/* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ package control import ( "fmt" "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/e2ap/pkg/e2ap" "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/e2ap/pkg/packer" rtmgrclient "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/submgr/pkg/rtmgr_client" rtmgrhandle "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/submgr/pkg/rtmgr_client/handle" "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/xapp-frame/pkg/xapp" httptransport "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/spf13/viper" "math/rand" "sync" "time" ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var subReqTime time.Duration = 5 * time.Second var subDelReqTime time.Duration = 5 * time.Second var maxSubReqTryCount uint64 = 2 // Initial try + retry var maxSubDelReqTryCount uint64 = 2 // Initial try + retry type Control struct { e2ap *E2ap registry *Registry tracker *Tracker timerMap *TimerMap rmrSendMutex sync.Mutex msgCounter uint64 } type RMRMeid struct { PlmnID string EnbID string RanName string } var seedSN uint16 const ( CREATE Action = 0 MERGE Action = 1 NONE Action = 2 DELETE Action = 3 ) func init() { xapp.Logger.Info("SUBMGR") viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.SetEnvPrefix("submgr") viper.AllowEmptyEnv(true) seedSN = uint16(viper.GetInt("seed_sn")) if seedSN == 0 { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) seedSN = uint16(rand.Intn(65535)) } if seedSN > 65535 { seedSN = 0 } xapp.Logger.Info("SUBMGR: Initial Sequence Number: %v", seedSN) } func NewControl() *Control { transport := httptransport.New(viper.GetString("rtmgr.HostAddr")+":"+viper.GetString("rtmgr.port"), viper.GetString("rtmgr.baseUrl"), []string{"http"}) client := rtmgrclient.New(transport, strfmt.Default) handle := rtmgrhandle.NewProvideXappSubscriptionHandleParamsWithTimeout(10 * time.Second) deleteHandle := rtmgrhandle.NewDeleteXappSubscriptionHandleParamsWithTimeout(10 * time.Second) rtmgrClient := RtmgrClient{client, handle, deleteHandle} registry := new(Registry) registry.Initialize(seedSN) registry.rtmgrClient = &rtmgrClient tracker := new(Tracker) tracker.Init() timerMap := new(TimerMap) timerMap.Init() return &Control{e2ap: new(E2ap), registry: registry, tracker: tracker, timerMap: timerMap, msgCounter: 0, } } func (c *Control) Run() { xapp.Run(c) } func (c *Control) rmrSendRaw(desc string, params *RMRParams) (err error) { xapp.Logger.Info("%s: %s", desc, params.String()) status := false i := 1 for ; i <= 10 && status == false; i++ { c.rmrSendMutex.Lock() status = xapp.Rmr.Send(params.RMRParams, false) c.rmrSendMutex.Unlock() if status == false { xapp.Logger.Info("rmr.Send() failed. Retry count %d, %s", i, params.String()) time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) } } if status == false { err = fmt.Errorf("rmr.Send() failed. Retry count %d, %s", i, params.String()) xapp.Logger.Error("%s: %s", desc, err.Error()) xapp.Rmr.Free(params.Mbuf) } return } func (c *Control) rmrSend(desc string, subs *Subscription, trans *Transaction, payload *packer.PackedData) (err error) { params := &RMRParams{&xapp.RMRParams{}} params.Mtype = trans.GetMtype() params.SubId = int(subs.GetSubId()) params.Xid = "" params.Meid = subs.GetMeid() params.Src = "" params.PayloadLen = len(payload.Buf) params.Payload = payload.Buf params.Mbuf = nil return c.rmrSendRaw(desc, params) } func (c *Control) rmrReplyToSender(desc string, subs *Subscription, trans *Transaction, mType int, payload *packer.PackedData) (err error) { params := &RMRParams{&xapp.RMRParams{}} params.Mtype = mType params.SubId = int(subs.GetSubId()) params.Xid = trans.GetXid() params.Meid = trans.GetMeid() params.Src = "" params.PayloadLen = len(payload.Buf) params.Payload = payload.Buf params.Mbuf = nil return c.rmrSendRaw(desc, params) } func (c *Control) Consume(params *xapp.RMRParams) (err error) { xapp.Rmr.Free(params.Mbuf) params.Mbuf = nil msg := &RMRParams{params} c.msgCounter++ switch msg.Mtype { case xapp.RICMessageTypes["RIC_SUB_REQ"]: go c.handleSubscriptionRequest(msg) case xapp.RICMessageTypes["RIC_SUB_RESP"]: go c.handleSubscriptionResponse(msg) case xapp.RICMessageTypes["RIC_SUB_FAILURE"]: go c.handleSubscriptionFailure(msg) case xapp.RICMessageTypes["RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ"]: go c.handleSubscriptionDeleteRequest(msg) case xapp.RICMessageTypes["RIC_SUB_DEL_RESP"]: go c.handleSubscriptionDeleteResponse(msg) case xapp.RICMessageTypes["RIC_SUB_DEL_FAILURE"]: go c.handleSubscriptionDeleteFailure(msg) default: xapp.Logger.Info("Unknown Message Type '%d', discarding", msg.Mtype) } return nil } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionRequest(params *RMRParams) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubReq from xapp: %s", params.String()) // // // trans, err := c.tracker.TrackTransaction(NewRmrEndpoint(params.Src), params.Mtype, params.Xid, params.Meid, false, true) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq: %s, Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), params.String()) return } // // // trans.SubReqMsg, err = c.e2ap.UnpackSubscriptionRequest(params.Payload) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq: %s Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), trans) trans.Release() return } // // // subs, err := c.registry.ReserveSubscription(&trans.RmrEndpoint, trans.Meid) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq: %s, Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), trans) trans.Release() return } err = subs.SetTransaction(trans) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq: %s, Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), trans) subs.Release() trans.Release() return } trans.SubReqMsg.RequestId.Seq = uint32(subs.GetSubId()) // // TODO: subscription create is in fact owned by subscription and not transaction. // Transaction is toward xapp while Subscription is toward ran. // In merge several xapps may wake transactions, while only one subscription // toward ran occurs -> subscription owns subscription creation toward ran // // This is intermediate solution while improving message handling // trans.Payload, err = c.e2ap.PackSubscriptionRequest(trans.SubReqMsg) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq: %s for trans %s", err.Error(), trans) subs.Release() trans.Release() return } c.rmrSend("SubReq: SubReq to E2T", subs, trans, trans.Payload) c.timerMap.StartTimer("RIC_SUB_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId()), subReqTime, FirstTry, c.handleSubscriptionRequestTimer) xapp.Logger.Debug("SubReq: Debugging trans table = %v", c.tracker.transactionXappTable) return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionResponse(params *RMRParams) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubResp from E2T: %s", params.String()) // // // SubRespMsg, err := c.e2ap.UnpackSubscriptionResponse(params.Payload) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq: %s Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), params.String()) return } // // // subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(SubRespMsg.RequestId.Seq)) if subs == nil && params.SubId > 0 { subs = c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(params.SubId)) } if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubResp: Not valid subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d. Dropping this msg. %s", SubRespMsg.RequestId.Seq, params.SubId, params.String()) return } xapp.Logger.Info("SubResp: subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d", SubRespMsg.RequestId.Seq, subs.GetSubId()) // // // trans := subs.GetTransaction() if trans == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubResp: Unknown trans. Dropping this msg. SubId: %d", subs.GetSubId()) return } trans.SubRespMsg = SubRespMsg // // // c.timerMap.StopTimer("RIC_SUB_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId())) responseReceived := trans.CheckResponseReceived() if responseReceived == true { // Subscription timer already received return } trans.Payload, err = c.e2ap.PackSubscriptionResponse(trans.SubRespMsg) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubResp: %s for trans %s", err.Error(), trans) trans.Release() return } subs.Confirmed() trans.Release() c.rmrReplyToSender("SubResp: SubResp to xapp", subs, trans, 12011, trans.Payload) return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionFailure(params *RMRParams) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubFail from E2T: %s", params.String()) // // // SubFailMsg, err := c.e2ap.UnpackSubscriptionFailure(params.Payload) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubFail: %s Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), params.String()) return } // // // subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(SubFailMsg.RequestId.Seq)) if subs == nil && params.SubId > 0 { subs = c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(params.SubId)) } if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubFail: Not valid subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d. Dropping this msg. %s", SubFailMsg.RequestId.Seq, params.SubId, params.String()) return } xapp.Logger.Info("SubFail: subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d", SubFailMsg.RequestId.Seq, subs.GetSubId()) // // // trans := subs.GetTransaction() if trans == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubFail: Unknown trans. Dropping this msg. SubId: %d", subs.GetSubId()) return } trans.SubFailMsg = SubFailMsg // // // c.timerMap.StopTimer("RIC_SUB_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId())) responseReceived := trans.CheckResponseReceived() if err != nil { return } if responseReceived == true { // Subscription timer already received return } trans.Payload, err = c.e2ap.PackSubscriptionFailure(trans.SubFailMsg) if err == nil { c.rmrReplyToSender("SubFail: SubFail to xapp", subs, trans, 12012, trans.Payload) time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) } else { //TODO error handling improvement xapp.Logger.Error("SubFail: %s for trans %s (continuing cleaning)", err.Error(), trans) } trans.Release() subs.Release() return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionRequestTimer(strId string, nbrId int, tryCount uint64) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubReq timeout: subId: %v, tryCount: %v", nbrId, tryCount) subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(nbrId)) if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq timeout: Unknown payloadSeqNum. Dropping this msg. SubId: %v", nbrId) return } trans := subs.GetTransaction() if trans == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq timeout: Unknown trans. Dropping this msg. SubId: %v", subs.GetSubId()) return } responseReceived := trans.CheckResponseReceived() if responseReceived == true { // Subscription Response or Failure already received return } if tryCount < maxSubReqTryCount { xapp.Logger.Info("SubReq timeout: Resending SubReq to E2T: Mtype: %v, SubId: %v, Xid %s, Meid %v", trans.GetMtype(), subs.GetSubId(), trans.GetXid(), trans.GetMeid()) trans.RetryTransaction() c.rmrSend("SubReq timeout: SubReq to E2T", subs, trans, trans.Payload) tryCount++ c.timerMap.StartTimer("RIC_SUB_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId()), subReqTime, tryCount, c.handleSubscriptionRequestTimer) return } // Release CREATE transaction trans.Release() // Create DELETE transaction (internal and no messages toward xapp) deltrans, err := c.tracker.TrackTransaction(&trans.RmrEndpoint, 12020, // RIC SUBSCRIPTION DELETE trans.GetXid(), trans.GetMeid(), false, false) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq timeout: %s, Dropping this msg.", err.Error()) //TODO improve error handling. Important at least in merge subs.Release() return } deltrans.SubDelReqMsg = &e2ap.E2APSubscriptionDeleteRequest{} deltrans.SubDelReqMsg.RequestId.Id = trans.SubReqMsg.RequestId.Id deltrans.SubDelReqMsg.RequestId.Seq = uint32(subs.GetSubId()) deltrans.SubDelReqMsg.FunctionId = trans.SubReqMsg.FunctionId deltrans.Payload, err = c.e2ap.PackSubscriptionDeleteRequest(deltrans.SubDelReqMsg) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq timeout: Packing SubDelReq failed. Err: %v", err) //TODO improve error handling. Important at least in merge deltrans.Release() subs.Release() return } err = subs.SetTransaction(deltrans) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubReq timeout: %s, Dropping this msg.", err.Error()) //TODO improve error handling. Important at least in merge deltrans.Release() return } c.rmrSend("SubReq timer: SubDelReq to E2T", subs, deltrans, deltrans.Payload) c.timerMap.StartTimer("RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId()), subDelReqTime, FirstTry, c.handleSubscriptionDeleteRequestTimer) return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionDeleteRequest(params *RMRParams) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelReq from xapp: %s", params.String()) // // // trans, err := c.tracker.TrackTransaction(NewRmrEndpoint(params.Src), params.Mtype, params.Xid, params.Meid, false, true) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq: %s, Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), params.String()) return } // // // trans.SubDelReqMsg, err = c.e2ap.UnpackSubscriptionDeleteRequest(params.Payload) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq: %s Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), trans) trans.Release() return } // // // subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(trans.SubDelReqMsg.RequestId.Seq)) if subs == nil && params.SubId > 0 { subs = c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(params.SubId)) } if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq: Not valid subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d. Dropping this msg. %s", trans.SubDelReqMsg.RequestId.Seq, params.SubId, trans) trans.Release() return } xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelReq: subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d. %s", trans.SubDelReqMsg.RequestId.Seq, params.SubId, trans) err = subs.SetTransaction(trans) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq: %s, Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), trans) trans.Release() return } // // TODO: subscription delete is in fact owned by subscription and not transaction. // Transaction is toward xapp while Subscription is toward ran. // In merge several xapps may wake transactions, while only one subscription // toward ran occurs -> subscription owns subscription creation toward ran // // This is intermediate solution while improving message handling // trans.Payload, err = c.e2ap.PackSubscriptionDeleteRequest(trans.SubDelReqMsg) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq: %s for trans %s", err.Error(), trans) trans.Release() return } subs.UnConfirmed() c.rmrSend("SubDelReq: SubDelReq to E2T", subs, trans, trans.Payload) c.timerMap.StartTimer("RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId()), subDelReqTime, FirstTry, c.handleSubscriptionDeleteRequestTimer) return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionDeleteResponse(params *RMRParams) (err error) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelResp from E2T:%s", params.String()) // // // SubDelRespMsg, err := c.e2ap.UnpackSubscriptionDeleteResponse(params.Payload) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelResp: %s Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), params.String()) return } // // // subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(SubDelRespMsg.RequestId.Seq)) if subs == nil && params.SubId > 0 { subs = c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(params.SubId)) } if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelResp: Not valid subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d. Dropping this msg. %s", SubDelRespMsg.RequestId.Seq, params.SubId, params.String()) return } xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelResp: subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d", SubDelRespMsg.RequestId.Seq, subs.GetSubId()) // // // trans := subs.GetTransaction() if trans == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelResp: Unknown trans. Dropping this msg. SubId: %d", subs.GetSubId()) return } trans.SubDelRespMsg = SubDelRespMsg // // // c.timerMap.StopTimer("RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId())) responseReceived := trans.CheckResponseReceived() if responseReceived == true { // Subscription Delete timer already received return } c.sendSubscriptionDeleteResponse("SubDelResp", trans, subs) return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionDeleteFailure(params *RMRParams) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelFail from E2T:%s", params.String()) // // // SubDelFailMsg, err := c.e2ap.UnpackSubscriptionDeleteFailure(params.Payload) if err != nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelFail: %s Dropping this msg. %s", err.Error(), params.String()) return } // // // subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(SubDelFailMsg.RequestId.Seq)) if subs == nil && params.SubId > 0 { subs = c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(params.SubId)) } if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelFail: Not valid subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d. Dropping this msg. %s", SubDelFailMsg.RequestId.Seq, params.SubId, params.String()) return } xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelFail: subscription found payloadSeqNum: %d, SubId: %d", SubDelFailMsg.RequestId.Seq, subs.GetSubId()) // // // trans := subs.GetTransaction() if trans == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelFail: Unknown trans. Dropping this msg. SubId: %d", subs.GetSubId()) return } trans.SubDelFailMsg = SubDelFailMsg // // // c.timerMap.StopTimer("RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId())) responseReceived := trans.CheckResponseReceived() if responseReceived == true { // Subscription Delete timer already received return } c.sendSubscriptionDeleteResponse("SubDelFail", trans, subs) return } func (c *Control) handleSubscriptionDeleteRequestTimer(strId string, nbrId int, tryCount uint64) { xapp.Logger.Info("SubDelReq timeout: subId: %v, tryCount: %v", nbrId, tryCount) subs := c.registry.GetSubscription(uint16(nbrId)) if subs == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq timeout: Unknown payloadSeqNum. Dropping this msg. SubId: %v", nbrId) return } trans := subs.GetTransaction() if trans == nil { xapp.Logger.Error("SubDelReq timeout: Unknown trans. Dropping this msg. SubId: %v", subs.GetSubId()) return } responseReceived := trans.CheckResponseReceived() if responseReceived == true { // Subscription Delete Response or Failure already received return } if tryCount < maxSubDelReqTryCount { // Set possible to handle new response for the subId trans.RetryTransaction() c.rmrSend("SubDelReq timeout: SubDelReq to E2T", subs, trans, trans.Payload) tryCount++ c.timerMap.StartTimer("RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ", int(subs.GetSubId()), subReqTime, tryCount, c.handleSubscriptionDeleteRequestTimer) return } c.sendSubscriptionDeleteResponse("SubDelReq(timer)", trans, subs) return } func (c *Control) sendSubscriptionDeleteResponse(desc string, trans *Transaction, subs *Subscription) { if trans.ForwardRespToXapp == true { //Always generate SubDelResp trans.SubDelRespMsg = &e2ap.E2APSubscriptionDeleteResponse{} trans.SubDelRespMsg.RequestId.Id = trans.SubDelReqMsg.RequestId.Id trans.SubDelRespMsg.RequestId.Seq = uint32(subs.GetSubId()) trans.SubDelRespMsg.FunctionId = trans.SubDelReqMsg.FunctionId var err error trans.Payload, err = c.e2ap.PackSubscriptionDeleteResponse(trans.SubDelRespMsg) if err == nil { c.rmrReplyToSender(desc+": SubDelResp to xapp", subs, trans, 12021, trans.Payload) time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) } else { //TODO error handling improvement xapp.Logger.Error("%s: %s for trans %s (continuing cleaning)", desc, err.Error(), trans) } } trans.Release() subs.Release() }