/*- * ========================LICENSE_START================================= * O-RAN-SC * %% * Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================LICENSE_END=================================== */ package org.oransc.policyagent.repository; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.oransc.policyagent.configuration.RicConfig; /** * Represents the dynamic information about a NearRealtime-RIC. */ public class Ric { private final RicConfig ricConfig; private RicState state = RicState.NOT_INITIATED; private Map supportedPolicyTypes = new HashMap<>(); /** * Creates the Ric. Initial state is {@link RicState.NOT_INITIATED}. * * @param ricConfig The {@link RicConfig} for this Ric. */ public Ric(RicConfig ricConfig) { this.ricConfig = ricConfig; } public String name() { return ricConfig.name(); } public RicState state() { return state; } public void setState(RicState newState) { state = newState; } public RicConfig getConfig() { return this.ricConfig; } /** * Gets the nodes managed by this Ric. * * @return a vector containing the nodes managed by this Ric. */ public Vector getManagedNodes() { return ricConfig.managedElementIds(); } /** * Determines if the given node is managed by this Ric. * * @param nodeName the node name to check. * @return true if the given node is managed by this Ric. */ public boolean isManaging(String nodeName) { return ricConfig.managedElementIds().contains(nodeName); } /** * Adds the given node as managed by this Ric. * * @param nodeName the node to add. */ public void addManagedNode(String nodeName) { if (!ricConfig.managedElementIds().contains(nodeName)) { ricConfig.managedElementIds().add(nodeName); } } /** * Removes the given node as managed by this Ric. * * @param nodeName the node to remove. */ public void removeManagedNode(String nodeName) { ricConfig.managedElementIds().remove(nodeName); } /** * Gets the policy types supported by this Ric. * * @return the policy types supported by this Ric in an unmodifiable list. */ public Collection getSupportedPolicyTypes() { return supportedPolicyTypes.values(); } public Collection getSupportedPolicyTypeNames() { return supportedPolicyTypes.keySet(); } /** * Adds a policy type as supported by this Ric. * * @param type the policy type to support. */ public void addSupportedPolicyType(PolicyType type) { supportedPolicyTypes.put(type.name(), type); } /** * Adds policy types as supported by this Ric. * * @param types the policy types to support. */ public void addSupportedPolicyTypes(Collection types) { for (PolicyType type : types) { addSupportedPolicyType(type); } } /** * Removes a policy type as supported by this Ric. * * @param type the policy type to remove as supported by this Ric. */ public void removeSupportedPolicyType(PolicyType type) { supportedPolicyTypes.remove(type.name()); } /** * Checks if a type is supported by this Ric. * * @param type the type to check if it is supported. * * @return true if the given type issupported by this Ric, false otherwise. */ public boolean isSupportingType(String typeName) { return supportedPolicyTypes.containsKey(typeName); } /** * Represents the states possible for a Ric. */ public static enum RicState { /** * The Ric has not been initiated yet. */ NOT_INITIATED, /** * The Ric is working fine. */ ACTIVE, /** * Something is wrong with the Ric. */ FAULTY, /** * The node is unreachable at the moment. */ UNREACHABLE } }