apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ include "influxdb.fullname" . }} labels: {{- include "influxdb.labels" . | nindent 4 }} data: influxdb.conf: |+ reporting-disabled = {{ .Values.config.reporting_disabled | default false }} bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.rpc.bind_address | default 8088 }}" [meta] dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/meta" {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.meta }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.enterprise.enabled }} internal-shared-secret = "{{ sha256sum .Values.enterprise.meta.seed }}" meta-auth-enabled = {{ .Values.config.meta.authEnabled }} {{- end }} [data] dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/data" wal-dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/wal" {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.data }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [coordinator] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.coordinator }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [retention] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.retention }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [shard-precreation] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.shard_precreation }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [monitor] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.monitor }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [subscriber] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.subscriber }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [http] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.http }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # TODO: allow multiple graphite listeners [[graphite]] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.graphite }} {{- if ne $key "templates"}} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.config.graphite.templates }} templates = [ {{- range .Values.config.graphite.templates }} {{ quote . }}, {{- end }} ] {{- end }} # TODO: allow multiple collectd listeners with templates [[collectd]] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.collectd }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # TODO: allow multiple opentsdb listeners with templates [[opentsdb]] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.opentsdb }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # TODO: allow multiple udp listeners with templates [[udp]] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.udp }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [continuous_queries] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.continuous_queries }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [logging] {{- range $key, $value := index .Values.config.logging }} {{- $tp := typeOf $value }} {{- if eq $tp "string" }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value | quote }} {{- else }} {{ $key }} = {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ if .Values.enterprise.enabled -}} [enterprise] license-key = {{ .Values.enterprise.licensekey | quote }} [hinted-handoff] enabled = true dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/hh" {{- end }}