.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. Copyright (C) 2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. SNMP2VES Manager ################ SNMP Manager library follows `VES Event Listener 7.1 `_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: FM VES Message -------------- Datatype: commonEventHeader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Mandatory - Default value - Configurable - Runtime - Notes * - domain - yes - fault - no - no - none * - eventId - yes - SNMP Trap RequestID - yes - yes - Uses default defined value if TRAP OID not configured * - eventName - yes - SNMP Fault - yes - yes - Uses default defined value if TRAP OID not configured * - priority - yes - HIGH - no - no - none * - reportingEntityName - yes - NF-OAM-ADOPTER - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-reporting-entity-name configured. * - startEpochMicrosec - yes - System time at the moment of notification generation - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-start-epoch-microsec configured. * - lastEpochMicrosec - yes - System time at the moment of notification generation - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-last-epoch-microsec configured. * - sequence - yes - 0 - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-event-sequence configured. * - sourceName - yes - Host Address of SNMP Agent sending the trap notification - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-source-name configured. * - version - yes - 4.1 - yes - no - Library only enforces mandatory fields for 4.1 version * - vesEventListenerVersion - yes - 7.1 - none - no - Library only enforces mandatory fields for 7.1 version * - eventType - no - none - no - no - none * - nfcNamingCode - no - none - no - no - none * - nfNamingCode - no - none - no - no - none * - nfVendorName - no - NF-OAM-ADOPTER-VENDOR - yes - no - none * - reportingEntityId - no - none - no - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-reporting-entity-id configured. * - internalHeader Fields - no - none - no - no - none * - sourceId - no - none - none - no - none * - timeZoneOffset - no - none - no - no - none Datatype: faultFields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Mandatory - Default value - Configurable - Runtime - Notes * - alarmCondition - yes - SNMP Fault - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and trap configured. * - eventSeverity - yes - CRITICAL - yes - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and event-severity configured. * - eventSourceType - yes - SNMP Agent - yes - no - none * - faultFieldsVersion - yes - 4.0 - no - no - none * - specificProblem - yes - SNMP Fault - no - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-specific-problem-desc configured. * - vfStatus - yes - ACTIVE - no - no - none * - eventCategory - no - none - no - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and event-category configured. * - alarmAdditional Information - no - no - no - yes - Map of OID with values * - alarmInterfaceA - no - none - no - yes - set value if provided by notification trap and oid-alarm-interface-name configured. Mapping Configuration --------------------- Configuration file **fm-ves-message-mapping.yaml** contains all definitions required to define the mapping from trap provided information to VES Message format **trap mapping example** .. literalinclude:: fm-ves-message-mapping.yaml :language: YAML - **global** - **reporting-entity-name** Reporting entity name assigned to the event - **reporting-entity-id** Reporting entity id assigned to the event - **nf-vendor-name** Vendor name assigned to the event - **traps** - **oid** *OID* trap identifier - **name** Name of the trap - **event-severity** Severity assigned to the event - **event-category** Category assigned to the event - **event-source-type** Source type assigned to the event - **oid-event-id** *OID* containing the event entity id e.g. port interface - **oid-event-sequence** Event sequence 0 on a raise and 1 on a clear - **oid-reporting-entity-id** *OID* containing the reporting entity id - **oid-source-name** *OID* containing the source name - **oid-specific-problem-desc** *OID* containing the trap problem description - **oid-start-epoch-microsec** *OID* containing the alarm start epoch - **oid-last-epoch-microsec** *OID* containing the alarm last epoch - **oid-alarm-interface-name** *OID* containing the interface name **Output example for port down trap** .. literalinclude:: PortDOWN.json :language: JSON **Output example for any undefined trap** Undefined trap will use the mapping defined for default. .. literalinclude:: unknown-trap.json :language: JSON