.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 User Guide *********** This is the user guide for Cherry release of O-DU/l2. Follow installation-guide to get all the dependencies ready. .. contents:: :depth: 3 :local: A. Execution: ------------- I. Execution - On locally compiling O-DU High Source Code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Assign virtual IP addresses as follows: a. ifconfig :ODU "" b. ifconfig :CU_STUB "" c. ifconfig :RIC_STUB "" PS: If O1 interface is enabled, IPs should match those configured in "startup_config.xml" ( Refer Installation Guide - "Setting up Netconf server" ) 2. Execute CU Stub: a. Navigate to CU execution folder - cd /l2/bin/cu_stub b. Run CU Stub binary - ./cu_stub 3. Execute RIC Stub: a. Navigate to RIC execution folder - cd /l2/bin/ric_stub b. Run RIC Stub binary - ./ric_stub 4. Execute O-DU High: a. Navigate to ODU execution folder - cd /l2/bin/odu b. Run ODU binary - ./odu PS: CU stub and RIC stub must be run (in no particular sequence) before ODU. II. Execution - Using Docker Images ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The call flow between O-DU High and CU Stub can be achieved by executing docker containers. - Pull the last built docker images: - docker pull nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2:3.0.1 - docker pull nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:3.0.1 - Run CU Stub docker: - docker run -it --privileged --net=host --entrypoint bash nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:3.0.1 - ./cu_stub - Run ODU docker: - docker run -it --privileged --net=host --entrypoint bash nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2:3.0.1 - ./odu B. Pairwise testing with Intel O-DU Low: ----------------------------------------- This section describes the changes required in compilation and execution of O-DU High binaries to successfully integrate with Intel O-DU Low in timer mode. I. Pre-requisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Install O-DU High as per installation-guide . 2. Clone O-DU Low code in from a. https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/o-du/phy and, b. https://github.com/intel/FlexRAN 3. Install O-DU Low as per https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-o-du-phy/en/latest/index.html . II. Compilation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Build ODU : a. Create folder /l2/src/wls_lib. Copy wls_lib.h from /phy/wls_lib/ to /l2/src/wls_lib. b. Create folder /l2/src/dpdk_lib. Copy following files from /dpdk-19.11/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/include/ to /l2/src/dpdk_lib. - rte_branch_prediction.h - rte_common.h - rte_config.h - rte_dev.h - rte_log.h - rte_pci_dev_feature_defs.h - rte_bus.h - rte_compat.h - rte_debug.h - rte_eal.h - rte_os.h - rte_per_lcore.h c. Navigate to build folder - cd /l2/build/odu d. Build ODU Binary: - make odu PHY=INTEL_L1 PHY_MODE=TIMER MACHINE=BIT64 MODE=FDD III. Execution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Execute O-DU Low: a. Setup environment: - cd /phy/ - source ./setupenv.sh b. Run O-DU Low binary : - cd /FlexRAN/l1/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1 - To run in timer mode : ./l1.sh -e - L1 is up when following prints are seen on console: | Non BBU threads in application | \================================================================== | nr5g_gnb_phy2mac_api_proc_stats_thread: [PID: 8659] binding on [CPU 0] [PRIO: 0] [POLICY: 1] | wls_rx_handler (non-rt):                [PID: 8663] binding on [CPU 0] | \==================================================================   PHY>welcome to application console 2. Execute FAPI Translator: a. Setup environment: - cd /phy/ - source ./setupenv.sh b. Run FAPI translator binary: - cd /phy/fapi_5g/bin/ - ./oran_5g_fapi --cfg=oran_5g_fapi.cfg 3. Execute CU Stub and RIC Stub: a. Run steps in sections A.I.1 through A.I.3 . 4. Execute DU: a. DU execution folder - cd /l2/bin/odu b. Export WLS library path - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/phy/wls_lib/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH c. Run ODU binary - ./odu C. Message Flow: ---------------- O-DU High opens WLS interface during bring up. Message exchanges can begin once the interface is ready. Following diagram shows P5 messages exchanged with O-DU Low in timer mode. .. figure:: O-DU_High_Low_Flow.jpg :width: 600 :alt: Figure 7 O-DU High - O-DU Low Message Flow Diagram Figure 7 - O-DU High - O-DU Low Message Flow Diagram Note: UL IQ-Sample request and response are needed by Intel O-DU Low in timer mode(testing mode) only. Code changes for these are guarded under INTEL_TIMER_MODE flag which can be enabled using compilation option "PHY_MODE=TIMER", as mentioned in section B.I.1.d . D. Health Check execution: get alarm-list ------------------------------------------- To execute the get alarm-list flow, following steps are required to be executed: 1. Start Netconf netopeer client 2. Connect to the server with | user: netconf | pwd: netconf 3. Send a Netconf get request for alarms xpath Here are the steps as executed in the terminal | netopeer2-cli | > connect --login netconf | Interactive SSH Authentication | Type your password: | Password: | > get --filter-xpath /o-ran-sc-odu-alarm-v1\:odu/alarms | DATA | | | | 1009 | cell id [1] is up | 2 | Active | cell UP | | | The XML output is a list of active alarms in the O-DU High system. Note: Integration with SMO/OAM is not yet done so a Netconf CLI client(netopeer2-cli) is used to connect to the Netconf server and send the get request.