# Basic values.yaml for Kong for Kubernetes with Kong Enterprise # Several settings (search for the string "CHANGEME") require user-provided # Secrets. These Secrets must be created before installation. # # This installation does not create an Ingress or LoadBalancer Service for # the Admin API or Kong Manager. They require port-forwards to access without # further configuration to add them: # kubectl port-forward deploy/your-deployment-kong 8001:8001 8002:8002 image: repository: kong/kong-gateway tag: "3.5" admin: enabled: true http: enabled: true servicePort: 8001 containerPort: 8001 enterprise: enabled: true # CHANGEME: https://github.com/Kong/charts/blob/main/charts/kong/README.md#kong-enterprise-license license_secret: kong-enterprise-license vitals: enabled: false portal: enabled: false rbac: enabled: false smtp: enabled: false portal: enabled: false portalapi: enabled: false env: prefix: /kong_prefix/ database: postgres password: valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: kong-enterprise-superuser-password #CHANGEME key: password #CHANGEME postgresql: enabled: true auth: username: kong database: kong ingressController: enabled: true