--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: Swagger OpenAPI document for the INF O2 Services version: 1.0.0 title: INF O2 Services API basePath: / tags: - name: O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory description: O2 IMS Inventory related operations. - name: O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring description: O2 IMS Monitoring related operations. consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json paths: /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Inventory Version parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InventoryAPIVersion' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Ocloud Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OcloudDto' "404": description: oCloud not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Ocloud Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OcloudDto' "404": description: oCloud not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Inventory API version parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InventoryV1APIVersion' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Deployment Manager List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerListDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers/{deploymentManagerID}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Deployment Manager Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: profile in: query description: "DMS profile: value supports \"native_k8sapi\"" required: false type: string - name: deploymentManagerID in: path description: ID of the deployment manager required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerGetDto' "404": description: Deployment manager not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Resource Pool List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcePoolGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolID}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Resource Pool Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: resourcePoolID in: path description: ID of the resource pool required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcePoolGetDto' "404": description: Resource pool not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolID}/resources: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Resource List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" - name: resourcePoolID in: path description: ID of the resource pool required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceListDto' "404": description: Resource pool not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolID}/resources/{resourceID}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Resource Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: resourceID in: path description: ID of the resource required: true type: string - name: resourcePoolID in: path description: ID of the resource pool required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceGetDto2' "404": description: Resource not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Resource Type List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceTypeGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes/{resourceTypeID}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Resource Type Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: resourceTypeID in: path description: ID of the resource type required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceTypeGetDto' "404": description: Resource type not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Subscription List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionGetDto' post: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Create a Subscription parameters: - in: body name: payload required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionCreateDto' responses: "201": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Get Subscription Information parameters: - name: subscriptionID in: path description: ID of the subscription required: true type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionGetDto' "404": description: Subscription not found delete: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureInventory operationId: Delete a Subscription parameters: - name: subscriptionID in: path description: ID of the subscription required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Subscription deleted "404": description: Subscription not found /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Monitoring Version parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitoringAPIVersion' /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarmSubscriptions: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Alarm Subscription List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionGetDto' post: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Create a Alarm Subscription parameters: - in: body name: payload required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionCreateDto' responses: "201": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarmSubscriptions/{alarmSubscriptionID}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Alarm Subscription Information parameters: - name: alarmSubscriptionID in: path description: ID of the Alarm Subscription required: true type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionGetDto' "404": description: Alarm Subscription not found delete: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Delete an Alarm Subscription parameters: - name: alarmSubscriptionID in: path description: ID of the Alarm Subscription required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Subscription deleted "404": description: Alarm Subscription not found /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarms: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Alarm Event Record List parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarms/{alarmEventRecordId}: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Alarm Event Record Information parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: alarmEventRecordId in: path description: ID of the alarm event record required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmGetDto' "404": description: Alarm Event Record not found /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS-InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Monitoring API version parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitoringV1APIVersion' definitions: InventoryAPIVersion: type: object required: - uriPrefix properties: uriPrefix: type: string example: description: Specifies the URI prefix for the API apiVersions: type: array example: - version: 1.0.0 description: Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the uriPrefix attribute. items: $ref: '#/definitions/InventoryApiVersionStructure' x-mask: "{uriPrefix,apiVersions}" InventoryApiVersionStructure: type: object required: - version properties: version: type: string example: 1.0.0 description: Identifies a supported version. x-mask: "{version}" InventoryV1APIVersion: type: object required: - uriPrefix properties: uriPrefix: type: string example: description: Specifies the URI prefix for the API apiVersions: type: array example: - version: 1.0.0 description: Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the uriPrefix attribute. items: $ref: '#/definitions/InventoryV1ApiVersionStructure' x-mask: "{uriPrefix,apiVersions}" InventoryV1ApiVersionStructure: type: object required: - version properties: version: type: string example: 1.0.0 description: Identifies a supported version. x-mask: "{version}" OcloudDto: type: object required: - oCloudId properties: oCloudId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier for the containing O-Cloud. globalCloudId: type: string example: 10a07219-4201-4b3e-a52d-81ab6a755d8a description: Identifier of the O-Cloud instance. Globally unique across O-Cloud instances. globalcloudId: type: string example: 10a07219-4201-4b3e-a52d-81ab6a755d8a description: Identifier of the O-Cloud instance. Globally unique across O-Cloud instances.(Specification) name: type: string example: 95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1 description: Human readable name of the O-Cloud. description: type: string example: An ocloud description: Human readable description of the O-Cloud. serviceUri: type: string example: description: The fully qualified URI root to all services provided by the O2ims interface extensions: type: string example: "" description: These are unspecified (not standardized) properties (keys) which are tailored by the vendor to extend the information provided about the O-Cloud. x-mask: "{oCloudId,globalCloudId,globalcloudId,name,description,serviceUri}" ResourceTypeGetDto: type: object required: - resourceTypeId properties: resourceTypeId: type: string example: 60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9 description: Identifier for the Resource Type. name: type: string example: pserver description: Human readable name of the resource type. description: type: string example: The Physical Server resource type description: Human readable description of the resource type. vendor: type: string example: "" description: Provider of the Resource. model: type: string example: "" description: Information about the model of the resource as defined by its provider. version: type: string example: "" description: Version or generation of the resource as defined by its provider. alarmDictionary: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmDictionaryDto' extensions: type: string example: "" description: List of metadata key-value pairs used to associate meaningful metadata to the related resource type. x-mask: "{resourceTypeId,name,description,model,vendor,version}" AlarmDictionaryDto: type: object properties: id: type: string example: 7e1e59c3-c99e-3d1c-9934-21548a3a699a description: Identifier for the Alarm Dictionary. alarmDictionaryVersion: type: string example: "0.1" description: Version of the Alarm Dictionary. alarmDictionarySchemaVersion: type: string example: "0.1" description: Version of the Alarm Dictionary Schema to which this alarm dictionary conforms. entityType: type: string example: pserver description: "O-RAN entity type emitting the alarm: This shall be unique per vendor ResourceType.model and ResourceType.version" vendor: type: string example: "" description: Vendor of the Entity Type to whom this Alarm Dictionary applies. This should be the same value as in the ResourceType.vendor attribute. managementInterfaceId: type: string example: O2IMS description: List of management interface over which alarms are transmitted for this Entity Type. pkNotificationField: type: string example: "" description: Identifies which field or list of fields in the alarm notification contains the primary key (PK) into the Alarm Dictionary for this interface; i.e. which field contains the Alarm Definition ID. alarmDefinition: type: array example: "" description: Contains the list of alarms that can be detected against this ResourceType. items: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmDefinitionDto' AlarmDefinitionDto: type: object properties: alarmDefinitionId: type: string example: eaefa070-7cb6-3403-be46-177bd9ccc2d3 description: Provides a unique identifier of the alarm being raised. alarmName: type: string example: "100.104" description: Provides short name for the alarm. alarmLastChange: type: string example: "0.1" description: Indicates the Alarm Dictionary Version in which this alarm last changed. alarmChangeType: type: string example: ADDED description: "Indicates the type of change that occurred during the alarm last change; added, deleted, modified." alarmDescription: type: string example: |- host=.filesystem= File System threshold exceeded; threshold x%, actual y% . CRITICAL @ 90% MAJOR @ 80% OR host=.volumegroup= Monitor and if condition persists, consider addin ... description: Provides a longer descriptive meaning of the alarm condition and a description of the consequences of the alarm condition. proposedRepairActions: type: string example: Reduce usage or resize filesystem. description: Provides guidance for proposed repair actions. clearingType: type: string example: MANUAL description: Identifies whether alarm is cleared automatically or manually. managementInterfaceId: type: string example: O2IMS description: List of management interface over which alarms are transmitted for this Entity Type. pkNotificationField: type: string example: "" description: Identifies which field or list of fields in the alarm notification contains the primary key (PK) into the Alarm Dictionary for this interface; i.e. which field contains the Alarm Definition ID. alarmAdditionalFields: type: string example: "" description: List of metadata key-value pairs used to associate meaningful metadata to the related resource type. ResourcePoolGetDto: type: object required: - resourcePoolId properties: resourcePoolId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier for the Resource Pool in the O-Cloud instance. globalLocationId: type: string example: "" description: This identifier is copied from the O-Cloud Id assigned by the SMO during the O-Cloud deployment. name: type: string example: RegionOne description: Human readable name of the resource pool. description: type: string example: A Resource Pool description: Human readable description of the resource pool. oCloudId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier for the containing O-Cloud. location: type: string example: "" description: Information about the geographical location of the resource pool as detected by the O-Cloud. extensions: type: string example: "" description: List of metadata key-value pairs used to associate meaningful metadata to the related resource pool. x-mask: "{resourcePoolId,oCloudId,globalLocationId,name,description}" ResourceListDto: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string example: 5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2 description: Identifier for the Resource. resourceTypeId: type: string example: 60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9 description: Identifier for the Resource Type of this resource. resourcePoolId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier of the Resource Pool containing this resource. globalAssetId: type: string example: "" description: Identifier or serial number of the resource. parentId: type: string example: None description: Identifier for the parent resource. description: type: string example: "id:1;hostname:controller-0;mgmt_mac:00:00:00:00:00:00;mgmt_ip:;personality:controller;subfunctions:controller,worker;administrative:unlocked;operational:enabled;availability:available;clock_synchronization:ntp;capabilities:{'is_max_cpu_configurable': 'configurable', 'stor_function': 'monitor', 'Personality': 'Controller-Active'};boot_device:/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-scsi-0:1:0:0;rootfs_device:/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-scsi-0:1:0:0;software_load:22.12;install_state:None;max_cpu_mhz_allowed:None" description: Human readable description of the resource. extensions: type: object properties: {} x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" ResourceGetDto2: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string example: eee8b101-6b7f-4f0a-b54b-89adc0f3f906 description: Identifier for the Resource. resourceTypeId: type: string example: a45983bb-199a-30ec-b7a1-eab2455f333c description: Identifier for the Resource Type of this resource. resourcePoolId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier of the Resource Pool containing this resource. globalAssetId: type: string example: "" description: Identifier or serial number of the resource. parentId: type: string example: 5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2 description: Identifier for the parent resource. description: type: string example: cpu:0;core:0;thread:0;cpu_family:6;cpu_model:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz;allocated_function:Platform;numa_node:0 description: Human readable description of the resource. extensions: type: object properties: {} elements: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceGetDto1' x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" ResourceGetDto1: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string example: eee8b101-6b7f-4f0a-b54b-89adc0f3f906 description: Identifier for the Resource. resourceTypeId: type: string example: a45983bb-199a-30ec-b7a1-eab2455f333c description: Identifier for the Resource Type of this resource. resourcePoolId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier of the Resource Pool containing this resource. globalAssetId: type: string example: "" description: Identifier or serial number of the resource. parentId: type: string example: 5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2 description: Identifier for the parent resource. description: type: string example: cpu:0;core:0;thread:0;cpu_family:6;cpu_model:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz;allocated_function:Platform;numa_node:0 description: Human readable description of the resource. extensions: type: object properties: {} elements: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceGetDto0' x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" ResourceGetDto0: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string example: eee8b101-6b7f-4f0a-b54b-89adc0f3f906 description: Identifier for the Resource. resourceTypeId: type: string example: a45983bb-199a-30ec-b7a1-eab2455f333c description: Identifier for the Resource Type of this resource. resourcePoolId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier of the Resource Pool containing this resource. globalAssetId: type: string example: "" description: Identifier or serial number of the resource. parentId: type: string example: 5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2 description: Identifier for the parent resource. description: type: string example: cpu:0;core:0;thread:0;cpu_family:6;cpu_model:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz;allocated_function:Platform;numa_node:0 description: Human readable description of the resource. extensions: type: object properties: {} x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" DeploymentManagerListDto: type: object required: - deploymentManagerId properties: deploymentManagerId: type: string example: c765516a-a84e-30c9-b954-9c3031bf71c8 description: Identifier for the Deployment Manager. name: type: string example: 95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1.kubernetes description: Human readable name of the deployment manager. description: type: string example: A DMS description: Human readable description of the deployment manager. oCloudId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier for the containing O-Cloud. serviceUri: type: string example: description: The fully qualified URI to a Deployment Management server for O2dms. capabilities: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerCapabilities' profileSupportList: type: array example: - native_k8sapi description: "Profile support list, use default for the return endpoint" items: type: string extensions: type: string example: "" description: List of metadata key-value pairs used to associate meaningful metadata to the related Deployment Manager x-mask: "{deploymentManagerId,name,description,oCloudId,serviceUri,profileSupportList}" DeploymentManagerCapabilities: type: object properties: OS: type: string example: low_latency description: Show the OS capablities of the Deployment Manager DeploymentManagerGetDto: type: object required: - deploymentManagerId properties: deploymentManagerId: type: string example: c765516a-a84e-30c9-b954-9c3031bf71c8 description: Identifier for the Deployment Manager. name: type: string example: 95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1.kubernetes description: Human readable name of the deployment manager. description: type: string example: A DMS description: Human readable description of the deployment manager. oCloudId: type: string example: f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd description: Identifier for the containing O-Cloud. serviceUri: type: string example: description: The fully qualified URI to a Deployment Management server for O2dms. capabilities: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerCapabilities' extensions: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerExtensions' x-mask: "{deploymentManagerId,name,description,oCloudId,serviceUri,extensions{profileName,profileData}}" DeploymentManagerExtensions: type: object properties: profileName: type: string example: "" description: "" profileData: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerGetDtoProfile' DeploymentManagerGetDtoProfile: type: object properties: cluster_api_endpoint: type: string example: description: Kubernetes Cluster API Endpoint cluster_ca_cert: type: string example: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUZEakNDQX..... description: Kubernetes Cluster CA cert admin_user: type: string example: kubernetes-admin description: Kubernetes Admin username admin_client_cert: type: string example: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUVJRENDQW..... description: Kubernetes Admin client cert admin_client_key: type: string example: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQpNSUlFcE..... description: Kubernetes Admin client key helmcli_host_with_port: type: string example: description: Helm CLI Host address with SSH port helmcli_username: type: string example: helm description: Helm CLI SSH login username helmcli_password: type: string example: password description: Helm CLI SSH login password helmcli_kubeconfig: type: string example: /share/kubeconfig_c765516a.config description: Helm CLI KUBECONFIG path SubscriptionCreateDto: type: object required: - callback properties: callback: type: string example: description: Identifier for the Subscription. consumerSubscriptionId: type: string example: 3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361 description: Identifier for the consumer of events sent due to the Subscription. filter: type: string example: "" description: "Criteria for events which do not need to be reported or will be filtered by the subscription notification service. Therefore, if a filter is not provided then all events are reported." SubscriptionGetDto: type: object required: - subscriptionId properties: subscriptionId: type: string example: 0bea3e71-d2f7-4bf3-9c06-41d8d35806f9 description: Identifier for the Subscription. callback: type: string example: description: The fully qualified URI to a consumer procedure which can process a Post of the InventoryEventNotification. consumerSubscriptionId: type: string example: 3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361 description: Identifier for the consumer of events sent due to the Subscription. filter: type: string example: "" description: "Criteria for events which do not need to be reported or will be filtered by the subscription notification service. Therefore, if a filter is not provided then all events are reported." x-mask: "{subscriptionId,callback}" MonitoringAPIVersion: type: object required: - uriPrefix properties: uriPrefix: type: string example: description: Specifies the URI prefix for the API apiVersions: type: array example: - version: 1.0.0 description: Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the uriPrefix attribute. items: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitoringApiVersionStructure' x-mask: "{uriPrefix,apiVersions}" MonitoringApiVersionStructure: type: object required: - version properties: version: type: string example: 1.0.0 description: Identifies a supported version. x-mask: "{version}" MonitoringV1APIVersion: type: object required: - uriPrefix properties: uriPrefix: type: string example: description: Specifies the URI prefix for the API apiVersions: type: array example: - version: 1.0.0 description: Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the uriPrefix attribute. items: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitoringV1ApiVersionStructure' x-mask: "{uriPrefix,apiVersions}" MonitoringV1ApiVersionStructure: type: object required: - version properties: version: type: string example: 1.0.0 description: Identifies a supported version. x-mask: "{version}" AlarmGetDto: type: object required: - alarmEventRecordId properties: alarmEventRecordId: type: string example: 97cc2b01-0e71-4a93-a911-2e87f04d996f description: The identifier for the AlarmEventRecord Object. resourceTypeId: type: string example: 60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9 description: A reference to the type of resource which caused the alarm. resourceTypeID: type: string example: 60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9 description: A reference to the type of resource which caused the alarm.(Specification) resourceId: type: string example: 5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2 description: A reference to the resource instance which caused the alarm. resourceID: type: string example: 5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2 description: A reference to the resource instance which caused the alarm.(Specification) alarmDefinitionId: type: string example: 1197f463-b3d4-3aa3-9c14-faa493baa069 description: A reference to the Alarm Definition record in the Alarm Dictionary associated with the referenced Resource Type. alarmDefinitionID: type: string example: 1197f463-b3d4-3aa3-9c14-faa493baa069 description: A reference to the Alarm Definition record in the Alarm Dictionary associated with the referenced Resource Type.(Specification) probableCauseId: type: string example: f52054c9-6f3c-39a0-aab8-e00e01d8c4d3 description: A reference to the ProbableCause of the Alarm. probableCauseID: type: string example: f52054c9-6f3c-39a0-aab8-e00e01d8c4d3 description: A reference to the ProbableCause of the Alarm.(Specification) alarmRaisedTime: type: string example: 2022-12-22 09:42:53 description: Date/Time stamp value when the AlarmEventRecord has been created. alarmChangedTime: type: string example: "" description: Date/Time stamp value when any value of the AlarmEventRecord has been modified. alarmAcknowledgeTime: type: string example: "" description: Date/Time stamp value when the alarm condition is acknowledged. alarmAcknowledged: type: boolean example: false description: Boolean value indicating of a management system has acknowledged the alarm. perceivedSeverity: type: string example: "1" description: "One of the following values: \n 0 for \"CRITICAL\" \n1 for \"MAJOR\" \n2 for \"MINOR\" \n3 for \"WARNING\" \n4 for \"INDETERMINATE\" \n5 for \"CLEARED\"" extensions: type: object properties: {} AlarmSubscriptionCreateDto: type: object required: - callback properties: callback: type: string example: description: The fully qualified URI to a consumer procedure which can process a Post of the InventoryEventNotification. consumerSubscriptionId: type: string example: 3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361 description: Identifier for the consumer of events sent due to the Subscription. filter: type: string example: "" description: "Criteria for events which do not need to be reported or will be filtered by the subscription notification service. Therefore, if a filter is not provided then all events are reported." AlarmSubscriptionGetDto: type: object required: - alarmSubscriptionId properties: alarmSubscriptionId: type: string example: e320da6d-27a8-4948-8b52-3bf3355b45f3 description: Identifier for the Alarm Subscription. callback: type: string example: description: The fully qualified URI to a consumer procedure which can process a Post of the InventoryEventNotification. consumerSubscriptionId: type: string example: 3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361 description: Identifier for the consumer of events sent due to the Subscription. filter: type: string example: "" description: "Criteria for events which do not need to be reported or will be filtered by the subscription notification service. Therefore, if a filter is not provided then all events are reported." x-mask: "{alarmSubscriptionId,callback}" responses: ParseError: description: When a mask can't be parsed MaskError: description: When any error occurs on mask HTTPException: description: Default error handler NotFound: description: notfound handler BadRequestException: description: Return a custom message and 400 status code NotFoundException: description: Return a custom message and 404 status code MethodNotAllowed: description: Return a custom message and 405 status code InternalServerError: description: Return a custom message and 500 status code Exception: description: Return a custom message and 500 status code