openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: 'A1-P Policy Management Service' version: 1.1.x-alpha.2 description: | API for Policy Management Service. © 2019, O-RAN Alliance. All rights reserved. externalDocs: description: 'ORAN-WG2.A1.AP-v01.01 A1 interface: Application protocol' url: '' servers: - url: '{apiRoot}/A1-P/v1' variables: apiRoot: default: '' description: 'apiRoot as defined in clause 4.2.1 in ORAN-WG2.A1.AP' paths: '/policies': get: operationId: a1.get_all_policy_identities description: 'Get all policy identities' tags: - All Policy Identities parameters: - name: policyTypeId in: query required: false schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyTypeId" responses: 200: description: 'Array of all policy identities' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyId" minItems: 0 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" '/policies/{policyId}': parameters: - name: policyId in: path required: true schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyId" put: operationId: a1.put_policy description: 'Create, or update, a policy' tags: - Individual Policy Object parameters: - name: policyTypeId in: query required: false schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyTypeId" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyObject" responses: 200: description: 'The policy was updated' content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyObject" 201: description: 'The policy was created' content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyObject" headers: Location: description: 'Contains the URI of the created policy' required: true schema: type: string 400: "$ref": "#/components/responses/400-BadRequest" 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" 507: "$ref": "#/components/responses/507-InsufficientStorage" get: operationId: a1.get_policy description: 'Query a policy' tags: - Individual Policy Object responses: 200: description: 'The requested policy' content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyObject" 404: "$ref": "#/components/responses/404-NotFound" 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" delete: operationId: a1.delete_policy description: 'Delete a policy' tags: - Individual Policy Object responses: 204: description: 'The policy was deleted' 404: "$ref": "#/components/responses/404-NotFound" 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" '/policystatus/{policyId}': parameters: - name: policyId in: path required: true schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyId" get: operationId: a1.get_policy_status description: 'Query a policy status' tags: - Individual Policy Status Object responses: 200: description: 'The requested policy status' content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyStatusObject" 404: "$ref": "#/components/responses/404-NotFound" 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" '/policytypes': get: operationId: a1.get_all_policytypes_identities description: 'Get all policy type identities' tags: - All Policy Type Identities responses: 200: description: 'Array of all policy type identities' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyTypeId" minItems: 0 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" '/policytypes/{policyTypeId}': parameters: - name: policyTypeId in: path required: true schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyTypeId" get: operationId: a1.get_policytypes description: 'Get the schemas for a policy type' tags: - Individual Policy Type responses: 200: description: 'The policy type schemas' content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PolicyTypeObject" 404: "$ref": "#/components/responses/404-NotFound" 429: "$ref": "#/components/responses/429-TooManyRequests" 503: "$ref": "#/components/responses/503-ServiceUnavailable" components: schemas: # # Representation objects # PolicyObject: description: 'A generic policy object that can be used to transport any policy. Additionally, a policy shall be valid according to the schema of its specific policy type.' type: object PolicyStatusObject: description: 'A generic policy status object that can be used to transport any policy status. Additionally, a policy status shall be valid according to the schema of its specific policy type.' type: object PolicyTypeObject: description: 'A definition of a policy type, i.e. the schemas for a policy respectively its status' type: object properties: policySchema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/JsonSchema" statusSchema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/JsonSchema" required: - policySchema ProblemDetails: description: 'A problem detail to carry details in a HTTP response according to RFC 7807 extended with A1 specific attributes' type: object properties: type: type: string title: type: string status: type: number detail: type: string instance: type: string cause: type: string invalidParams: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InvalidParam" minItems: 1 # # Structured data types # InvalidParam: description: 'Used in a ProblemDetails to indicate a specific invalid parameter' type: object properties: param: type: string reason: type: string required: - param # # Simple data types # JsonSchema: description: 'A JSON schema following' type: object PolicyId: description: 'Policy identifier assigned by the A1-P Consumer when a policy is created' type: string PolicyTypeId: description: 'Policy type identifier assigned by the A1-P Provider' type: string responses: 400-BadRequest: description: 'Object in payload not properly formulated or not related to the method' content: application/problem+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" 404-NotFound: description: 'No resource found at the URI' content: application/problem+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" 405-MethodNotAllowed: description: 'Method not allowed for the URI' content: application/problem+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" 429-TooManyRequests: description: 'Too many requests have been sent in a given amount of time' content: application/problem+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" 503-ServiceUnavailable: description: 'The provider is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload' content: application/problem+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" 507-InsufficientStorage: description: 'The method could not be performed on the resource because the provider is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request' content: application/problem+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails"