/*- * ========================LICENSE_START================================= * O-RAN-SC * %% * Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================LICENSE_END=================================== */ package org.oransc.policyagent.tasks; import static org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Ric.RicState; import java.util.Vector; import org.oransc.policyagent.clients.A1Client; import org.oransc.policyagent.clients.A1ClientFactory; import org.oransc.policyagent.clients.AsyncRestClient; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.ImmutablePolicyType; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Lock.LockType; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Policies; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Policy; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.PolicyType; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.PolicyTypes; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Ric; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Service; import org.oransc.policyagent.repository.Services; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; /** * Synchronizes the content of a RIC with the content in the repository. This * means: *

* load all policy types *

* send all policy instances to the RIC *

* if that fails remove all policy instances *

* Notify subscribing services */ public class RicSynchronizationTask { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RicSynchronizationTask.class); private final A1ClientFactory a1ClientFactory; private final PolicyTypes policyTypes; private final Policies policies; private final Services services; public RicSynchronizationTask(A1ClientFactory a1ClientFactory, PolicyTypes policyTypes, Policies policies, Services services) { this.a1ClientFactory = a1ClientFactory; this.policyTypes = policyTypes; this.policies = policies; this.services = services; } @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2629") public void run(Ric ric) { logger.debug("Handling ric: {}", ric.getConfig().name()); synchronized (ric) { if (ric.getState() == RicState.SYNCHRONIZING) { logger.debug("Ric: {} is already being synchronized", ric.getConfig().name()); return; } ric.setState(RicState.SYNCHRONIZING); } ric.getLock().lockBlocking(LockType.EXCLUSIVE); // Make sure no NBI updates are running ric.getLock().unlock(); this.a1ClientFactory.createA1Client(ric)// .flatMapMany(client -> startSynchronization(ric, client)) // .subscribe(x -> logger.debug("Synchronize: {}", x), // throwable -> onSynchronizationError(ric, throwable), // () -> onSynchronizationComplete(ric)); } private Flux startSynchronization(Ric ric, A1Client a1Client) { Flux recoverTypes = synchronizePolicyTypes(ric, a1Client); Flux policiesDeletedInRic = a1Client.deleteAllPolicies(); Flux policiesRecreatedInRic = recreateAllPoliciesInRic(ric, a1Client); return Flux.concat(recoverTypes, policiesDeletedInRic, policiesRecreatedInRic); } @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2629") private void onSynchronizationComplete(Ric ric) { logger.debug("Synchronization completed for: {}", ric.name()); ric.setState(RicState.IDLE); notifyAllServices("Synchronization completed for:" + ric.name()); } private void notifyAllServices(String body) { synchronized (services) { for (Service service : services.getAll()) { String url = service.getCallbackUrl(); if (service.getCallbackUrl().length() > 0) { createNotificationClient(url) // .put("", body) // .subscribe( notUsed -> logger.debug("Service {} notified", service.getName()), throwable -> logger .warn("Service notification failed for service: {}", service.getName(), throwable), () -> logger.debug("All services notified")); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2629") private void onSynchronizationError(Ric ric, Throwable t) { logger.warn("Synchronization failed for ric: {}, reason: {}", ric.name(), t.getMessage()); // If recovery fails, try to remove all instances deleteAllPoliciesInRepository(ric); Flux recoverTypes = this.a1ClientFactory.createA1Client(ric) // .flatMapMany(a1Client -> synchronizePolicyTypes(ric, a1Client)); Flux deletePoliciesInRic = this.a1ClientFactory.createA1Client(ric) // .flatMapMany(a1Client -> a1Client.deleteAllPolicies()) // .doOnComplete(() -> deleteAllPoliciesInRepository(ric)); Flux.concat(recoverTypes, deletePoliciesInRic) // .subscribe(x -> logger.debug("Brute recover: " + x), // throwable -> onRecoveryError(ric, throwable), // () -> onSynchronizationComplete(ric)); } @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2629") private void onRecoveryError(Ric ric, Throwable t) { logger.warn("Synchronization failure recovery failed for ric: {}, reason: {}", ric.name(), t.getMessage()); ric.setState(RicState.UNDEFINED); } AsyncRestClient createNotificationClient(final String url) { return new AsyncRestClient(url); } private Flux synchronizePolicyTypes(Ric ric, A1Client a1Client) { return a1Client.getPolicyTypeIdentities() // .doOnNext(x -> ric.clearSupportedPolicyTypes()) // .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable) // .doOnNext(typeId -> logger.debug("For ric: {}, handling type: {}", ric.getConfig().name(), typeId)) // .flatMap(policyTypeId -> getPolicyType(policyTypeId, a1Client)) // .doOnNext(ric::addSupportedPolicyType); // } private Mono getPolicyType(String policyTypeId, A1Client a1Client) { if (policyTypes.contains(policyTypeId)) { return Mono.just(policyTypes.get(policyTypeId)); } return a1Client.getPolicyTypeSchema(policyTypeId) // .flatMap(schema -> createPolicyType(policyTypeId, schema)); } private Mono createPolicyType(String policyTypeId, String schema) { PolicyType pt = ImmutablePolicyType.builder().name(policyTypeId).schema(schema).build(); policyTypes.put(pt); return Mono.just(pt); } private void deleteAllPoliciesInRepository(Ric ric) { synchronized (policies) { for (Policy policy : policies.getForRic(ric.name())) { this.policies.remove(policy); } } } private Flux recreateAllPoliciesInRic(Ric ric, A1Client a1Client) { synchronized (policies) { return Flux.fromIterable(new Vector<>(policies.getForRic(ric.name()))) // .doOnNext( policy -> logger.debug("Recreating policy: {}, for ric: {}", policy.id(), ric.getConfig().name())) .flatMap(a1Client::putPolicy); } } }