--- - project: name: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store-project-view project-name: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store views: - project-view - _aiml_fssdk_docker_common: &aiml_fssdk_docker_common # values apply to all training manager projects name: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store-docker-common # git repo project: aiml-fw/athp/sdk/feature-store # jenkins job name prefix project-name: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store # maven settings file has docker credentials mvn-settings: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store-settings - project: <<: *aiml_fssdk_docker_common name: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store-tox-verify # the install script assumes an ubuntu image build-node: ubuntu1804-builder-2c-2g python-version: python3 # skip docs on verify tox-envs: code tox-dir: "." # do not trigger on changes in docs, releases gerrit_trigger_file_paths: - compare-type: REG_EXP pattern: "featurestoresdk/.*" stream: # run verify on all branches # the ANT pattern is **/{branch}, we are exploiting that. - all: branch: master jobs: - gerrit-tox-verify - project: <<: *aiml_fssdk_docker_common name: aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store-sonarqube python-version: python3 tox-dir: "." # the install script assumes an ubuntu image build-node: ubuntu1804-builder-2c-2g # do not trigger on changes in docs, releases gerrit_trigger_file_paths: - compare-type: REG_EXP pattern: "featurestoresdk/.*" sonar-project-file: "" sonar-properties: | sonar.login={sonarcloud_api_token} sonar.projectKey={sonarcloud_project_organization}_{project-name} sonar.projectName={project-name} sonar.organization={sonarcloud_project_organization} sonar.build.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 sonar.sources=featurestoresdk sonar.python.coverage.reportPaths=coverage.xml jobs: - gerrit-tox-sonarqube