.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. ===============LICENSE_START======================================================= .. Copyright (C) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property .. =================================================================================== .. This documentation file is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution .. 4.0 International License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in .. compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. .. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .. limitations under the License. .. ===============LICENSE_END========================================================= **xApp Onboarding using CLI tool called dms_cli** xApp onboarder provides a cli tool called dms_cli to fecilitate xApp onboarding service to operators. It consumes the xApp descriptor and optionally additional schema file, and produces xApp helm charts. Below are the sequence of steps to onboard, install and uninstall the xApp. Step 1: (OPTIONAL ) Install python3 and its dependent libraries, if not installed. Step 2: Prepare the xApp descriptor and an optional schema file. xApp descriptor file is a config file that defines the behavior of the xApp. An optional schema file is a JSON schema file that validates the self-defined parameters. Step 3: Before any xApp can be deployed, its Helm chart must be loaded into this private Helm repository. .. code:: bash #Create a local helm repository with a port other than 8080 on host docker run --rm -u 0 -it -d -p 8090:8080 -e DEBUG=1 -e STORAGE=local -e STORAGE_LOCAL_ROOTDIR=/charts -v $(pwd)/charts:/charts chartmuseum/chartmuseum:latest Step 4: Set up the environment variables for CLI connection using the same port as used above. .. code:: bash #Set CHART_REPO_URL env variable export CHART_REPO_URL= Step 5: Install dms_cli tool .. code:: bash #Git clone appmgr git clone "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/appmgr" #Change dir to xapp_onboarder cd appmgr/xapp_orchestrater/dev/xapp_onboarder #If pip3 is not installed, install using the following command yum install python3-pip #In case dms_cli binary is already installed, it can be uninstalled using following command pip3 uninstall xapp_onboarder #Install xapp_onboarder using following command pip3 install ./ Step 6: (OPTIONAL ) If the host user is non-root user, after installing the packages, please assign the permissions to the below filesystems .. code:: bash #Assign relevant permission for non-root user sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/dms_cli sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/local/lib/python3.6 sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/local/lib/python3.6 Step 7: Onboard your xApp .. code:: bash # Make sure that you have the xapp descriptor config file and the schema file at your local file system dms_cli onboard CONFIG_FILE_PATH SCHEMA_FILE_PATH OR dms_cli onboard --config_file_path=CONFIG_FILE_PATH --shcema_file_path=SCHEMA_FILE_PATH #Example: dms_cli onboard /files/config-file.json /files/schema.json OR dms_cli onboard --config_file_path=/files/config-file.json --shcema_file_path=/files/schema.json Step 8: (OPTIONAL ) List the helm charts from help repository. .. code:: bash #List all the helm charts from help repository curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/charts | jq . #List details of specific helm chart from helm repository curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/charts// Step 9: (OPTIONAL ) Delete a specific Chart Version from helm repository. .. code:: bash #Delete a specific Chart Version from helm repository curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/charts// Step 10: (OPTIONAL ) Download the xApp helm charts. .. code:: bash dms_cli download_helm_chart XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH OR dms_cli download_helm_chart --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --version=VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH Example: dms_cli download_helm_chart ueec 1.0.0 --output_path=/files/helm_xapp OR dms_cli download_helm_chart --xapp_chart_name=ueec --version=1.0.0 --output_path=/files/helm_xapp Step 11: Install the xApp. .. code:: bash dms_cli install XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION NAMESPACE OR dms_cli install --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --version=VERSION --namespace=NAMESPACE Example: dms_cli install ueec 1.0.0 ricxapp OR dms_cli install --xapp_chart_name=ueec --version=1.0.0 --namespace=ricxapp Step 12: (OPTIONAL ) Install xApp using helm charts by providing the override values.yaml. .. code:: bash #Download the default values.yaml dms_cli download_values_yaml XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH OR dms_cli download_values_yaml --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --version=VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH Example: dms_cli download_values_yaml traffic-steering 0.6.0 --output-path=/tmp OR dms_cli download_values_yaml --xapp_chart_name=traffic-steering --version=0.6.0 --output-path=/tmp #Modify values.yaml and provide it as override file dms_cli install XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION NAMESPACE OVERRIDEFILE OR dms_cli install --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --version=VERSION --namespace=NAMESPACE --overridefile=OVERRIDEFILE Example: dms_cli install ueec 1.0.0 ricxapp /tmp/values.yaml OR dms_cli install --xapp_chart_name=ueec --version=1.0.0 --namespace=ricxapp --overridefile=/tmp/values.yaml Step 13: (OPTIONAL ) Uninstall the xApp. .. code:: bash dms_cli uninstall XAPP_CHART_NAME NAMESPACE OR dms_cli uninstall --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --namespace=NAMESPACE Example: dms_cli uninstall ueec ricxapp OR dms_cli uninstall --xapp_chart_name=ueec --namespace=ricxapp Step 14: (OPTIONAL) Upgrade the xApp to a new version. .. code:: bash dms_cli upgrade XAPP_CHART_NAME OLD_VERSION NEW_VERSION NAMESPACE OR dms_cli upgrade --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --old_version=OLD_VERSION --new_version=NEW_VERSION --namespace=NAMESPACE Example: dms_cli upgrade ueec 1.0.0 2.0.0 ricxapp OR dms_cli upgrade --xapp_chart_name=ueec --old_version=1.0.0 --new_version=2.0.0 --namespace=ricxapp Step 15: (OPTIONAL) Rollback the xApp to old version. .. code:: bash dms_cli rollback XAPP_CHART_NAME NEW_VERSION OLD_VERSION NAMESPACE OR dms_cli rollback --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --new_version=NEW_VERSION --old_version=OLD_VERSION --namespace=NAMESPACE Example: dms_cli rollback ueec 2.0.0 1.0.0 ricxapp OR dms_cli rollback --xapp_chart_name=ueec --new_version=2.0.0 --old_version=1.0.0 --namespace=ricxapp Step 16: (OPTIONAL) Check the health of xApp. .. code:: bash dms_cli health_check XAPP_CHART_NAME NAMESPACE OR dms_cli health_check --xapp_chart_name=XAPP_CHART_NAME --namespace=NAMESPACE Example: dms_cli health_check ueec ricxapp OR dms_cli health_check --xapp_chart_name=ueec --namespace=ricxapp