# This tests the following unrelated aspects of Ingress Controller # - HPA enabled autoscaling: enabled: true args: - --alsologtostderr # - ingressController deploys without a database (default) ingressController: enabled: true # - webhook is enabled and deploys admissionWebhook: enabled: true # - environment variables can be injected into ingress controller container env: anonymous_reports: "false" kong_admin_header: "foo:bar" # - annotations can be injected for service account serviceAccount: annotations: eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/IAM_ROLE_NAME userDefinedVolumeMounts: - name: "tmpdir" mountPath: "/tmp/foo" readOnly: true - name: "controllerdir" mountPath: "/tmp/controller" # - pod labels can be added to the deployment template podLabels: app: kong environment: test # - ingress resources are created with hosts admin: ingress: enabled: true hostname: admin.kong.example annotations: {} path: / proxy: ingress: enabled: true hostname: proxy.kong.example annotations: {} path: / env: anonymous_reports: "off" deployment: initContainers: - name: "bash" image: "bash:latest" command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "true"] resources: limits: cpu: "100m" memory: "64Mi" requests: cpu: "100m" memory: "64Mi" volumeMounts: - name: "tmpdir" mountPath: "/tmp/foo" userDefinedVolumes: - name: "tmpdir" emptyDir: {} - name: "controllerdir" emptyDir: {} userDefinedVolumeMounts: - name: "tmpdir" mountPath: "/tmp/foo"