@startuml autonumber actor "API User" participant "rApp Manager" collections "File System" participant "ACM Runtime" participant "A1PMS Participant" participant "Kserve Participant" participant "K8s Participant" participant "CAPIF" participant "ICS" autonumber group Create rApp Instance "API User"->"rApp Manager": Create rApp Instance "rApp Manager"->"API User": Create rApp Instance response end autonumber group Deploy rApp Instance "API User"->"rApp Manager": Deploy rApp Instance "rApp Manager"->"File System": Fetch rApp Package and Instance details group ACM Deploy "rApp Manager"->"ACM Runtime": Instantiate and Deploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"->"A1PMS Participant": Deploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"<--"A1PMS Participant": Response "ACM Runtime"->"Kserve Participant": Deploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"<--"Kserve Participant": Response "ACM Runtime"->"K8s Participant": Deploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"<--"K8s Participant": Response "rApp Manager"->"ACM Runtime": ACM Deployment Status end group SME Deploy "rApp Manager"->"CAPIF": Create CAPIF entities "CAPIF"->"CAPIF": Create the entities as provided "rApp Manager"<-"CAPIF": Response of CAPIF entities creation end group DME Deploy "rApp Manager"->"ICS": Create Info types for producer and consumer "rApp Manager"<--"ICS": Response "rApp Manager"->"ICS": Create Info producer "rApp Manager"<--"ICS": Response "rApp Manager"->"ICS": Create Info consumer "rApp Manager"<--"ICS": Response end "API User"<-"rApp Manager": Deploy rApp Instance Status end autonumber group Undeploy rApp Instance "API User"->"rApp Manager": Undeploy rApp Instance "rApp Manager"->"File System": Fetch rApp Package and Instance details group ACM Undeploy "rApp Manager"->"ACM Runtime": Undeploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"->"A1PMS Participant": Undeploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"<--"A1PMS Participant": Response "ACM Runtime"->"Kserve Participant": Undeploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"<--"Kserve Participant": Response "ACM Runtime"->"K8s Participant": Undeploy ACM Instance "ACM Runtime"<--"K8s Participant": Response "rApp Manager"->"ACM Runtime": ACM Undeployment Status "rApp Manager"->"ACM Runtime": Delete ACM Instance "rApp Manager"<-"ACM Runtime": Delete ACM Instance response end group SME Undeploy "rApp Manager"->"CAPIF": Delete CAPIF entities "CAPIF"->"CAPIF": Delete the entities as provided "rApp Manager"<-"CAPIF": Response of CAPIF entities Deletion end group DME Undeploy "rApp Manager"->"ICS": Delete Info consumer "rApp Manager"<-"ICS": Response "rApp Manager"->"ICS": Delete Info producer "rApp Manager"<-"ICS": Response end "API User"<-"rApp Manager": Undeploy rApp Instance Status end autonumber group Delete rApp Instance "API User"->"rApp Manager": Delete rApp Instance "rApp Manager"->"API User": Delete rApp Instance response end @enduml