# Copyright (C) 2021 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import uuid from flask_restx import Resource from o2ims.views import ocloud_view, api from o2common.config import config from o2ims.domain.ocloud import Subscription from o2ims.views.ocloud_dto import OcloudDTO, ResourceTypeDTO,\ ResourcePoolDTO, ResourceDTO, DeploymentManagerDTO, SubscriptionDTO apibase = config.get_o2ims_api_base() # ---------- OClouds ---------- # @api.route("/") @api.response(404, 'oCloud not found') class OcloudsListRouter(Resource): """Ocloud get endpoint O2 interface ocloud endpoint """ ocloud_get = OcloudDTO.ocloud @api.marshal_with(ocloud_get) def get(self): res = ocloud_view.oclouds(uow) if len(res) > 0: return res[0] api.abort( 404, "oCloud doesn't exist") # ---------- ResourceTypes ---------- # @api.route("/resourceTypes") class ResourceTypesListRouter(Resource): model = ResourceTypeDTO.resource_type_get @api.marshal_list_with(model) def get(self): return ocloud_view.resource_types(uow) # @api.doc(response={405: 'Method Not Allowed'}) # def post(self): # api.abort(405) # @api.doc(response={405: 'Method Not Allowed'}) # def put(self): # api.abort(405) # @api.doc(response={405: 'Method Not Allowed'}) # def patch(self): # api.abort(405) # @api.doc(response={405: 'Method Not Allowed'}) # def delete(self): # api.abort(405) @api.route("/resourceTypes/") @api.param('resourceTypeID', 'ID of the resource type') @api.response(404, 'Resource type not found') class ResourceTypeGetRouter(Resource): model = ResourceTypeDTO.resource_type_get @api.doc('Get resource type') @api.marshal_with(model) def get(self, resourceTypeID): result = ocloud_view.resource_type_one(resourceTypeID, uow) if result is not None: return result api.abort( 404, "Resource type {} doesn't exist".format(resourceTypeID)) # ---------- ResourcePools ---------- # @api.route("/resourcePools") class ResourcePoolsListRouter(Resource): model = ResourcePoolDTO.resource_pool_get @api.marshal_list_with(model) def get(self): return ocloud_view.resource_pools(uow) @api.route("/resourcePools/") @api.param('resourcePoolID', 'ID of the resource pool') @api.response(404, 'Resource pool not found') class ResourcePoolGetRouter(Resource): model = ResourcePoolDTO.resource_pool_get @api.doc('Get resource pool') @api.marshal_with(model) def get(self, resourcePoolID): result = ocloud_view.resource_pool_one(resourcePoolID, uow) if result is not None: return result api.abort( 404, "Resource pool {} doesn't exist".format(resourcePoolID)) # ---------- Resources ---------- # @api.route("/resourcePools//resources") @api.param('resourcePoolID', 'ID of the resource pool') class ResourcesListRouter(Resource): model = ResourceDTO.resource_list @api.marshal_list_with(model) def get(self, resourcePoolID): return ocloud_view.resources(resourcePoolID, uow) @api.route("/resourcePools//resources/") @api.param('resourcePoolID', 'ID of the resource pool') @api.param('resourceID', 'ID of the resource') @api.response(404, 'Resource not found') class ResourceGetRouter(Resource): model = ResourceDTO.resource_get @api.doc('Get resource') @api.marshal_with(model) def get(self, resourcePoolID, resourceID): result = ocloud_view.resource_one(resourceID, uow) if result is not None: return result api.abort(404, "Resource {} doesn't exist".format(resourceID)) # ---------- DeploymentManagers ---------- # @api.route("/deploymentManagers") class DeploymentManagersListRouter(Resource): model = DeploymentManagerDTO.deployment_manager_get @api.marshal_list_with(model) def get(self): return ocloud_view.deployment_managers(uow) @api.route("/deploymentManagers/") @api.param('deploymentManagerID', 'ID of the deployment manager') @api.response(404, 'Deployment manager not found') class DeploymentManagerGetRouter(Resource): model = DeploymentManagerDTO.deployment_manager_get @api.doc('Get deployment manager') @api.marshal_with(model) def get(self, deploymentManagerID): result = ocloud_view.deployment_manager_one( deploymentManagerID, uow) if result is not None: return result api.abort(404, "Deployment manager {} doesn't exist".format( deploymentManagerID)) # ---------- Subscriptions ---------- # @api.route("/subscriptions") class SubscriptionsListRouter(Resource): model = SubscriptionDTO.subscription_get expect = SubscriptionDTO.subscription post_resp = SubscriptionDTO.subscription_post_resp @api.doc('List subscriptions') @api.marshal_list_with(model) def get(self): return ocloud_view.subscriptions(uow) @api.doc('Create a subscription') @api.expect(expect) @api.marshal_with(post_resp, code=201) def post(self): data = api.payload sub_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) subscription = Subscription( sub_uuid, data['callback'], data['consumerSubscriptionId'], data['filter']) ocloud_view.subscription_create(subscription, uow) return {"subscriptionId": sub_uuid}, 201 @api.route("/subscriptions/") @api.param('subscriptionID', 'ID of the subscription') @api.response(404, 'Subscription not found') class SubscriptionGetDelRouter(Resource): model = DeploymentManagerDTO.deployment_manager_get @api.doc('Get subscription by ID') @api.marshal_with(model) def get(self, subscriptionID): result = ocloud_view.subscription_one( subscriptionID, uow) if result is not None: return result api.abort(404, "Subscription {} doesn't exist".format( subscriptionID)) @api.doc('Delete subscription by ID') @api.response(204, 'Subscription deleted') def delete(self, subscriptionID): with uow: uow.subscriptions.delete(subscriptionID) uow.commit() return '', 204 def configure_namespace(app, bus): api_v1 = api app.add_namespace(api_v1, path=apibase) # Set global uow global uow uow = bus.uow