{{- $domain := default "cluster.local" .Values.ric.cluster.domain }} {{- $ricpltNS := include "common.namespace.platform" . }} {{- $xappNS := include "common.namespace.xapp" . }} {{- $ricplt := printf "%s.svc.%s" $ricpltNS $domain }} {{- $release := default "r1" .Values.ric.robot.release }} # *** Settings *** Documentation store all properties that can change or are used in multiple places here ... format is all caps with underscores between words and prepended with GLOBAL ... make sure you prepend them with GLOBAL so that other files can easily see it is from this file. *** Variables *** &{GLOBAL_RICPLT_COMPONENTS} {{- range keys .Values.ric.platform.components }} ... {{.}}={{include (printf "common.deploymentname.%s" .) $}} {{- end }} &{GLOBAL_RICPLT_XAPPS} {{- range keys .Values.ric.xapp }} ... {{.}}={{ printf "%s-%s" $xappNS . }} {{- end }} # ${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} {{ default "r0" .Values.ric.robot.release | printf "nanobot-%s" }} ${GLOBAL_BUILD_NUMBER} {{ default "0" .Values.ric.platform.build }} ${GLOBAL_RICPLT_NAMESPACE} {{ $ricpltNS }} # ${GLOBAL_APPMGR_SERVER_PROTOCOL} {{ default "http" .Values.ric.platform.components.appmgr.protocol }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_APPMGR_IP_ADDR} {{ printf "%s.%s" (include "common.servicename.appmgr.http" .) $ricplt }} ${GLOBAL_APPMGR_SERVER_PORT} {{ include "common.serviceport.appmgr.http" . }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_APPMGR_USER} {{ .Values.ric.platform.components.appmgr.user }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_APPMGR_PASSWORD} {{ .Values.ric.platform.components.appmgr.password }} # ${GLOBAL_E2MGR_SERVER_PROTOCOL} {{ default "http" .Values.ric.platform.components.e2mgr.protocol }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_E2MGR_IP_ADDR} {{ printf "%s.%s" (include "common.servicename.e2mgr.http" .) $ricplt }} ${GLOBAL_E2MGR_SERVER_PORT} {{ include "common.serviceport.e2mgr.http" . }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_E2MGR_USER} {{ .Values.ric.platform.components.e2mgr.user }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_E2MGR_PASSWORD} {{ .Values.ric.platform.components.e2mgr.password }} # ${GLOBAL_RTMGR_SERVER_PROTOCOL} {{ default "http" .Values.ric.platform.components.rtmgr.protocol }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_RTMGR_IP_ADDR} {{ printf "%s.%s" (include "common.servicename.rtmgr.http" .) $ricplt }} ${GLOBAL_RTMGR_SERVER_PORT} {{ include "common.serviceport.e2mgr.http" . }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_RTMGR_USER} {{ .Values.ric.platform.components.rtmgr.user }} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_RTMGR_PASSWORD} {{ .Values.ric.platform.components.rtmgr.password }} # ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_DBAAS_IP_ADDR} {{ printf "%s.%s" (include "common.servicename.dbaas.tcp" .) $ricplt }} ${GLOBAL_DBAAS_SERVER_PORT} {{ include "common.serviceport.dbaas.tcp" . }} # ${GLOBAL_TEST_XAPP} {{ default "xapp-std" .Values.ric.robot.environment.xapp }} # ${GLOBAL_TEST_NODEB_NAME} {{ default "AAAA456789" .Values.ric.robot.environment.gNodeB.name }} ${GLOBAL_TEST_NODEB_ADDRESS} {{ default "" .Values.ric.robot.environment.gNodeB.address }} ${GLOBAL_TEST_NODEB_PORT} {{ default "36421" .Values.ric.robot.environment.gNodeB.port }}