/* * Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property * Copyright 2019 Nokia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ syntax = "proto3"; package entities; import "enb.proto"; // message RanLoadInformation { uint64 load_timestamp = 1; repeated CellLoadInformation cell_load_infos = 2; } message CellLoadInformation { string cell_id = 1; repeated UlInterferenceOverloadIndication ul_interference_overload_indications = 2; repeated UlHighInterferenceInformation ul_high_interference_infos = 3; RelativeNarrowbandTxPower relative_narrowband_tx_power = 4; AbsInformation abs_information = 5; InvokeIndication invoke_indication = 6; SubframeAssignment intended_ul_dl_configuration = 7; // TODO: import type ExtendedUlInterferenceOverloadInfo extended_ul_interference_overload_info = 8; CompInformation comp_information = 9; DynamicDlTransmissionInformation dynamic_dl_transmission_information = 10; } // 9.2.17 enum UlInterferenceOverloadIndication { UNKNOWN_UL_INTERFERENCE_OVERLOAD_INDICATION = 0; HIGH_INTERFERENCE = 1; MEDIUM_INTERFERENCE = 2; LOW_INTERFERENCE = 3; } // 9.2.18 message UlHighInterferenceInformation { string target_cell_id = 1; string ul_high_interference_indication = 2; } // 9.2.19 message RelativeNarrowbandTxPower { string rntp_per_prb = 1; RntpThreshold rntp_threshold = 2; NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts number_of_cell_specific_antenna_ports = 3; uint32 p_b = 4; uint32 pdcch_interference_impact = 5; EnhancedRntp enhanced_rntp = 6; } enum RntpThreshold { UNKNOWN_RNTP_THRESHOLD = 0; NEG_INFINITY = 1; NEG_11 = 2; NEG_10 = 3; NEG_9 = 4; NEG_8 = 5; NEG_7 = 6; NEG_6 = 7; NEG_5 = 8; NEG_4 = 9; NEG_3 = 10; NEG_2 = 11; NEG_1 = 12; V0 = 13; V1 = 14; V2 = 15; V3 = 16; } enum NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts { UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_CELL_SPECIFIC_ANTENNA_PORTS = 0; V1_ANT_PRT = 1; V2_ANT_PRT = 2; V4_ANT_PRT = 4; } message EnhancedRntp { string enhanced_rntp_bitmap = 1; RntpThreshold rntp_high_power_threshold = 2; StartTime enhanced_rntp_start_time = 3; } message StartTime { int32 start_sfn = 1; int32 start_subframe_number = 2; } enum AbsInformationMode { UNKNOWN_ABS_INFORMATION_MODE = 0; ABS_INFO_FDD = 1; ABS_INFO_TDD = 2; ABS_INACTIVE = 3; } // 9.2.54 message AbsInformation { AbsInformationMode mode = 1; string abs_pattern_info = 2; NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts number_of_cell_specific_antenna_ports = 3; string measurement_subset = 4; } // 9.2.55 enum InvokeIndication { UNKNOWN_INVOKE_INDICATION = 0; ABS_INFORMATION = 1; START_NAICS_INFORMATION = 2; STOP_NAICS_INFORMATION = 3; } // 9.2.67 message ExtendedUlInterferenceOverloadInfo { string associated_subframes = 1; repeated UlInterferenceOverloadIndication extended_ul_interference_overload_indications = 2; } // 9.2.74 message CompInformation { repeated CompInformationItem comp_information_items = 1; StartTime comp_information_start_time = 2; } message CompInformationItem { repeated CompHypothesisSet comp_hypothesis_sets = 1; int32 benefit_metric = 2; } message CompHypothesisSet { string cell_id = 1; string comp_hypothesis = 2; } enum NaicsState { UNKNOWN_NAICS_STATE = 0; NAICS_ACTIVE = 1; NAICS_INACTIVE = 2; } // 9.2.77 message DynamicDlTransmissionInformation { NaicsState state = 1; string transmission_modes = 2; uint32 p_b = 3; repeated PA p_a_list = 4; } enum PA { UNKNOWN_PA = 0; DB_NEG_6 = 1; DB_NEG_4_DOT_77 = 2; DB_NEG_3 = 3; DB_NEG_1_DOT_77 = 4; DB_0 = 5; DB_1 = 6; DB_2 = 7; DB_3 = 8; }