.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 User Guide *********** This is the user guide for J release of O-DU/l2. Follow installation-guide to get all the dependencies ready. .. contents:: :depth: 3 :local: A. Execution: ------------- I. Execution - On locally compiling O-DU High Source Code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Assign virtual IP addresses as follows: a. ifconfig :ODU "" b. ifconfig :CU_STUB "" c. ifconfig :RIC_STUB "" PS: If O1 interface is enabled, IPs should match those configured in "startup_config.xml" ( Refer Installation Guide - "Setting up Netconf server" ) 2. Execute CU Stub: a. Navigate to CU execution folder - cd /l2/bin/cu_stub b. Run CU Stub binary - ./cu_stub 3. Execute RIC Stub: a. Navigate to RIC execution folder - cd /l2/bin/ric_stub b. Run RIC Stub binary - ./ric_stub 4. Execute O-DU High: a. Navigate to ODU execution folder - cd /l2/bin/odu b. Run ODU binary - ./odu PS: CU stub and RIC stub must be run (in no particular sequence) before ODU. In case O1 is enabled and SMO is not available run section D to start the stack. II. Execution - Using Docker Images ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The call flow between O-DU High and CU Stub can be achieved by executing docker containers. - Pull the last built docker images: - docker pull nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2:10.0.1 - docker pull nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub: - Run CU Stub docker: - docker run -it --privileged --net=host --entrypoint bash nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:10.0.1 - ./cu_stub - Run ODU docker: - docker run -it --privileged --net=host --entrypoint bash nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2:10.0.1 - ./odu B. Pairwise testing with Intel O-DU Low: ----------------------------------------- This section describes the changes required in compilation and execution of O-DU High binaries to successfully integrate with Intel O-DU Low in radio mode. I. Pre-requisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Install O-DU High as per installation-guide . 2. Clone O-DU Low code in from a. https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/o-du/phy and, b. https://github.com/intel/FlexRAN 3. Install O-DU Low as per https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-o-du-phy/en/latest/index.html . II. Compilation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Build ODU : a. Create folder /l2/src/wls_lib. Copy wls_lib.h from /phy/wls_lib/ to /l2/src/wls_lib. b. Create folder /l2/src/dpdk_lib. Copy following files from /dpdk-19.11/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/include/ to /l2/src/dpdk_lib. - rte_branch_prediction.h - rte_common.h - rte_config.h - rte_dev.h - rte_log.h - rte_pci_dev_feature_defs.h - rte_bus.h - rte_compat.h - rte_debug.h - rte_eal.h - rte_os.h - rte_per_lcore.h c. Navigate to build folder - cd /l2/build/odu d. Build ODU Binary: - make odu PHY=INTEL_L1 MACHINE=BIT64 MODE=FDD III. Execution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Execute O-DU Low: a. Setup environment: - cd /phy/ - source ./setupenv.sh b. Run O-DU Low binary : - cd /FlexRAN/l1/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1 - To run in radio mode : ./l1.sh -xran - L1 is up when following prints are seen on console: | Non BBU threads in application | \================================================================== | nr5g_gnb_phy2mac_api_proc_stats_thread: [PID: 8659] binding on [CPU 0] [PRIO: 0] [POLICY: 1] | wls_rx_handler (non-rt):                [PID: 8663] binding on [CPU 0] | \==================================================================   PHY>welcome to application console 2. Execute FAPI Translator: a. Setup environment: - cd /phy/ - source ./setupenv.sh b. Run FAPI translator binary: - cd /phy/fapi_5g/bin/ - ./oran_5g_fapi --cfg=oran_5g_fapi.cfg 3. Execute CU Stub and RIC Stub: a. Run steps in sections A.I.1 through A.I.3 . 4. Execute DU: a. DU execution folder - cd /l2/bin/odu b. Export WLS library path - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/phy/wls_lib/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH c. Run ODU binary - ./odu C. Message Flow: ---------------- O-DU High opens WLS interface during bring up. Message exchanges can begin once the interface is ready. Following diagram shows P5 messages exchanged with O-DU Low in timer mode. .. figure:: O-DU_High_Low_Flow.PNG :width: 600 :alt: Figure 28 O-DU High - O-DU Low Message Flow Diagram Figure 28 - O-DU High - O-DU Low Message Flow Diagram Note: UL IQ-Sample request and response are needed by Intel O-DU Low in timer mode(testing mode) only. Code changes for these are guarded under INTEL_TIMER_MODE flag which can be enabled using compilation option "PHY_MODE=TIMER", as mentioned in section B.I.1.d . D. Push cell and slice configuration over O1 using netopeer-cli --------------------------------------------------------------- When O-DU High is run with O1 enabled it waits for initial cell configuration to be pushed by SMO before starting the stack. In case the SMO is not available then these configurations can be pushed via netopeer-cli as follows: | $cd l2/build/config | $netopeer2-cli | > connect --login netconf | Interactive SSH Authentication | Type your password: | Password: netconf! | > edit-config --target candidate --config=cellConfig.xml | > OK | > commit | > OK | > edit-config --target candidate --config=rrmPolicy.xml | > OK | > commit | > OK For pushing these configurations in subsequent runs please edit cellConfig.xml and rrmPolicy.xml and increment number in the tag to a new value e.g. rrm-2 connect --login netconf | Interactive SSH Authentication | Type your password: | Password: netconf! | > get --filter-xpath /o-ran-sc-odu-alarm-v1\:odu/alarms | DATA | | | | 1009 | cell id [1] is up | 2 | Active | cell UP | | | The XML output is a list of active alarms in the O-DU High system.