/* Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ##############################################################################*/ import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; import minimapModule from 'diagram-js-minimap'; import { FileTransferService } from 'app/shared/services/file-transfer.service'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import propertiesPanelModule from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'; import propertiesProviderModule from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel/lib/provider/camunda'; import * as camundaModdleDescriptor from 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda.json'; import * as vthTemplate from './templates/elements.json'; import * as $ from 'jquery'; import { MatDialog, MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material'; import { TestHeadService } from 'app/shared/services/test-head.service'; import { GroupService } from 'app/shared/services/group.service'; import { TestDefinitionService } from 'app/shared/services/test-definition.service'; import { CookieService } from 'ngx-cookie-service'; import { FileService } from 'app/shared/services/file.service'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { BpmnFactoryService } from 'app/shared/factories/bpmn-factory.service'; import { Bpmn } from 'app/shared/models/bpmn.model'; import { TestDefinitionElement, BpmnInstanceElement } from './test-definition-element.class.js'; import { FileUploader } from 'ng2-file-upload'; import { Group } from 'app/shared/models/group.model.js'; import { AlertSnackbarComponent } from 'app/shared/modules/alert-snackbar/alert-snackbar.component'; import { AlertModalComponent } from 'app/shared/modules/alert-modal/alert-modal.component'; interface NewVersionOptions { versionIndex: number, fromFile: Boolean } @Component({ selector: 'app-modeler', templateUrl: './modeler.component.pug', styleUrls: [ './modeler.component.scss', ] }) export class ModelerComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('container') containerElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('modeler') modelerElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('sidebar') sidebarElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('properties') propertiesElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('handle') handleElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('testDefinitionForm') form: any; @ViewChild('scripts') scripts: ElementRef; @ViewChild('file') bpmnFileInput: ElementRef; public qpTestDefinitionId; public ptd: TestDefinitionElement; public uploader: FileUploader; public bpmnUploader: FileUploader; public pStatus: String; public inProgress: Boolean; public groups: Array; public modeler: Bpmn; public showProperties = true; public isResizing = false; public lastDownX = 0; public propertiesWidth = '500px'; public showSidebar = true; public showTestDefinition = false; public bpmnId; //javascript input element public isRefreshed = false; public hasBeenSaved: Boolean = false; constructor( public _dialog: MatDialog, private _testHeads: TestHeadService, private _groups: GroupService, private _testDefinitions: TestDefinitionService, private _snack: MatSnackBar, private _fileTransfer: FileTransferService, private _route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router, private _bpmnFactory: BpmnFactoryService) { } @HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event']) canLeavePage($event) { $event.preventDefault(); alert('are you sure') } async ngOnInit() { this._route.queryParams.subscribe(res => { if (res.testDefinitionId) { this.qpTestDefinitionId = res.testDefinitionId; } else { this.qpTestDefinitionId = null; } this.setup(); }) //set groups list this._groups.find({ $limit: -1, lookup: 'both' }).subscribe(res => { this.groups = res as Array; this.groups = this._groups.organizeGroups(this.groups); }); } async setup() { this.setInProgress(true); await this.setTestDefinition(); const modelerOptions = { container: this.modelerElement.nativeElement, propertiesPanel: { parent: '#properties' }, elementTemplates: [vthTemplate], additionalModules: [ minimapModule, propertiesPanelModule, propertiesProviderModule // colorPickerModule, // logTestResultDrawModule, // logTestResultPaletteModule ], moddleExtensions: { camunda: camundaModdleDescriptor }, keyboard: { bindTo: document } }; // Set up empty modeler await this.setModeler({ mode: 'modeler', options: modelerOptions }); this.setBpmn(false); //set ups draggable properties container $(this.handleElement.nativeElement).on('mousedown', e => { this.lastDownX = e.clientX; this.isResizing = true; }); $(document).on('mousemove', e => { if (!this.isResizing) return; var offsetRight = $(this.containerElement.nativeElement).width() - (e.clientX - $(this.containerElement.nativeElement).offset().left); $(this.modelerElement.nativeElement).css('right', offsetRight); $(this.sidebarElement.nativeElement).css('width', offsetRight); }).on('mouseup', e => { this.isResizing = false; }); } /***************************************** * Form Functionality Methods ****************************************/ /*** BUTTONS ***/ async newWorkflow() { if (this.qpTestDefinitionId) { this._router.navigate([], { queryParams: {} }); } else { this.setup(); } } async download() { this.modeler.download(); } async save() { this.setInProgress(true); let validResult = await this.validateFile(); if (validResult) { if (this.hasBeenSaved) { await this.updateDefinition(); } else { let td = await this.saveDefinition(); this._router.navigate([], { queryParams: { testDefinitionId: td['_id'] } }); } } this.snackAlert('Version ' + this.ptd.currentVersionName + ' has been saved'); this.setInProgress(false); this.markFormAs('pristine'); } async deploy(versionName?) { this.inProgress = true; this._testDefinitions.deploy(this.ptd, versionName) .subscribe( result => { this.inProgress = false; if (result['statusCode'] == 200) { this.snackAlert('Test Definition Deployed Successfully') this.ptd.currentInstance.isDeployed = true; } else { this.errorPopup(result.toString()); } }, err => { this.errorPopup(err.toString()); this.setInProgress(false); } ); } async deleteVersion() { let deleteDialog = this._dialog.open(AlertModalComponent, { width: '250px', data: { type: 'confirmation', message: 'Are you sure you want to delete version ' + this.ptd.currentVersionName } }); deleteDialog.afterClosed().subscribe( result => { if (result) { this.setInProgress(true); if (this.ptd.bpmnInstances.length == 1) { this._testDefinitions.delete(this.ptd._id).subscribe( result => { this.snackAlert('Test definition was deleted'); this.setInProgress(false); this.newWorkflow(); }, err => { this.setInProgress(false); this.errorPopup(err.toString()); } ) } else { let version = this.ptd.currentVersionName; // if deleting a version from a definition that has more than 1 version this.ptd.removeBpmnInstance(this.ptd.currentVersionName); //prepare patch request let request = { _id: this.ptd._id, bpmnInstances: this.ptd.bpmnInstances } this._testDefinitions.patch(request).subscribe( res => { this.setVersion(); this.setInProgress(false); this.snackAlert('Version ' + version + ' was deleted'); }, err => { this.setInProgress(false); this.errorPopup(err.toString()); } ); } } } ) } /*** UTILITY METHODS ***/ //Looks for the definition supplied in the url, or pulls up default workflow async setTestDefinition() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.qpTestDefinitionId) { this._testDefinitions.get(this.qpTestDefinitionId).subscribe( result => { this.ptd = new TestDefinitionElement(); this.ptd.setAll(result); this.setAsSaved(true); resolve(this.ptd); }, err => { this.errorPopup(err.toString()); reject(err); } ) } else { //set new test definition this.ptd = new TestDefinitionElement(); resolve(this.ptd); } }); } //will set the selected version. If no version is given, the latest will be selected async setVersion(version?) { //if version not supplied, grab latest this.ptd.switchVersion(version); this.setBpmn(true); } async newVersion(options?: NewVersionOptions) { if (options && options.versionIndex != null) { //create new instance and copy xml let instance = this.ptd.newInstance(); instance.bpmnFileId = this.ptd.bpmnInstances[options.versionIndex].bpmnFileId; instance.bpmnXml = this.ptd.bpmnInstances[options.versionIndex].bpmnXml; this.ptd.addBpmnInstance(instance); } else if ( options && options.fromFile) { let instance = this.ptd.newInstance(); instance.bpmnFileId = '0'; let xml = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.fetchFileContents('fileForVersion', xml => { resolve(xml); }); }); instance.bpmnXml = xml as String; //set the files process definition key let parser = new DOMParser(); let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(instance.bpmnXml.toString(), "text/xml"); //set the process definition key in xml xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bpmn:process")[0].attributes.getNamedItem("id").value = this.ptd.processDefinitionKey as string; //save the xml instance.bpmnXml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlDoc); this.ptd.addBpmnInstance(instance); } else { this.ptd.addBpmnInstance(); } this.setVersion(); this.markFormAs('dirty'); this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged = true; } popup() { } async validateFile() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.modeler.getBpmnXml().then(xml => { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml = xml.toString(); this._testDefinitions.validate(this.ptd) .subscribe( result => { if (result['body'].errors && result['body'].errors != {}) { this.errorPopup(JSON.stringify(result['body'].errors)); resolve(false); } //this.handleResponse(result, false); //this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged = true; // If any VTH or PFLOs were detected, add to object // Update list of test heads if (result['body']['bpmnVthTaskIds']) { this.ptd.currentInstance.testHeads = result['body'].bpmnVthTaskIds; this.ptd.currentInstance.testHeads.forEach((elem, val) => { this.ptd.currentInstance.testHeads[val]['testHeadId'] = elem['testHead']._id; delete this.ptd.currentInstance.testHeads[val]['testHead']; }) } //Update plfos list if(result['body']['bpmnPfloTaskIds']){ this.ptd.currentInstance.pflos = result['body'].bpmnPfloTaskIds; } resolve(true); }, err => { reject(false); } ); }).catch(err => { this.errorPopup(err); }); }); } //returns promise for file object async saveBpmnFile() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.modeler.getBpmnXml().then( res => { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml = res as String; this._testDefinitions.validateSave(this.ptd).subscribe( result => { resolve(JSON.parse(result.toString())[0]._id); }, err => { this.errorPopup(err.toString()); reject(err); } ) } ) }); } async saveDefinition() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let fileId = await this.saveBpmnFile(); if (fileId) { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnFileId = fileId as String; } delete this.ptd._id; this._testDefinitions.create(this.ptd).subscribe( res => { resolve(res); }, err => { this.errorPopup(err.message); this.setInProgress(false); reject(err); } ) }); } async updateDefinition() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let versionIndex = this.ptd.currentVersion; // set parameters to be sent with the patch let request = { _id: this.ptd._id, testName: this.ptd.testName, testDescription: this.ptd.testDescription, groupId: this.ptd.groupId } // If xml has changed, upload file and patch definition details, else just updated details if (this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged) { //upload file let fileId = await this.saveBpmnFile(); //set file id in the bpmn instance if (fileId) { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnFileId = fileId as String; } } //check if this bpmn version has been saved, else its a new version if (this.ptd.currentInstance.createdAt) { this.ptd.currentInstance.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString(); request['bpmnInstances.' + this.ptd.currentVersion] = this.ptd.currentInstance; } else { this.ptd.currentInstance.createdAt = new Date().toISOString(); this.ptd.currentInstance.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString(); request['$push'] = { bpmnInstances: this.ptd.currentInstance } } //patch with updated fields this._testDefinitions.patch(request).subscribe(res => { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged = false; resolve(res); }, err => { reject(err); }); }); } markFormAs(mode: 'dirty' | 'pristine') { if (mode == 'dirty') { this.form.control.markAsDirty(); } else { this.form.control.markAsPristine(); } } async checkProcessDefinitionKey() { let foundDefinition = null; this._testDefinitions.check(this.ptd.processDefinitionKey).subscribe(async result => { if (result['statusCode'] == 200) { this.pStatus = 'unique'; } else { this.pStatus = 'notUnique'; } //If process definition key found if (result['body'] && result['body'][0]) { foundDefinition = result['body'][0]; } else { //seach mongodb for td with pdk await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._testDefinitions.find({ processDefinitionKey: this.ptd.processDefinitionKey }).subscribe(res => { if (res['total'] > 0) { foundDefinition = res['data'][0]; } resolve() }, err => { reject(); }) }); } if (foundDefinition) { if (this.qpTestDefinitionId != foundDefinition._id) { let confirm = this._dialog.open(AlertModalComponent, { width: '400px', data: { type: 'confirmation', message: 'The process definition key "' + this.ptd.processDefinitionKey + '" already exists. Would you like to load the test definition, ' + foundDefinition.testName + ' ? This will delete any unsaved work.' } }); confirm.afterClosed().subscribe(doChange => { if (doChange) { this._router.navigate([], { queryParams: { testDefinitionId: foundDefinition._id } }) } else { this.bpmnId.value = ''; } }) } } else { let tempPK = this.ptd.processDefinitionKey; this.ptd.reset(); this.ptd.setProcessDefinitionKey(tempPK); this.ptd.setId(null); this.ptd.setName(''); this.ptd.setDescription(''); this.ptd.setGroupId(''); this.ptd.setVersion(1); this.setAsSaved(false); } if (!this.ptd.currentInstance.version) { this.ptd.setNewVersion(); } this.markFormAs('pristine'); this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged = false; }); } setInProgress(mode: Boolean) { this.inProgress = mode; } setAsSaved(mode: Boolean) { this.hasBeenSaved = mode; } /***************************************** * BPMN Modeler Functions ****************************************/ async setBpmn(isNewVersion: Boolean, xml?) { //If a test definition is loaded set bpmnXml with latest version, else set default flow if (xml) { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml = xml; } else { if (this.ptd._id && this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnFileId) { if (!this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml) { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml = await this.getVersionBpmn() as String; } } else { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml = await this.getDefaultFlow() as String; // If it is a blank new version, set the process definition key in xml if (isNewVersion) { let parser = new DOMParser(); //Parse xml let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml.toString(), "text/xml"); //set the process definition key in xml xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bpmn:process")[0].attributes.getNamedItem("id").value = this.ptd.processDefinitionKey as string; //save the xml this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlDoc); } } } await this.modeler.setBpmnXml(this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnXml); //Set bpmn id this.bpmnId = (document.getElementById("camunda-id")); if (!isNewVersion) { //Set process Definition key this.ptd.processDefinitionKey = this.bpmnId.value; //Check the process Definition key to get its test definition loaded in. this.checkProcessDefinitionKey(); } //Listen for any changes made to the diagram and properties panel this.modeler.getModel().on('element.changed', (event) => { //check to see if process definition key has changed if (event.element.type == 'bpmn:Process' && (this.ptd.processDefinitionKey != event.element.id)) { this.ptd.processDefinitionKey = event.element.id; this.checkProcessDefinitionKey(); } // If it has been deployed, they cannot edit and save it if (!this.ptd.currentInstance.isDeployed) { this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged = true; this.markFormAs('dirty'); } }); this.setInProgress(false); } //Open a .bpmn file async open() { this.setInProgress(true); this.ptd.reset(); this.ptd.switchVersion(); this.fetchFileContents('file', val => { this.setBpmn(false, val); }); } //Get the xml of the default bpmn file async getDefaultFlow() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve("\\\\\\\\\\\\") // this._fileTransfer.get('5d0a5357e6624a3ef0d16164').subscribe( // data => { // let bpmn = new Buffer(data as Buffer); // resolve(bpmn.toString()); // }, // err => { // this.errorPopup(err.toString()); // reject(err); // } // ); }); } //set the Modeler async setModeler(options) { if (!this.modeler) { this.modeler = await this._bpmnFactory.setup(options); } } async getVersionBpmn() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._fileTransfer.get(this.ptd.currentInstance.bpmnFileId).subscribe( result => { let bpmn = new Buffer(result as Buffer); console.log(bpmn.toString()) resolve(bpmn.toString()); }, err => { this.errorPopup(err.toString()); reject(err); } ); }); } fetchFileContents(elementId, callback) { var val = "x"; var fileToLoad = (document.getElementById(elementId))['files'][0]; var fileReader = new FileReader(); if (!fileToLoad) { return null; } fileReader.onload = function (event) { val = event.target['result'] as string; callback(val); } fileReader.readAsText(fileToLoad); } /***************************************** * Page Funtionality Methods ****************************************/ toggleSidebar(set: Boolean) { if (!set) { this.showSidebar = false; this.modelerElement.nativeElement.style.right = '0px'; } else { this.showSidebar = true; $(this.modelerElement.nativeElement).css('right', $(this.sidebarElement.nativeElement).width()); } } toggleProperties() { if (!this.showProperties) { this.toggleSidebar(true); this.showTestDefinition = false; this.showProperties = true; } else { this.toggleSidebar(false); this.showProperties = false; } } toggleTestDefinition() { if (!this.showTestDefinition) { this.toggleSidebar(true); this.showProperties = false; this.showTestDefinition = true; } else { this.toggleSidebar(false); this.showTestDefinition = false; } this.refresh(); } refresh() { this.isRefreshed = false; setTimeout(() => { this.isRefreshed = true; }, 1); } snackAlert(msg) { this._snack.openFromComponent(AlertSnackbarComponent, { duration: 1500, data: { message: msg } }); } errorPopup(err) { return this._dialog.open(AlertModalComponent, { width: '400px', data: { type: 'alert', message: err } }); } }