/* * Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property * Copyright 2019 Nokia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) * platform project (RICP). */ syntax = "proto3"; package entities; message RanFunction { uint32 ran_function_id = 1; RanFunctionDefinition ran_function_definition = 2; uint32 ran_function_revision = 3; } message RanFunctionDefinition { E2smGnbNrtRanFunctionDefinition e2sm_gnb_nrt_ran_function_definition = 1; } message E2smGnbNrtRanFunctionDefinition { RanFunctionName ran_function_name = 1; repeated RicEventTriggerStyle ric_event_trigger_styles = 2; repeated RicReportStyle ric_report_styles = 3; repeated RicInsertStyle ric_insert_styles = 4; repeated RicControlStyle ric_control_styles = 5; repeated RicPolicyStyle ric_policy_styles = 6; } message RanFunctionName { string ran_function_short_name = 1; string ran_function_e2sm_oid = 2; string ran_function_description = 3; oneof optional_ran_function_instance { uint32 ran_function_instance = 4; } } message RicEventTriggerStyle { uint32 ric_event_trigger_style_type = 1; string ric_event_trigger_style_name = 2; uint32 ric_event_trigger_format_type = 3; } enum RanParameterType { UNKNOWN_RAN_PARAMETER_TYPE = 0; INTEGER = 1; ENUMERATED = 2; BOOLEAN = 3; BIT_STRING = 4; OCTET_STRING = 5; PRINTABLE_STRING = 6; } message RanParameterDef { uint32 ran_parameter_id = 1; string ran_parameter_name = 2; RanParameterType ran_parameter_type = 3; } message RicReportStyle { uint32 ric_report_style_type = 1; string ric_report_style_name = 2; uint32 ric_report_action_format_type = 3; repeated RanParameterDef ric_report_ran_parameter_defs = 4; uint32 ric_indication_header_format_type = 5; uint32 ric_indication_message_format_type = 6; } message RicInsertStyle { uint32 ric_insert_style_type = 1; string ric_insert_style_name = 2; uint32 ric_insert_action_format_type = 3; repeated RanParameterDef ric_insert_ran_parameter_defs = 4; uint32 ric_indication_header_format_type = 5; uint32 ric_indication_message_format_type = 6; uint32 ric_call_process_id_format_type = 7; } message RicControlStyle { uint32 ric_control_style_type = 1; string ric_control_style_name = 2; uint32 ric_control_header_format_type = 3; uint32 ric_control_message_format_type = 4; uint32 ric_call_process_id_format_type = 5; } message RicPolicyStyle { uint32 ric_policy_style_type = 1; string ric_policy_style_name = 2; uint32 ric_policy_action_format_type = 3; repeated RanParameterDef ric_policy_ran_parameter_defs = 4; }