/* * Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property * Copyright 2019 Nokia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) * platform project (RICP). */ syntax = "proto3"; package entities; import "ran_function.proto"; import "additional_cell_information.proto"; message Gnb{ repeated ServedNRCell served_nr_cells = 1; repeated RanFunction ran_functions = 2; } message ServedNRCell{ ServedNRCellInformation served_nr_cell_information = 1; repeated NrNeighbourInformation nr_neighbour_infos = 2; } message ServedNRCellInformation{ uint32 nr_pci = 1; string cell_id = 2; string stac5g = 3; string configured_stac = 4; repeated string served_plmns= 5; Nr.Mode nr_mode = 6; message ChoiceNRMode{ message FddInfo{ NrFrequencyInfo ul_freq_info = 1; NrFrequencyInfo dl_freq_info = 2; NrTransmissionBandwidth ul_transmission_bandwidth = 3; NrTransmissionBandwidth dl_transmission_bandwidth = 4; } message TddInfo{ NrFrequencyInfo nr_freq_info = 1; NrTransmissionBandwidth transmission_bandwidth = 2; } FddInfo fdd = 1; TddInfo tdd = 2; } ChoiceNRMode choice_nr_mode = 7; AdditionalCellInformation additional_cell_information = 8; } message Nr{ enum Mode{ UNKNOWN = 0; FDD = 1; TDD = 2; } } message NrFrequencyInfo{ uint64 nr_ar_fcn = 1; message SulInformation{ uint64 sul_ar_fcn = 1; NrTransmissionBandwidth sul_transmission_bandwidth = 2; } SulInformation sulInformation = 3; repeated FrequencyBandItem frequency_bands = 4; } message FrequencyBandItem{ uint32 nr_frequency_band = 1; repeated uint32 supported_sul_bands = 2; } message NrTransmissionBandwidth{ Nrscs nrscs = 1; Ncnrb ncnrb= 2; } enum Nrscs { UNKNOWN_NRSCS = 0; SCS15 = 1; SCS30 = 2; SCS60 = 3; SCS120 = 4; } enum Ncnrb{ UNKNOWN_NCNRB = 0; NRB11 =1; NRB18 =2; NRB24 =3; NRB25 =4; NRB31 =5; NRB32 =6; NRB38 =7; NRB51 =8; NRB52 =9; NRB65 =10; NRB66 =11; NRB78 =12; NRB79 =13; NRB93 =14; NRB106 =15; NRB107 =16; NRB121 =17; NRB132 =18; NRB133 =19; NRB135 =20; NRB160 =21; NRB162 =22; NRB189 =23; NRB216 =24; NRB217 =25; NRB245 =26; NRB264 =27; NRB270 =28; NRB273 =29; } message NrNeighbourInformation{ uint32 nr_pci = 1; string nr_cgi = 2; Nr.Mode nr_mode = 3; message ChoiceNRMode{ message FddInfo{ NrFrequencyInfo ular_fcn_freq_info = 1; NrFrequencyInfo dlar_fcn_freq_info = 2; } message TddInfo{ NrFrequencyInfo ar_fcn_nr_freq_info = 1; } FddInfo fdd = 1; TddInfo tdd = 2; } ChoiceNRMode choice_nr_mode = 4; string stac5g = 5; string configured_stac = 6; }