# Copyright (C) 2021 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import filecmp import os.path import uuid import yaml from datetime import datetime import shutil from o2common.service import unit_of_work from o2common.config import config from o2common.views.view import gen_filter, check_filter from o2common.views.pagination_view import Pagination from o2common.views.route_exception import BadRequestException, \ NotFoundException from o2ims.domain import ocloud from o2ims.views.ocloud_dto import SubscriptionDTO from o2ims.domain.subscription_obj import Subscription from o2common.helper import o2logging logger = o2logging.get_logger(__name__) def oclouds(uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): with uow: li = uow.oclouds.list() return [r.serialize() for r in li] def ocloud_one(ocloudid: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): with uow: first = uow.oclouds.get(ocloudid) return first.serialize() if first is not None else None def resource_types(uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, **kwargs): pagination = Pagination(**kwargs) query_kwargs = pagination.get_pagination() args = gen_filter(ocloud.ResourceType, kwargs['filter']) if 'filter' in kwargs else [] with uow: li = uow.resource_types.list_with_count(*args, **query_kwargs) return pagination.get_result(li) def resource_type_one(resourceTypeId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): with uow: first = uow.resource_types.get(resourceTypeId) return first.serialize() if first is not None else None def resource_pools(uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, **kwargs): pagination = Pagination(**kwargs) query_kwargs = pagination.get_pagination() args = gen_filter(ocloud.ResourcePool, kwargs['filter']) if 'filter' in kwargs else [] with uow: li = uow.resource_pools.list_with_count(*args, **query_kwargs) return pagination.get_result(li) def resource_pool_one(resourcePoolId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): with uow: first = uow.resource_pools.get(resourcePoolId) return first.serialize() if first else None def resources(resourcePoolId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, **kwargs): with uow: first = uow.resource_pools.get(resourcePoolId) if first is None: raise NotFoundException("ResourcePool {} doesn't exist".format( resourcePoolId)) pagination = Pagination(**kwargs) # filter key should be the same with database name query_kwargs = pagination.get_pagination() if 'resourceTypeName' in kwargs: resource_type_name = kwargs['resourceTypeName'] with uow: # res_types = uow.resource_types.list() # restype_ids = [ # restype.resourceTypeId for restype in res_types # if resourceTypeName == restype.name] # restype_id = '' if len(restype_ids) == 0 else restype_ids[0] res_type = uow.resource_types.get_by_name(resource_type_name) restype_id = '' if res_type is None else res_type.resourceTypeId query_kwargs['resourceTypeId'] = restype_id args = gen_filter( ocloud.Resource, kwargs['filter']) if 'filter' in kwargs else [] if 'parentId' in kwargs: query_kwargs['parentId'] = kwargs['parentId'] if 'sort' in kwargs: query_kwargs['sort'] = kwargs['sort'] with uow: ret = uow.resources.list_with_count( resourcePoolId, *args, **query_kwargs) return pagination.get_result(ret) def resource_one(resourceId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, resourcePoolId: str): with uow: resoucePool = uow.resource_pools.get(resourcePoolId) if resoucePool is None: raise NotFoundException("ResourcePool {} doesn't exist".format( resourcePoolId)) first = uow.resources.get(resourceId) if first is None: raise NotFoundException("Resource {} doesn't exist".format( resourceId)) return first.serialize() def deployment_managers(uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, **kwargs): pagination = Pagination(**kwargs) query_kwargs = pagination.get_pagination() args = gen_filter(ocloud.DeploymentManager, kwargs['filter']) if 'filter' in kwargs else [] with uow: li = uow.deployment_managers.list_with_count(*args, **query_kwargs) return pagination.get_result(li) def deployment_manager_one(deploymentManagerId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, profile: str = ocloud.DeploymentManagerProfileDefault): profile = profile.lower() with uow: first = uow.deployment_managers.get(deploymentManagerId) if first is None: return first result = first.serialize() if result is None: return None profile_data = result.pop("profile", None) profiles = config.get_dms_support_profiles() if profile not in profiles: return "" extensions = { 'profileName': profile } if ocloud.DeploymentManagerProfileDefault == profile \ or ocloud.DeploymentManagerProfileSOL018 == profile: result['serviceUri'] = \ profile_data['cluster_api_endpoint'] extensions['profileData'] = profile_data elif ocloud.DeploymentManagerProfileSOL018HelmCLI == profile: result['serviceUri'] = \ profile_data['cluster_api_endpoint'] helmcli_profile = dict() helmcli_profile["helmcli_host_with_port"], helmcli_profile[ "helmcli_username"], helmcli_profile["helmcli_password"] = \ config.get_helmcli_access() helmcli_profile["helmcli_kubeconfig"] = _gen_kube_config( deploymentManagerId, profile_data) extensions['profileData'] = helmcli_profile else: return "" result['extensions'] = extensions return result def _gen_kube_config(dmId: str, kubeconfig: dict) -> dict: data = config.gen_k8s_config_dict( kubeconfig.pop('cluster_api_endpoint', None), kubeconfig.pop('cluster_ca_cert', None), kubeconfig.pop('admin_user', None), kubeconfig.pop('admin_client_cert', None), kubeconfig.pop('admin_client_key', None), ) # Generate a random key for tmp kube config file # letters = string.ascii_uppercase # random_key = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(10)) name_key = dmId[:8] # Get datetime of now as tag of the tmp file current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") tmp_file_name = 'kubeconfig_' + name_key + "_" + current_time kube_config_name = 'kubeconfig_' + name_key + '.config' # write down the yaml file of kubectl into tmp folder with open('/tmp/' + tmp_file_name, 'w') as file: yaml.dump(data, file) # generate the kube config file if not exist or update the file if it # changes if not os.path.exists('/configs/' + kube_config_name) or not \ filecmp.cmp('/tmp/'+tmp_file_name, '/configs/'+kube_config_name): shutil.move(os.path.join('/tmp', tmp_file_name), os.path.join('/configs', kube_config_name)) return '/configs/'+kube_config_name def subscriptions(uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, **kwargs): pagination = Pagination(**kwargs) query_kwargs = pagination.get_pagination() args = gen_filter(Subscription, kwargs['filter']) if 'filter' in kwargs else [] with uow: li = uow.subscriptions.list_with_count(*args, **query_kwargs) return pagination.get_result(li) def subscription_one(subscriptionId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): with uow: first = uow.subscriptions.get(subscriptionId) return first.serialize() if first is not None else None def subscription_create(subscriptionDto: SubscriptionDTO.subscription_create, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): filter = subscriptionDto.get('filter', '') consumer_subs_id = subscriptionDto.get('consumerSubscriptionId', '') _check_subscription_filter(filter) sub_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) subscription = Subscription( sub_uuid, subscriptionDto['callback'], consumer_subs_id, filter) with uow: args = list() args.append(getattr(Subscription, 'callback') == subscriptionDto['callback']) args.append(getattr(Subscription, 'filter') == filter) args.append(getattr(Subscription, 'consumerSubscriptionId') == consumer_subs_id) count, _ = uow.subscriptions.list_with_count(*args) if count > 0: raise BadRequestException("The value of parameters is duplicated") uow.subscriptions.add(subscription) uow.commit() first = uow.subscriptions.get(sub_uuid) return first.serialize() def _check_subscription_filter(filter: str): if not filter: return def _sub_filter_checking(sub_filter: str): exprs = sub_filter.split(';') objectType = False objectTypeValue = '' for expr in exprs: expr_strip = expr.strip(' ()') items = expr_strip.split(',') if len(items) < 3: raise BadRequestException("invalid filter {}".format(expr)) item_key = items[1].strip() if item_key != 'objectType': continue item_op = items[0].strip() if item_op != 'eq': raise BadRequestException( "Filter objectType only support 'eq' operation") objectType = True objectTypeValue = items[2].strip() if not objectType: # if there has no objectType specific, by default is ResourceInfo check_filter(ocloud.Resource, sub_filter) # return 'ResourceInfo' return if objectTypeValue == 'ResourceTypeInfo': check_filter(ocloud.ResourceType, sub_filter) elif objectTypeValue == 'ResourcePoolInfo': check_filter(ocloud.ResourcePool, sub_filter) elif objectTypeValue == 'DeploymentManagerInfo': check_filter(ocloud.DeploymentManager, sub_filter) elif objectTypeValue == 'CloudInfo': check_filter(ocloud.Ocloud, sub_filter) elif objectTypeValue == 'ResourceInfo': check_filter(ocloud.Resource, sub_filter) else: raise BadRequestException( "Filter ObjectType {} not support.".format(items[2])) # return objectTypeValue filter_strip = filter.strip(' []') filter_list = filter_strip.split('|') # check_duplication = dict() for sub_filter in filter_list: _sub_filter_checking(sub_filter) # obj_type = _sub_filter_checking(sub_filter) # if obj_type not in check_duplication: # check_duplication[obj_type] = 0 # check_duplication[obj_type] += 1 # if check_duplication[obj_type] > 1: # raise BadRequestException( # "Filter objectType {} only support one in each." # .format(obj_type)) def subscription_delete(subscriptionId: str, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): with uow: first = uow.subscriptions.get(subscriptionId) if not first: raise NotFoundException( "Subscription {} not found.".format(subscriptionId)) uow.subscriptions.delete(subscriptionId) uow.commit() return True