# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import redis # import requests import json # from o2common.config import conf from o2common.domain.filter import gen_orm_filter from o2common.service.unit_of_work import AbstractUnitOfWork from o2common.adapter.notifications import AbstractNotifications from o2ims.domain import commands, ocloud from o2ims.domain.subscription_obj import Subscription, Message2SMO, \ NotificationEventEnum from o2common.helper import o2logging logger = o2logging.get_logger(__name__) # # Maybe another MQ server # r = redis.Redis(**config.get_redis_host_and_port()) def notify_change_to_smo( cmd: commands.PubMessage2SMO, uow: AbstractUnitOfWork, notifications: AbstractNotifications, ): logger.debug('In notify_change_to_smo') msg_type = cmd.type if msg_type == 'ResourceType': _notify_resourcetype(uow, notifications, cmd.data) elif msg_type == 'ResourcePool': _notify_resourcepool(uow, notifications, cmd.data) elif msg_type == 'Dms': _notify_dms(uow, notifications, cmd.data) elif msg_type == 'Resource': _notify_resource(uow, notifications, cmd.data) def __get_object_type_and_value(sub_filter): exprs = sub_filter.split(';') for expr in exprs: items = expr.strip(' ()').split(',') item_key = items[1].strip() if item_key == 'objectType': return True, items[2].strip() return False, '' def handle_filter(filter: str, f_type: str): print(filter) if not filter: return filter_list = filter.strip(' []').split('|') if not filter_list: return match_type_count = 0 filters = [] for sub_filter in filter_list: objectType, objectTypeValue = __get_object_type_and_value(sub_filter) if objectTypeValue == f_type: match_type_count += 1 filters.append(sub_filter) elif not objectType and f_type == 'ResourceInfo': match_type_count += 1 filters.append(sub_filter) return match_type_count, filters def check_filters(filters, sub_data, uow_cls, obj_cls, attr_id, id): for filter in filters[1]: logger.debug(f'filter: {filter}') try: args = gen_orm_filter(obj_cls, filter) except KeyError: logger.warning( 'Subscription {} filter {} has wrong attribute ' 'name or value. Ignore the filter.'.format( sub_data['subscriptionId'], sub_data['filter'])) continue logger.debug(f'args: {args}') if len(args) == 0 and 'objectType' in filter: return False args.append(attr_id == id) obj_count, _ = uow_cls.list_with_count(*args) if obj_count > 0: return True return False def _notify_resourcetype(uow, notifications, data): with uow: resource_type = uow.resource_types.get(data.id) if resource_type is None: logger.warning('ResourceType {} does not exists.'.format(data.id)) return resource_type_dict = resource_type.get_notification_dict() subs = uow.subscriptions.list() for sub in subs: sub_data = sub.serialize() logger.debug('Subscription: {}'.format(sub_data['subscriptionId'])) filters = handle_filter(sub_data['filter'], 'ResourceTypeInfo') logger.debug(f'filters: {filters}, sub_data: {sub_data}') if not filters or filters[0] == 0 or check_filters( filters, sub_data, uow.resource_types, ocloud.ResourceType, ocloud.ResourceType.resourceTypeId, data.id): callback_smo(notifications, sub, data, resource_type_dict) continue logger.info('Subscription {} filter hit, skip ResourceType {}.' .format(sub_data['subscriptionId'], data.id)) def _notify_resourcepool(uow, notifications, data): with uow: resource_pool = uow.resource_pools.get(data.id) if resource_pool is None: logger.warning('ResourcePool {} does not exists.'.format(data.id)) return resource_pool_dict = resource_pool.get_notification_dict() subs = uow.subscriptions.list() for sub in subs: sub_data = sub.serialize() logger.debug('Subscription: {}'.format(sub_data['subscriptionId'])) filters = handle_filter(sub_data['filter'], 'ResourcePoolInfo') logger.debug(f'filters: {filters}, sub_data: {sub_data}') if not filters or filters[0] == 0 or check_filters( filters, sub_data, uow.resource_pools, ocloud.ResourcePool, ocloud.ResourcePool.resourcePoolId, data.id): callback_smo(notifications, sub, data, resource_pool_dict) continue logger.info('Subscription {} filter hit, skip ResourcePool {}.' .format(sub_data['subscriptionId'], data.id)) def _notify_dms(uow, notifications, data): with uow: dms = uow.deployment_managers.get(data.id) if dms is None: logger.warning( 'DeploymentManager {} does not exists.'.format(data.id)) return dms_dict = dms.get_notification_dict() subs = uow.subscriptions.list() for sub in subs: sub_data = sub.serialize() logger.debug('Subscription: {}'.format(sub_data['subscriptionId'])) filters = handle_filter( sub_data['filter'], 'DeploymentManagerInfo') logger.debug(f'filters: {filters}, sub_data: {sub_data}') if not filters or filters[0] == 0 or check_filters( filters, sub_data, uow.deployment_managers, ocloud.DeploymentManager, ocloud.DeploymentManager.deploymentManagerId, data.id): callback_smo(notifications, sub, data, dms_dict) continue logger.info('Subscription {} filter hit, skip ' 'DeploymentManager {}.' .format(sub_data['subscriptionId'], data.id)) def _notify_resource(uow, notifications, data): with uow: resource = uow.resources.get(data.id) if resource is None: logger.warning('Resource {} does not exists.'.format(data.id)) return res_pool_id = resource.serialize()['resourcePoolId'] logger.debug('res pool id is {}'.format(res_pool_id)) res_dict = resource.get_notification_dict() subs = uow.subscriptions.list() for sub in subs: sub_data = sub.serialize() logger.debug('Subscription: {}'.format(sub_data['subscriptionId'])) filters = handle_filter(sub_data['filter'], 'ResourceInfo') if not filters or filters[0] == 0: callback_smo(notifications, sub, data, res_dict) continue if filters[0] > 0 and not filters[1]: continue filter_hit = False for filter in filters[1]: try: args = gen_orm_filter(ocloud.Resource, filter) except KeyError: logger.warning( 'Subscription {} filter {} has wrong attribute ' 'name or value. Ignore the filter.'.format( sub_data['subscriptionId'], sub_data['filter'])) continue if len(args) == 0 and 'objectType' in filter: filter_hit = True break args.append(ocloud.Resource.resourceId == data.id) obj_count, _ = uow.resources.list_with_count( res_pool_id, *args) if obj_count > 0: filter_hit = True break if filter_hit: logger.info('Subscription {} filter hit, skip Resource {}.' .format(sub_data['subscriptionId'], data.id)) else: callback_smo(notifications, sub, data, res_dict) def callback_smo(notifications: AbstractNotifications, sub: Subscription, msg: Message2SMO, obj_dict: dict = None): sub_data = sub.serialize() callback = { 'consumerSubscriptionId': sub_data['consumerSubscriptionId'], 'notificationEventType': msg.notificationEventType, 'objectRef': msg.objectRef, 'updateTime': msg.updatetime } if msg.notificationEventType in [NotificationEventEnum.DELETE, NotificationEventEnum.MODIFY]: callback['priorObjectState'] = json.dumps(obj_dict) if msg.notificationEventType in [NotificationEventEnum.CREATE, NotificationEventEnum.MODIFY]: callback['postObjectState'] = json.dumps(obj_dict) if msg.notificationEventType == NotificationEventEnum.DELETE: callback.pop('objectRef') logger.info('callback URL: {}'.format(sub_data['callback'])) logger.debug('callback data: {}'.format(json.dumps(callback))) return notifications.send(sub_data['callback'], callback)