# Basic configuration for Kong without the ingress controller, using the Postgres subchart # This installation does not create an Ingress or LoadBalancer Service for # the Admin API. It requires port-forwards to access without further # configuration to add them, e.g.: # kubectl port-forward deploy/your-deployment-kong 8001:8001 image: repository: kong tag: "3.5" env: prefix: /kong_prefix/ database: postgres role: control_plane cluster_cert: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.crt cluster_cert_key: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.key admin: enabled: true http: enabled: true servicePort: 8001 containerPort: 8001 cluster: enabled: true tls: enabled: true servicePort: 8005 containerPort: 8005 proxy: enabled: false secretVolumes: - kong-cluster-cert postgresql: enabled: true auth: username: kong database: kong ingressController: enabled: false