/* Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Nokia. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* * This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) * platform project (RICP). */ package sdlgoredis import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "io" "log" "net" "os" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" ) const EventSeparator = "___" const NsSeparator = "," type ChannelNotificationCb func(channel string, payload ...string) type RedisClientCreator func(addr, port, clusterName string, isHa bool) RedisClient type intChannels struct { addChannel chan string removeChannel chan string exit chan bool } type sharedCbMap struct { m sync.Mutex cbMap map[string]ChannelNotificationCb } type Config struct { hostname string ports []string masterNames []string sentinelPorts []string clusterAddrs []string nodeCnt string } type DB struct { ctx context.Context client RedisClient sentinel RedisSentinelCreateCb subscribe SubscribeFn redisModules bool sCbMap *sharedCbMap ch intChannels addr string port string sentinelPort string masterName string nodeCnt string } type Subscriber interface { Channel(opts ...redis.ChannelOption) <-chan *redis.Message Subscribe(ctx context.Context, channels ...string) error Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, channels ...string) error Close() error } type SubscribeFn func(ctx context.Context, client RedisClient, channels ...string) Subscriber type RedisClient interface { Command(ctx context.Context) *redis.CommandsInfoCmd Close() error Subscribe(ctx context.Context, channels ...string) *redis.PubSub MSet(ctx context.Context, pairs ...interface{}) *redis.StatusCmd Do(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *redis.Cmd MGet(ctx context.Context, keys ...string) *redis.SliceCmd Del(ctx context.Context, keys ...string) *redis.IntCmd Keys(ctx context.Context, pattern string) *redis.StringSliceCmd SetNX(ctx context.Context, key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *redis.BoolCmd SAdd(ctx context.Context, key string, members ...interface{}) *redis.IntCmd SRem(ctx context.Context, key string, members ...interface{}) *redis.IntCmd SMembers(ctx context.Context, key string) *redis.StringSliceCmd SIsMember(ctx context.Context, key string, member interface{}) *redis.BoolCmd SCard(ctx context.Context, key string) *redis.IntCmd PTTL(ctx context.Context, key string) *redis.DurationCmd Eval(ctx context.Context, script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *redis.Cmd EvalSha(ctx context.Context, sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *redis.Cmd ScriptExists(ctx context.Context, scripts ...string) *redis.BoolSliceCmd ScriptLoad(ctx context.Context, script string) *redis.StringCmd Info(ctx context.Context, section ...string) *redis.StringCmd } var dbLogger *logger func init() { dbLogger = &logger{ log: log.New(os.Stdout, "database: ", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile), } redis.SetLogger(dbLogger) } func SetDbLogger(out io.Writer) { dbLogger.log.SetOutput(out) } func checkResultAndError(result interface{}, err error) (bool, error) { if err != nil { if err == redis.Nil { return false, nil } return false, err } if result == "OK" { return true, nil } return false, nil } func checkIntResultAndError(result interface{}, err error) (bool, error) { if err != nil { return false, err } if n, ok := result.(int64); ok { if n == 1 { return true, nil } } else if n, ok := result.(int); ok { if n == 1 { return true, nil } } return false, nil } func subscribeNotifications(ctx context.Context, client RedisClient, channels ...string) Subscriber { return client.Subscribe(ctx, channels...) } func CreateDB(client RedisClient, subscribe SubscribeFn, sentinelCreateCb RedisSentinelCreateCb, addr, port, sentinelPort, masterName, nodeCnt string) *DB { db := DB{ ctx: context.Background(), client: client, sentinel: sentinelCreateCb, subscribe: subscribe, redisModules: true, sCbMap: &sharedCbMap{cbMap: make(map[string]ChannelNotificationCb, 0)}, ch: intChannels{ addChannel: make(chan string), removeChannel: make(chan string), exit: make(chan bool), }, addr: addr, sentinelPort: sentinelPort, port: port, masterName: masterName, nodeCnt: nodeCnt, } return &db } func Create() []*DB { osimpl := osImpl{} return ReadConfigAndCreateDbClients(osimpl, newRedisClient, subscribeNotifications, newRedisSentinel) } func readConfig(osI OS) Config { cfg := Config{ hostname: osI.Getenv("DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST", "localhost"), ports: strings.Split(osI.Getenv("DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT", "6379"), ","), nodeCnt: osI.Getenv("DBAAS_NODE_COUNT", "1"), } if addrStr := osI.Getenv("DBAAS_CLUSTER_ADDR_LIST", ""); addrStr != "" { cfg.clusterAddrs = strings.Split(addrStr, ",") } else if cfg.hostname != "" { cfg.clusterAddrs = append(cfg.clusterAddrs, cfg.hostname) } if sntPortStr := osI.Getenv("DBAAS_SERVICE_SENTINEL_PORT", ""); sntPortStr != "" { cfg.sentinelPorts = strings.Split(sntPortStr, ",") } if nameStr := osI.Getenv("DBAAS_MASTER_NAME", ""); nameStr != "" { cfg.masterNames = strings.Split(nameStr, ",") } completeConfig(&cfg) return cfg } type OS interface { Getenv(key string, defValue string) string } type osImpl struct{} func (osImpl) Getenv(key string, defValue string) string { val := os.Getenv(key) if val == "" { val = defValue } return val } func completeConfig(cfg *Config) { if len(cfg.sentinelPorts) == 0 { if len(cfg.clusterAddrs) > len(cfg.ports) && len(cfg.ports) > 0 { for i := len(cfg.ports); i < len(cfg.clusterAddrs); i++ { cfg.ports = append(cfg.ports, cfg.ports[i-1]) } } } else { if len(cfg.clusterAddrs) > len(cfg.sentinelPorts) { for i := len(cfg.sentinelPorts); i < len(cfg.clusterAddrs); i++ { cfg.sentinelPorts = append(cfg.sentinelPorts, cfg.sentinelPorts[i-1]) } } if len(cfg.clusterAddrs) > len(cfg.masterNames) && len(cfg.masterNames) > 0 { for i := len(cfg.masterNames); i < len(cfg.clusterAddrs); i++ { cfg.masterNames = append(cfg.masterNames, cfg.masterNames[i-1]) } } } } func ReadConfigAndCreateDbClients(osI OS, clientCreator RedisClientCreator, subscribe SubscribeFn, sentinelCreateCb RedisSentinelCreateCb) []*DB { dbs := []*DB{} cfg := readConfig(osI) for i, addr := range cfg.clusterAddrs { port := getListItem(cfg.ports, i) sntPort := getListItem(cfg.sentinelPorts, i) name := getListItem(cfg.masterNames, i) db := createDbClient(addr, port, sntPort, name, cfg.nodeCnt, clientCreator, subscribe, sentinelCreateCb) dbs = append(dbs, db) } return dbs } func getListItem(list []string, index int) string { if index < len(list) { return list[index] } return "" } func createDbClient(addr, port, sentinelPort, masterName, nodeCnt string, clientCreator RedisClientCreator, subscribe SubscribeFn, sentinelCreateCb RedisSentinelCreateCb) *DB { var client RedisClient var db *DB if sentinelPort == "" { client = clientCreator(addr, port, "", false) db = CreateDB(client, subscribe, nil, addr, port, sentinelPort, masterName, nodeCnt) } else { client = clientCreator(addr, sentinelPort, masterName, true) db = CreateDB(client, subscribe, sentinelCreateCb, addr, port, sentinelPort, masterName, nodeCnt) } db.CheckCommands() return db } func newRedisClient(addr, port, clusterName string, isHa bool) RedisClient { if isHa == true { sentinelAddress := addr + ":" + port return redis.NewFailoverClient( &redis.FailoverOptions{ MasterName: clusterName, SentinelAddrs: []string{sentinelAddress}, PoolSize: 20, MaxRetries: 2, }, ) } redisAddress := addr + ":" + port return redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: redisAddress, Password: "", // no password set DB: 0, // use default DB PoolSize: 20, MaxRetries: 2, }) } func (db *DB) CheckCommands() { commands, err := db.client.Command(db.ctx).Result() if err == nil { redisModuleCommands := []string{"setie", "delie", "setiepub", "setnxpub", "msetmpub", "delmpub"} for _, v := range redisModuleCommands { _, ok := commands[v] if !ok { db.redisModules = false } } } else { dbLogger.Printf(db.ctx, "SDL DB commands checking failure: %s\n", err) } } func (db *DB) CloseDB() error { return db.client.Close() } func (db *DB) UnsubscribeChannelDB(channels ...string) error { for _, v := range channels { db.sCbMap.Remove(v) db.ch.removeChannel <- v errStr := <-db.ch.removeChannel if errStr != "" { return fmt.Errorf("SDL Unsubscribe of channel %s failed: %s", v, errStr) } if db.sCbMap.Count() == 0 { db.ch.exit <- true } } return nil } func (db *DB) SubscribeChannelDB(cb func(string, ...string), channels ...string) error { if db.sCbMap.Count() == 0 { go func(sCbMap *sharedCbMap, ch intChannels) { sub := db.subscribe(db.ctx, db.client, "") rxChannel := sub.Channel() lCbMap := sCbMap.GetMapCopy() for { select { case msg := <-rxChannel: cb, ok := lCbMap[msg.Channel] if ok { nSChNames := strings.SplitAfterN(msg.Channel, NsSeparator, 2) cb(nSChNames[1], strings.Split(msg.Payload, EventSeparator)...) } case channel := <-ch.addChannel: lCbMap = sCbMap.GetMapCopy() if err := sub.Subscribe(db.ctx, channel); err != nil { ch.addChannel <- err.Error() } else { ch.addChannel <- "" } case channel := <-ch.removeChannel: lCbMap = sCbMap.GetMapCopy() if err := sub.Unsubscribe(db.ctx, channel); err != nil { ch.removeChannel <- err.Error() } else { ch.removeChannel <- "" } case exit := <-ch.exit: if exit { if err := sub.Close(); err != nil { dbLogger.Printf(db.ctx, "SDL DB channel closing failure: %s\n", err) } return } } } }(db.sCbMap, db.ch) } for _, v := range channels { db.sCbMap.Add(v, cb) db.ch.addChannel <- v errStr := <-db.ch.addChannel if errStr != "" { return fmt.Errorf("SDL Subscribe of channel %s failed: %s", v, errStr) } } return nil } func (db *DB) MSet(pairs ...interface{}) error { return db.client.MSet(db.ctx, pairs...).Err() } func (db *DB) MSetMPub(channelsAndEvents []string, pairs ...interface{}) error { if !db.redisModules { return errors.New("Redis deployment doesn't support MSETMPUB command") } command := make([]interface{}, 0) command = append(command, "MSETMPUB") command = append(command, len(pairs)/2) command = append(command, len(channelsAndEvents)/2) for _, d := range pairs { command = append(command, d) } for _, d := range channelsAndEvents { command = append(command, d) } _, err := db.client.Do(db.ctx, command...).Result() return err } func (db *DB) MGet(keys []string) ([]interface{}, error) { return db.client.MGet(db.ctx, keys...).Result() } func (db *DB) DelMPub(channelsAndEvents []string, keys []string) error { if !db.redisModules { return errors.New("Redis deployment not supporting command DELMPUB") } command := make([]interface{}, 0) command = append(command, "DELMPUB") command = append(command, len(keys)) command = append(command, len(channelsAndEvents)/2) for _, d := range keys { command = append(command, d) } for _, d := range channelsAndEvents { command = append(command, d) } _, err := db.client.Do(db.ctx, command...).Result() return err } func (db *DB) Del(keys []string) error { _, err := db.client.Del(db.ctx, keys...).Result() return err } func (db *DB) Keys(pattern string) ([]string, error) { return db.client.Keys(db.ctx, pattern).Result() } func (db *DB) SetIE(key string, oldData, newData interface{}) (bool, error) { if !db.redisModules { return false, errors.New("Redis deployment not supporting command") } return checkResultAndError(db.client.Do(db.ctx, "SETIE", key, newData, oldData).Result()) } func (db *DB) SetIEPub(channelsAndEvents []string, key string, oldData, newData interface{}) (bool, error) { if !db.redisModules { return false, errors.New("Redis deployment not supporting command SETIEMPUB") } capacity := 4 + len(channelsAndEvents) command := make([]interface{}, 0, capacity) command = append(command, "SETIEMPUB") command = append(command, key) command = append(command, newData) command = append(command, oldData) for _, ce := range channelsAndEvents { command = append(command, ce) } return checkResultAndError(db.client.Do(db.ctx, command...).Result()) } func (db *DB) SetNXPub(channelsAndEvents []string, key string, data interface{}) (bool, error) { if !db.redisModules { return false, errors.New("Redis deployment not supporting command SETNXMPUB") } capacity := 3 + len(channelsAndEvents) command := make([]interface{}, 0, capacity) command = append(command, "SETNXMPUB") command = append(command, key) command = append(command, data) for _, ce := range channelsAndEvents { command = append(command, ce) } return checkResultAndError(db.client.Do(db.ctx, command...).Result()) } func (db *DB) SetNX(key string, data interface{}, expiration time.Duration) (bool, error) { return db.client.SetNX(db.ctx, key, data, expiration).Result() } func (db *DB) DelIEPub(channelsAndEvents []string, key string, data interface{}) (bool, error) { if !db.redisModules { return false, errors.New("Redis deployment not supporting command DELIEMPUB") } capacity := 3 + len(channelsAndEvents) command := make([]interface{}, 0, capacity) command = append(command, "DELIEMPUB") command = append(command, key) command = append(command, data) for _, ce := range channelsAndEvents { command = append(command, ce) } return checkIntResultAndError(db.client.Do(db.ctx, command...).Result()) } func (db *DB) DelIE(key string, data interface{}) (bool, error) { if !db.redisModules { return false, errors.New("Redis deployment not supporting command") } return checkIntResultAndError(db.client.Do(db.ctx, "DELIE", key, data).Result()) } func (db *DB) SAdd(key string, data ...interface{}) error { _, err := db.client.SAdd(db.ctx, key, data...).Result() return err } func (db *DB) SRem(key string, data ...interface{}) error { _, err := db.client.SRem(db.ctx, key, data...).Result() return err } func (db *DB) SMembers(key string) ([]string, error) { result, err := db.client.SMembers(db.ctx, key).Result() return result, err } func (db *DB) SIsMember(key string, data interface{}) (bool, error) { result, err := db.client.SIsMember(db.ctx, key, data).Result() return result, err } func (db *DB) SCard(key string) (int64, error) { result, err := db.client.SCard(db.ctx, key).Result() return result, err } func (db *DB) PTTL(key string) (time.Duration, error) { result, err := db.client.PTTL(db.ctx, key).Result() return result, err } func (db *DB) Info() (*DbInfo, error) { var info DbInfo resultStr, err := db.client.Info(db.ctx, "all").Result() if err != nil { return &info, err } result := strings.Split(strings.ReplaceAll(resultStr, "\r\n", "\n"), "\n") readRedisInfoReplyFields(result, &info) return &info, nil } func lineContains(line, substr string) bool { return strings.Contains(line, substr) } func getFieldValueStr(line, substr string) string { if idx := strings.Index(line, substr); idx != -1 { return line[idx+len(substr):] } return "" } func getUint32FromString(s string) uint32 { if val, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32); err == nil { return uint32(val) } return 0 } func getUint64FromString(s string) uint64 { if val, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64); err == nil { return uint64(val) } return 0 } func getFloatFromString(s string, bitSize int) float64 { if val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, bitSize); err == nil { return val } return 0 } func getFloat64FromString(s string) float64 { return getFloatFromString(s, 64) } func getFloat32FromString(s string) float32 { return float32(getFloatFromString(s, 32)) } func getValueString(values string, key string) string { slice := strings.Split(values, ",") for _, s := range slice { if lineContains(s, key) { return getFieldValueStr(s, key) } } return "" } func getCommandstatsValues(values string) (string, string, string) { calls := getValueString(values, "calls=") usec := getValueString(values, "usec=") usecPerCall := getValueString(values, "usec_per_call=") return calls, usec, usecPerCall } func updateCommandstatsValues(i interface{}, values string) { stype := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem() callsStr, usecStr, usecPerCallStr := getCommandstatsValues(values) callsField := stype.FieldByName("Calls") callsField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(getUint32FromString(callsStr))) usecField := stype.FieldByName("Usec") usecField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(getUint32FromString(usecStr))) usecPerCallField := stype.FieldByName("UsecPerCall") usecPerCallField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(getFloat32FromString(usecPerCallStr))) } func getKeyspaceValues(values string) (string, string, string) { keys := getValueString(values, "keys=") expires := getValueString(values, "expires=") avgttl := getValueString(values, "avg_ttl=") return keys, expires, avgttl } func updateKeyspaceValues(i interface{}, values string) { stype := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem() keysStr, expiresStr, avgttlStr := getKeyspaceValues(values) keysField := stype.FieldByName("Keys") keysField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(getUint32FromString(keysStr))) expiresField := stype.FieldByName("Expires") expiresField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(getUint32FromString(expiresStr))) avgttlField := stype.FieldByName("AvgTtl") avgttlField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(getUint32FromString(avgttlStr))) } func updateServerInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if value, ok := config["uptime_in_days"]; ok { info.Fields.Server.UptimeInDays = getUint32FromString(value) } } func updateClientInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if value, ok := config["connected_clients"]; ok { info.Fields.Clients.ConnectedClients = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["client_recent_max_input_buffer"]; ok { info.Fields.Clients.ClientRecentMaxInputBuffer = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["client_recent_max_output_buffer"]; ok { info.Fields.Clients.ClientRecentMaxOutputBuffer = getUint32FromString(value) } } func updateMemoryInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if value, ok := config["used_memory"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemory = getUint64FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["used_memory_human"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemoryHuman = value } if value, ok := config["used_memory_rss"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemoryRss = getUint64FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["used_memory_rss_human"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemoryRssHuman = value } if value, ok := config["used_memory_peak"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemoryPeak = getUint64FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["used_memory_peak_human"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemoryPeakHuman = value } if value, ok := config["used_memory_peak_perc"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.UsedMemoryPeakPerc = value } if value, ok := config["mem_fragmentation_ratio"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.MemFragmentationRatio = getFloat32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["mem_fragmentation_bytes"]; ok { info.Fields.Memory.MemFragmentationBytes = getUint32FromString(value) } } func updateStatsInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if value, ok := config["total_connections_received"]; ok { info.Fields.Stats.TotalConnectionsReceived = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["total_commands_processed"]; ok { info.Fields.Stats.TotalCommandsProcessed = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["sync_full"]; ok { info.Fields.Stats.SyncFull = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["sync_partial_ok"]; ok { info.Fields.Stats.SyncPartialOk = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["sync_partial_err"]; ok { info.Fields.Stats.SyncPartialErr = getUint32FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["pubsub_channels"]; ok { info.Fields.Stats.PubsubChannels = getUint32FromString(value) } } func updateCpuInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if value, ok := config["used_cpu_sys"]; ok { info.Fields.Cpu.UsedCpuSys = getFloat64FromString(value) } if value, ok := config["used_cpu_user"]; ok { info.Fields.Cpu.UsedCpuUser = getFloat64FromString(value) } } func updateCommandstatsInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if values, ok := config["cmdstat_replconf"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatReplconf, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_keys"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatKeys, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_role"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatRole, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_psync"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatPsync, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_mset"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatMset, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_publish"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatPublish, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_info"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatInfo, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_ping"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatPing, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_client"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatClient, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_command"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatCommand, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_subscribe"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatSubscribe, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_monitor"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatMonitor, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_config"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatConfig, values) } if values, ok := config["cmdstat_slaveof"]; ok { updateCommandstatsValues(&info.Fields.Commandstats.CmdstatSlaveof, values) } } func updateKeyspaceInfoFields(config ConfigInfo, info *DbInfo) { if values, ok := config["db0"]; ok { updateKeyspaceValues(&info.Fields.Keyspace.Db, values) } } func getConfigInfo(input []string) ConfigInfo { config := ConfigInfo{} for _, line := range input { if i := strings.Index(line, ":"); i != -1 { if key := strings.TrimSpace(line[:i]); len(key) > 0 { if len(line) > i { config[key] = strings.TrimSpace(line[i+1:]) } } } } return config } func readRedisInfoReplyFields(input []string, info *DbInfo) { config := getConfigInfo(input) if value, ok := config["role"]; ok { if "master" == value { info.Fields.PrimaryRole = true } } if value, ok := config["connected_slaves"]; ok { info.Fields.ConnectedReplicaCnt = getUint32FromString(value) } updateServerInfoFields(config, info) updateClientInfoFields(config, info) updateMemoryInfoFields(config, info) updateStatsInfoFields(config, info) updateCpuInfoFields(config, info) updateCommandstatsInfoFields(config, info) updateKeyspaceInfoFields(config, info) } func (db *DB) State() (*DbState, error) { dbState := new(DbState) if db.sentinelPort != "" { //Establish connection to Redis sentinel. The reason why connection is done //here instead of time of the SDL instance creation is that for the time being //sentinel connection is needed only here to get state information and //state information is needed only by 'sdlcli' hence it is not time critical //and also we want to avoid opening unnecessary TCP connections towards Redis //sentinel for every SDL instance. Now it is done only when 'sdlcli' is used. sentinelClient := db.sentinel(db.addr, db.sentinelPort, db.masterName, db.nodeCnt) return sentinelClient.GetDbState() } else { info, err := db.Info() if err != nil { dbState.PrimaryDbState.Err = err return dbState, err } return db.fillDbStateFromDbInfo(info) } } func (db *DB) fillDbStateFromDbInfo(info *DbInfo) (*DbState, error) { var dbState DbState if info.Fields.PrimaryRole == true { dbState = DbState{ PrimaryDbState: PrimaryDbState{ Fields: PrimaryDbStateFields{ Role: "master", Ip: db.addr, Port: db.port, Flags: "master", }, }, } } cnt, err := strconv.Atoi(db.nodeCnt) if err != nil { dbState.Err = fmt.Errorf("DBAAS_NODE_COUNT configuration value '%s' conversion to integer failed", db.nodeCnt) } else { dbState.ConfigNodeCnt = cnt } return &dbState, dbState.Err } func createReplicaDbClient(host string) *DB { addr, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(host) return createDbClient(addr, port, "", "", "", newRedisClient, subscribeNotifications, nil) } func getStatisticsInfo(db *DB, host string) (*DbStatisticsInfo, error) { dbStatisticsInfo := new(DbStatisticsInfo) dbStatisticsInfo.IPAddr, dbStatisticsInfo.Port, _ = net.SplitHostPort(host) info, err := db.Info() if err != nil { return nil, err } dbStatisticsInfo.Info = info return dbStatisticsInfo, nil } func sentinelStatistics(db *DB) (*DbStatistics, error) { dbState := new(DbState) dbStatistics := new(DbStatistics) dbStatisticsInfo := new(DbStatisticsInfo) var err error dbState, err = db.State() if err != nil { return nil, err } dbStatisticsInfo, err = getStatisticsInfo(db, dbState.PrimaryDbState.GetAddress()) dbStatistics.Stats = append(dbStatistics.Stats, dbStatisticsInfo) if dbState.ReplicasDbState != nil { for _, r := range dbState.ReplicasDbState.States { replicaDb := createReplicaDbClient(r.GetAddress()) dbStatisticsInfo, err = getStatisticsInfo(replicaDb, r.GetAddress()) replicaDb.CloseDB() if err != nil { return nil, err } dbStatistics.Stats = append(dbStatistics.Stats, dbStatisticsInfo) } } return dbStatistics, nil } func standaloneStatistics(db *DB) (*DbStatistics, error) { dbStatistics := new(DbStatistics) dbStatisticsInfo, err := getStatisticsInfo(db, net.JoinHostPort(db.addr, db.port)) dbStatistics.Stats = append(dbStatistics.Stats, dbStatisticsInfo) return dbStatistics, err } func (db *DB) Statistics() (*DbStatistics, error) { if db.sentinelPort != "" { return sentinelStatistics(db) } return standaloneStatistics(db) } var luaRefresh = redis.NewScript(`if redis.call("get", KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then return redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) else return 0 end`) func (db *DB) PExpireIE(key string, data interface{}, expiration time.Duration) error { expirationStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(expiration/time.Millisecond), 10) result, err := luaRefresh.Run(db.ctx, db.client, []string{key}, data, expirationStr).Result() if err != nil { return err } if result == int64(1) { return nil } return errors.New("Lock not held") } func (sCbMap *sharedCbMap) Add(channel string, cb ChannelNotificationCb) { sCbMap.m.Lock() defer sCbMap.m.Unlock() sCbMap.cbMap[channel] = cb } func (sCbMap *sharedCbMap) Remove(channel string) { sCbMap.m.Lock() defer sCbMap.m.Unlock() delete(sCbMap.cbMap, channel) } func (sCbMap *sharedCbMap) Count() int { sCbMap.m.Lock() defer sCbMap.m.Unlock() return len(sCbMap.cbMap) } func (sCbMap *sharedCbMap) GetMapCopy() map[string]ChannelNotificationCb { sCbMap.m.Lock() defer sCbMap.m.Unlock() mapCopy := make(map[string]ChannelNotificationCb, 0) for i, v := range sCbMap.cbMap { mapCopy[i] = v } return mapCopy }