/***************************************************************************** # * # Copyright 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property * # Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * # Copyright (c) 2020 HCL Technologies Limited. * # * # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * # You may obtain a copy of the License at * # * # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * # * # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * # limitations under the License. * # * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "e2sim.hpp" #include "e2sim_defs.h" #include "e2sim_sctp.hpp" #include "e2ap_message_handler.hpp" #include "encode_e2apv1.hpp" using namespace std; int client_fd = 0; std::unordered_map E2Sim::getRegistered_ran_functions() { return ran_functions_registered; } void E2Sim::register_subscription_callback(long func_id, SubscriptionCallback cb) { fprintf(stderr,"%%%%about to register callback for subscription for func_id %d\n", func_id); subscription_callbacks[func_id] = cb; } SubscriptionCallback E2Sim::get_subscription_callback(long func_id) { fprintf(stderr, "%%%%we are getting the subscription callback for func id %d\n", func_id); SubscriptionCallback cb; try { cb = subscription_callbacks.at(func_id); } catch(const std::out_of_range& e) { throw std::out_of_range("Function ID is not registered"); } return cb; } void E2Sim::register_e2sm(long func_id, OCTET_STRING_t *ostr) { //Error conditions: //If we already have an entry for func_id printf("%%%%about to register e2sm func desc for %d\n", func_id); ran_functions_registered[func_id] = ostr; } void E2Sim::encode_and_send_sctp_data(E2AP_PDU_t* pdu) { uint8_t *buf; sctp_buffer_t data; int procedureCodeValue = e2ap_asn1c_get_procedureCode(pdu); data.len = e2ap_asn1c_encode_pdu(pdu, &buf); memcpy(data.buffer, buf, min(data.len, MAX_SCTP_BUFFER)); if(procedureCodeValue == ProcedureCode_id_RICindication){ fprintf(stderr, "RIC Indication Procedurecode : %d \n",procedureCodeValue); struct timeval ts_recv; struct timeval ts_sent; std::fstream io_file; sctp_send_data(client_fd, data); gettimeofday(&ts_sent, NULL); sctp_buffer_t recv_buf; if(sctp_receive_data(client_fd, recv_buf) > 0){ gettimeofday(&ts_recv, NULL); E2AP_PDU_t* pdu = (E2AP_PDU_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(E2AP_PDU)); ASN_STRUCT_RESET(asn_DEF_E2AP_PDU, pdu); asn_transfer_syntax syntax; syntax = ATS_ALIGNED_BASIC_PER; auto rval = asn_decode(nullptr, syntax, &asn_DEF_E2AP_PDU, (void **) &pdu,recv_buf.buffer, recv_buf.len); int control_procedureCode = e2ap_asn1c_get_procedureCode(pdu); fprintf(stderr, "Received Msg procedurecode is: %d\nfull buffer is : %s\n",control_procedureCode, recv_buf.buffer); //Received control procedure code is 111 because bouncer xapp not doing any pdu contraction/encode for control msg and its simply sending the msg for round trip calculation if(control_procedureCode == 111 ){ io_file.open("e2sim_timestamp.txt", std::ios::in|std::ios::out|std::ios::app); io_file << "Sent RIC Indication at time: " << (ts_sent.tv_sec * 1000000) + (ts_sent.tv_usec) << std::endl; fprintf(stderr, "Sent RIC Indication at time: %ld\n" ,((ts_sent.tv_sec * 1000000) + (ts_sent.tv_usec))); io_file << "Received RIC Control Msg at time: " << (ts_recv.tv_sec * 1000000) + (ts_recv.tv_usec) << std::endl; fprintf(stderr,"Received RIC Control Msg at time: %ld\n" ,((ts_recv.tv_sec * 1000000) + (ts_recv.tv_usec))); io_file << "Time diff in Microseconds:" << ((ts_recv.tv_sec - ts_sent.tv_sec)*1000000 + (ts_recv.tv_usec - ts_sent.tv_usec)) << std::endl; fprintf(stderr, "Time diff in Microseconds: %ld\n",(((ts_recv.tv_sec - ts_sent.tv_sec)*1000000 + (ts_recv.tv_usec - ts_sent.tv_usec)))); io_file.close(); } } } else{ sctp_send_data(client_fd, data); } } void E2Sim::wait_for_sctp_data() { sctp_buffer_t recv_buf; if(sctp_receive_data(client_fd, recv_buf) > 0) { LOG_I("[SCTP] Received new data of size %d", recv_buf.len); e2ap_handle_sctp_data(client_fd, recv_buf, false, this); } } void E2Sim::generate_e2apv1_subscription_response_success(E2AP_PDU *e2ap_pdu, long reqActionIdsAccepted[], long reqActionIdsRejected[], int accept_size, int reject_size, long reqRequestorId, long reqInstanceId) { encoding::generate_e2apv1_subscription_response_success(e2ap_pdu, reqActionIdsAccepted, reqActionIdsRejected, accept_size, reject_size, reqRequestorId, reqInstanceId); } void E2Sim::generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(E2AP_PDU *e2ap_pdu, long requestorId, long instanceId, long ranFunctionId, long actionId, long seqNum, uint8_t *ind_header_buf, int header_length, uint8_t *ind_message_buf, int message_length) { encoding::generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(e2ap_pdu, requestorId, instanceId, ranFunctionId, actionId, seqNum, ind_header_buf, header_length, ind_message_buf, message_length); } int E2Sim::run_loop(int argc, char* argv[]){ printf("Start E2 Agent (E2 Simulator\n"); ifstream simfile; string line; simfile.open("simulation.txt", ios::in); if (simfile.is_open()) { while (getline(simfile, line)) { cout << line << "\n"; } simfile.close(); } bool xmlenc = false; options_t ops = read_input_options(argc, argv); printf("After reading input options\n"); //E2 Agent will automatically restart upon sctp disconnection // int server_fd = sctp_start_server(ops.server_ip, ops.server_port); client_fd = sctp_start_client(ops.server_ip, ops.server_port); E2AP_PDU_t* pdu_setup = (E2AP_PDU_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU)); printf("After starting client\n"); printf("client_fd value is %d\n", client_fd); std::vector all_funcs; //Loop through RAN function definitions that are registered for (std::pair elem : ran_functions_registered) { printf("looping through ran func\n"); encoding::ran_func_info next_func; next_func.ranFunctionId = elem.first; next_func.ranFunctionDesc = elem.second; next_func.ranFunctionRev = (long)2; all_funcs.push_back(next_func); } printf("about to call setup request encode\n"); generate_e2apv1_setup_request_parameterized(pdu_setup, all_funcs); printf("After generating e2setup req\n"); xer_fprint(stderr, &asn_DEF_E2AP_PDU, pdu_setup); printf("After XER Encoding\n"); auto buffer_size = MAX_SCTP_BUFFER; unsigned char buffer[MAX_SCTP_BUFFER]; sctp_buffer_t data; char *error_buf = (char*)calloc(300, sizeof(char)); size_t errlen; asn_check_constraints(&asn_DEF_E2AP_PDU, pdu_setup, error_buf, &errlen); printf("error length %d\n", errlen); printf("error buf %s\n", error_buf); auto er = asn_encode_to_buffer(nullptr, ATS_ALIGNED_BASIC_PER, &asn_DEF_E2AP_PDU, pdu_setup, buffer, buffer_size); data.len = er.encoded; fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er.encoded); memcpy(data.buffer, buffer, er.encoded); if(sctp_send_data(client_fd, data) > 0) { LOG_I("[SCTP] Sent E2-SETUP-REQUEST"); } else { LOG_E("[SCTP] Unable to send E2-SETUP-REQUEST to peer"); } sctp_buffer_t recv_buf; LOG_I("[SCTP] Waiting for SCTP data"); while(1) //constantly looking for data on SCTP interface { if(sctp_receive_data(client_fd, recv_buf) <= 0) break; LOG_I("[SCTP] Received new data of size %d", recv_buf.len); e2ap_handle_sctp_data(client_fd, recv_buf, xmlenc, this); if (xmlenc) xmlenc = false; } return 0; }