.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright (C) 2023 Nordix .. _api_docs: .. |swagger-icon| image:: ./images/swagger.png :width: 40px .. |yaml-icon| image:: ./images/yaml_logo.png :width: 40px ======== API-Docs ======== Here we describe the APIs to access the Non-RIC Influx Logger. Influx Logger ============= The API is also described in Swagger-JSON and YAML: .. csv-table:: :header: "API name", "|swagger-icon|", "|yaml-icon|" :widths: 10,5, 5 "Influx Logger API", ":download:`link <../api/pmlog-api.json>`", ":download:`link <../api/pmlog-api.yaml>`" See `Influx Logger API <./pmlog-api.html>`_ for full details of the API.