## General This folder contains scripts to push pm event to the file-ready kafka topic, directly to the topic or via the ves-collector. For simple testing, pushing directly to the topic is much faster but if integration with e.g. ran simulators; pushing via the ves-collector might be a better option. ## Script - push-genfiles-to-file-ready-topic.sh This script push generated pm files directly to the file-ready kafka topic. The script pushes events from one or more RAN nodes. For each RAN node, one or more events are pushed in sequence where each event in the sequence represents a 15 min measurement. Although each pm-file represents a 15 min measurement period, all events are pushed in a sequence without any delay between the files. The RAN nodes are specified as a single base name, eg. "NODE-A" and the the script with name the nodes "NODE-A-0", "NODE-A-1" etc. The event will contain a url to each pm file. These urls points to a web server (simulating a RAN node). The number of web server are fixed so the generated urls are generated so the load is spread out over the web server. ### Parmeters `push-genfiles-to-file-ready-topic.sh sftp|ftpes|https [hist]"` - node-count : The number of simulated RAN nodes - number-of-events : The number of 15 min measurements (event) per node - node-name-base : Base name of the RAN nodes, index 0,1,2 etc will be added to the name - file-extension : The pm file extension - should match the actual pm file to be downloaded from the web-servers (simulated RAN nodes) - sftp|ftps|https - Protocol for downloading pm files - only https is currently supported - num-servers - The number of web servers for pm file download. Should match the number of web servers actually started by the install script. This script generates pm file url to one of the web servers to spread the load. Note that this number can be different from the node-count parameter. - hist : By default, each event only contains the reference to a single pm file. If the parameter is given then each event will contain the latest pm file and 95 of the previous file to represent a full 24h set of pm files. ## Script - push-genfiles-to-ves-collector.sh This script push generated pm files via the ves-collector to the file-ready kafka topic. The parameter are exactly same as for the `push-genfiles-to-file-ready-topic.sh` script. ## Typical usage The below example `