--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: Swagger OpenAPI document for the INF O2 Services version: 1.0.0 title: INF O2 Services API basePath: / tags: - name: O2IMS_Inventory description: IMS Inventory related operations. - name: O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring description: O2 IMS Monitoring related operations. consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json paths: /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_inventory_version parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_oclouds_list_router parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OcloudDto' "404": description: oCloud not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_oclouds_list_router parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OcloudDto' "404": description: oCloud not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_version_router parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_deployment_managers_list_router parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerListDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers/{deploymentManagerID}: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Get deployment manager parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: profile in: query description: "DMS profile: value supports \"native_k8sapi\"" required: false type: string - name: deploymentManagerID in: path description: ID of the deployment manager required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerGetDto' "404": description: Deployment manager not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_resource_pools_list_router parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcePoolGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolID}: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Get resource pool parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: resourcePoolID in: path description: ID of the resource pool required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcePoolGetDto' "404": description: Resource pool not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolID}/resources: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_resources_list_router parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" - name: resourcePoolID in: path description: ID of the resource pool required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceListDto' "404": description: Resource pool not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolID}/resources/{resourceID}: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Get resource parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: resourceID in: path description: ID of the resource required: true type: string - name: resourcePoolID in: path description: ID of the resource pool required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceGetDto2' "404": description: Resource not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: get_resource_types_list_router parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceTypeGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes/{resourceTypeID}: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Get resource type parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: resourceTypeID in: path description: ID of the resource type required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceTypeGetDto' "404": description: Resource type not found /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: List subscriptions parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionGetDto' post: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Create a subscription parameters: - in: body name: payload required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionCreateDto' responses: "201": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}: get: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Get subscription by ID parameters: - name: subscriptionID in: path description: ID of the subscription required: true type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionGetDto' "404": description: Subscription not found delete: tags: - O2IMS_Inventory operationId: Delete subscription by ID parameters: - name: subscriptionID in: path description: ID of the subscription required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Subscription deleted "404": description: Subscription not found /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: get_monitoring_version parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarmSubscriptions: get: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: List alarm subscriptions parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionGetDto' post: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Create a alarm subscription parameters: - in: body name: payload required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionCreateDto' responses: "201": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarmSubscriptions/{alarmSubscriptionID}: get: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get Alarm Subscription by ID parameters: - name: alarmSubscriptionID in: path description: ID of the Alarm Subscription required: true type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmSubscriptionGetDto' "404": description: Alarm Subscription not found delete: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Delete subscription by ID parameters: - name: alarmSubscriptionID in: path description: ID of the Alarm Subscription required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Subscription deleted "404": description: Alarm Subscription not found /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarms: get: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: get_alarm_list_router parameters: - name: filter in: query description: Filter of the query. required: false type: string - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: nextpage_opaque_marker in: query description: "Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1" required: false type: string default: "1" responses: "200": description: Success schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmGetDto' /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/alarms/{alarmEventRecordId}: get: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: Get AlarmEventRecord parameters: - name: exclude_default in: query description: "Exclude showing all default fields, Set \"true\" to enable." required: false type: string - name: exclude_fields in: query description: "Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exclude_default\"." required: false type: string - name: fields in: query description: "Set fields to show, split by comma, \"/\" for parent and children. Like \"name,parent/children\". This value will cover \"exculde_fields\"." required: false type: string - name: all_fields in: query description: Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". required: false type: string - name: alarmEventRecordId in: path description: ID of the alarm event record required: true type: string responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmGetDto' "404": description: Alarm Event Record not found /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring/v1/api_versions: get: tags: - O2IMS_InfrastructureMonitoring operationId: get_version_router parameters: [] responses: "200": description: Success definitions: OcloudDto: type: object required: - oCloudId properties: oCloudId: type: string globalCloudId: type: string globalcloudId: type: string name: type: string description: type: string serviceUri: type: string extensions: type: string x-mask: "{oCloudId,globalCloudId,globalcloudId,name,description,serviceUri}" ResourceTypeGetDto: type: object required: - resourceTypeId properties: resourceTypeId: type: string description: Resource type ID name: type: string description: type: string vendor: type: string model: type: string version: type: string alarmDictionary: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmDictionaryDto' extensions: type: string x-mask: "{resourceTypeId,name,description,model,vendor,version}" AlarmDictionaryDto: type: object properties: id: type: string alarmDictionaryVersion: type: string alarmDictionarySchemaVersion: type: string entityType: type: string vendor: type: string managementInterfaceId: type: string pkNotificationField: type: string alarmDefinition: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmDefinitionDto' AlarmDefinitionDto: type: object properties: alarmDefinitionId: type: string alarmName: type: string alarmLastChange: type: string alarmChangeType: type: string alarmDescription: type: string proposedRepairActions: type: string clearingType: type: string managementInterfaceId: type: string pkNotificationField: type: string alarmAdditionalFields: type: string ResourcePoolGetDto: type: object required: - resourcePoolId properties: resourcePoolId: type: string description: Resource pool ID globalLocationId: type: string name: type: string description: type: string oCloudId: type: string location: type: string extensions: type: string x-mask: "{resourcePoolId,oCloudId,globalLocationId,name,description}" ResourceListDto: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string description: Resource ID resourceTypeId: type: string resourcePoolId: type: string globalAssetId: type: string parentId: type: string description: type: string extensions: type: object properties: {} x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" ResourceGetDto2: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string description: Resource ID resourceTypeId: type: string resourcePoolId: type: string globalAssetId: type: string parentId: type: string description: type: string extensions: type: object properties: {} elements: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceGetDto1' x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" ResourceGetDto1: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string description: Resource ID resourceTypeId: type: string resourcePoolId: type: string globalAssetId: type: string parentId: type: string description: type: string extensions: type: object properties: {} elements: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceGetDto0' x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" ResourceGetDto0: type: object required: - resourceId properties: resourceId: type: string description: Resource ID resourceTypeId: type: string resourcePoolId: type: string globalAssetId: type: string parentId: type: string description: type: string extensions: type: object properties: {} x-mask: "{resourceId,resourcePoolId,resourceTypeId,description,parentId}" DeploymentManagerListDto: type: object required: - deploymentManagerId properties: deploymentManagerId: type: string description: Deployment manager ID name: type: string description: type: string oCloudId: type: string serviceUri: type: string profileSupportList: type: array description: "Profile support list, use default for the return endpoint" items: type: string extensions: type: string x-mask: "{deploymentManagerId,name,description,oCloudId,serviceUri,profileSupportList}" DeploymentManagerGetDto: type: object required: - deploymentManagerId properties: deploymentManagerId: type: string description: Deployment manager ID name: type: string description: type: string oCloudId: type: string serviceUri: type: string extensions: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerExtensions' x-mask: "{deploymentManagerId,name,description,oCloudId,serviceUri,extensions,profileName,profileData}" DeploymentManagerExtensions: type: object properties: profileName: type: string profileData: $ref: '#/definitions/DeploymentManagerGetDtoProfile' DeploymentManagerGetDtoProfile: type: object properties: cluster_api_endpoint: type: string cluster_ca_cert: type: string admin_user: type: string admin_client_cert: type: string admin_client_key: type: string helmcli_host_with_port: type: string helmcli_username: type: string helmcli_password: type: string helmcli_kubeconfig: type: string SubscriptionCreateDto: type: object required: - callback properties: callback: type: string description: Subscription callback address consumerSubscriptionId: type: string filter: type: string SubscriptionGetDto: type: object required: - subscriptionId properties: subscriptionId: type: string description: Subscription ID callback: type: string consumerSubscriptionId: type: string filter: type: string x-mask: "{subscriptionId,callback}" AlarmGetDto: type: object required: - alarmEventRecordId properties: alarmEventRecordId: type: string description: Alarm Event Record ID resourceTypeId: type: string resourceTypeID: type: string resourceId: type: string resourceID: type: string alarmDefinitionId: type: string alarmDefinitionID: type: string probableCauseId: type: string probableCauseID: type: string alarmRaisedTime: type: string alarmChangedTime: type: string alarmAcknowledgeTime: type: string alarmAcknowledged: type: boolean perceivedSeverity: type: string extensions: type: object properties: {} AlarmSubscriptionCreateDto: type: object required: - callback properties: callback: type: string description: Alarm Subscription callback address consumerSubscriptionId: type: string filter: type: string AlarmSubscriptionGetDto: type: object required: - alarmSubscriptionId properties: alarmSubscriptionId: type: string description: Alarm Subscription ID callback: type: string consumerSubscriptionId: type: string filter: type: string x-mask: "{alarmSubscriptionId,callback}" responses: ParseError: description: When a mask can't be parsed MaskError: description: When any error occurs on mask HTTPException: description: Default error handler NotFound: description: notfound handler BadRequestException: description: Return a custom message and 400 status code NotFoundException: description: Return a custom message and 404 status code MethodNotAllowed: description: Return a custom message and 405 status code InternalServerError: description: Return a custom message and 500 status code Exception: description: Return a custom message and 500 status code