/* Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ##############################################################################*/ package org.oran.otf.common.utility.permissions; import org.oran.otf.common.model.Group; import org.oran.otf.common.model.GroupMember; import org.oran.otf.common.model.Role; import org.oran.otf.common.model.User; import org.oran.otf.common.repository.GroupRepository; import java.util.*; public class PermissionUtil { //build userPermission object which contains all access control information of the user public UserPermission buildUserPermission(User user, GroupRepository groupRepository) { UserPermission userPermission = new UserPermission(); userPermission.setUser(user); Map> userAccessMap; // map from group to permission that user have in that group userAccessMap = mapGroupsToPermission(user,groupRepository); userPermission.setUserAccessMap(userAccessMap); return userPermission; } // return if user have specified permission in a certain group // ***********only use this on groups that the user is in directly (non-child and non parents)**************** public static boolean hasDirectPermissionTo(String permission, User user, Group group) { Set possiblePermissions= getUserGroupPermissions(user,group); return possiblePermissions.stream().anyMatch(p-> p.equalsIgnoreCase(permission)); // } // Get all the permissions the user have in a certain group public static Set getUserGroupPermissions(User user, Group group){ Set permissionsAllowed = new HashSet<>(); Set usersAssignedRoles = findUserRoles(user,group); if(usersAssignedRoles.isEmpty()) // empty set permissions because the user have no roles in the group aka not a member return permissionsAllowed; //get every single permissions for each role that the user have. for(String role : usersAssignedRoles){ permissionsAllowed.addAll(getRolePermissions(role,group)); } return permissionsAllowed; } //get the permissions associated with the userRoleName in group public static Set getRolePermissions(String userRoleName, Group group) { for(Role role : group.getRoles()) { if(role.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(userRoleName)) { return new HashSet(role.getPermissions()); } } return new HashSet(); // empty string set if the role name cant be found in the group } // find the user's role in the specified group public static Set findUserRoles(User user, Group group){ for(GroupMember member : group.getMembers()) { // if userId matches then get all the user's role in the group if(member.getUserId().toString().equals(user.get_id().toString())) return new HashSet(member.getRoles()); } return new HashSet(); //if user have no roles } // create map that where key is the group id and value = users permission (string) that that group private Map> mapGroupsToPermission(User user, GroupRepository groupRepository){ Map> groupAccessMap = new HashMap<>(); List enrolledGroups = groupRepository.findAllByMembersId(user.get_id());// enrolledGroups = groups that user is a member of Map allGroupMap = groupListToMap(groupRepository.findAll()); // get all permission in the groups the user is ia member of for(Group group: enrolledGroups) { Set permissions = getUserGroupPermissions(user,group); groupAccessMap.put(group.get_id().toString(),convertPermissions(permissions)); } //assign add read to all parent groups Set parentGroupsId = getParentGroups(enrolledGroups,allGroupMap); for(String parentId : parentGroupsId) { // if parent access role already exist in // group access map cause they are a member if(groupAccessMap.get(parentId)!= null) groupAccessMap.get(parentId).add(UserPermission.Permission.READ); else groupAccessMap.put(parentId,new HashSet(Arrays.asList(UserPermission.Permission.READ))); } // if there is management role // then assign read access to children if(hasManagementRole(user,enrolledGroups)){ // SetchildIds = getChildrenGroupsId(enrolledGroups,allGroupMap,user); for(Group enrolledGroup : enrolledGroups) { // if enrolled groups is a management group if(hasDirectPermissionTo(UserPermission.Permission.MANAGEMENT,user,enrolledGroup)){ // if there is management role then get all the child of that group, do this for all management groups Set childIds= getChildrenGroupsId(Arrays.asList(enrolledGroup),allGroupMap,user); Set userGroupPermissions = convertPermissions(getUserGroupPermissions(user,enrolledGroup)); for(String childId : childIds){ if (groupAccessMap.get(childId) != null) groupAccessMap.get(childId).addAll(userGroupPermissions); else{ groupAccessMap.put(childId,userGroupPermissions); } } } } } return groupAccessMap; } // check is user have managementRole private boolean hasManagementRole(User user, List enrolledGroups) { for(Group group: enrolledGroups){ if(hasDirectPermissionTo(UserPermission.Permission.MANAGEMENT,user,group)) { return true; } } return false; } // get the parent groups starting from the enrolled group of the user private Set getParentGroups(List enrolledGroup, Map groupMap ) { Set parentGroups = new HashSet<>(); return lookUp(enrolledGroup,groupMap,parentGroups); } //recursive lookup starting at the enrolled groups that the user is a member of private Set lookUp(List groupsToCheck, Map groupMap, Set resultSet) { //base case: nothing to check anymore if(groupsToCheck.isEmpty()) return resultSet; //This is the parents directly above the current groups that are being checked List currentParentGroups = new ArrayList<>(); for(Group group : groupsToCheck) { if(group != null && group.getParentGroupId() != null) // if there is a parent { String parentId = group.getParentGroupId().toString(); Group parentGroup = groupMap.get(parentId); resultSet.add(parentId); currentParentGroups.add(parentGroup); // add to currentParentGroup so it can be used recursively check for more parents } } return lookUp(currentParentGroups,groupMap,resultSet); } // convert a list of groups to a map of group ids to group private Map groupListToMap(List allGroups) { Map groupMap = new HashMap<>(); allGroups.forEach(group -> groupMap.put(group.get_id().toString(),group)); return groupMap; } //get all the child group private Set getChildrenGroupsId(List enrolledGroup, Map allGroupsMap, User user) { Set childrenGroups = new HashSet<>(); Set managementGroupIds = getManagementGroupIds(enrolledGroup,user); return lookForChildren(managementGroupIds,allGroupsMap,childrenGroups); } private Set getManagementGroupIds(List enrolledGroups, User user) { Set parentIds = new HashSet<>(); for(Group group: enrolledGroups) { if(hasDirectPermissionTo(UserPermission.Permission.MANAGEMENT,user,group)) // has Management permission { parentIds.add(group.get_id().toString()); } } return parentIds; } //recursive look down for childrens via breath first search private Set lookForChildren (Set parentIds, Map allGroupsMap, Set resultSet) { //base case = no groups to check anymore; if (parentIds.isEmpty()) return resultSet; Set currentChildrenIds = new HashSet<>(); for(String groupId : allGroupsMap.keySet()) { Group possibleChildGroup = allGroupsMap.get(groupId); if(isChildOf(parentIds,possibleChildGroup)) // if parent id is the same { currentChildrenIds.add(groupId); resultSet.add(groupId); } } return lookForChildren(currentChildrenIds,allGroupsMap,resultSet); } //check if a group is a child of a list of parent group ids private boolean isChildOf(SetparentGroupIds, Group childGroup){ for(String parentId: parentGroupIds) { if(isChildOf(parentId,childGroup)) return true; } return false; } //check is group has parent that is specified by parentId private boolean isChildOf(String parentId, Group childGroup) { if(childGroup.getParentGroupId() == null) return false; return childGroup.getParentGroupId().toString().equals(parentId); } private Set convertPermissions (Set permissions){ Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (String permission: permissions){ if(permission.equalsIgnoreCase(UserPermission.Permission.READ)) result.add(UserPermission.Permission.READ); else if (permission.equalsIgnoreCase(UserPermission.Permission.WRITE)) result.add(UserPermission.Permission.WRITE); else if (permission.equalsIgnoreCase(UserPermission.Permission.DELETE)) result.add(UserPermission.Permission.DELETE); else if (permission.equalsIgnoreCase(UserPermission.Permission.EXECUTE)) result.add(UserPermission.Permission.EXECUTE); else if (permission.equalsIgnoreCase(UserPermission.Permission.MANAGEMENT)) result.add(UserPermission.Permission.MANAGEMENT); } return result; } }