @{xapp_names} Deploy XApp ${xapp} END Undeploy XApp [Documentation] Remove a deployed XApp [Arguments] ${xapp_name} ${resp} = Run AppMgr DELETE Request /${xapp_name} Should Be True ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Undeploy XApps [Documentation] Remove one or more deployed XApps [Arguments] @{xapp_names} FOR ${xapp} IN @{xapp_names} Undeploy XApp ${xapp} Deploy All Available XApps [Documentation] Attempt to deploy any not-currently-deployed XApp @{d} = Get Deployed XApps @{deployed} = Pluck name ${d} @{available} = Get Deployable XApps @{toDeploy} = Subtract From List ${available} ${deployed} Deploy XApps @{toDeploy} Undeploy All Running XApps [Documentation] Undeploy any deployed XApps @{d} = Get Deployed XApps @{deployed} = Pluck name ${d} Run Keyword If ${deployed} Undeploy XApps @{deployed} Run AppMgr GET Request [Documentation] Make an HTTP GET request against the XApp manager [Arguments] ${path}=${EMPTY} ${session} = Create Session roboAppmgrGet ${APPMGR_ENDPOINT} ${headers} = Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json ${resp} = Get Request roboAppmgrGet ${APPMGR_BASE_PATH}${path} headers=${headers} [Return] ${resp} Run AppMgr POST Request [Documentation] Make an HTTP POST request against the XApp manager [Arguments] ${path}=${EMPTY} ${body}=${EMPTY} ${session} = Create Session roboAppmgrPost ${APPMGR_ENDPOINT} ${headers} = Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json Log To Console ${headers}.... Log To Console ${body}.... ${resp} = Post Request roboAppmgrPost ${APPMGR_BASE_PATH}${path} headers=${headers} data=${body} [Return] ${resp} Run AppMgr DELETE Request [Documentation] Make an HTTP DELETE request against the XApp manager [Arguments] ${path} ${session} = Create Session roboAppmgrDelete ${APPMGR_ENDPOINT} ${headers} = Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json ${resp} = Delete Request roboAppmgrDelete ${APPMGR_BASE_PATH}${path} headers=${headers} [Return] ${resp}