## RANPM project in docker A docker compose project showing pm file flow from simulated network elements to filtered pm data. ## Run in docker-desktop - docker only ### Clone the ranpm repo: `git clone https://gerrit.nordix.org/local/oransc/ranpm` ### Build Https server `cd ranpm/https-server` `./build.sh no-push` ### Start demo WARNING: The setup scripts below will prune all unused docker volumes! INFO: Temporary files for some containers will be stored in subdirs under `/tmp` `cd ranpm/docker-proj` There are several ways to start and run the demo, with file or minio file storage, single or multi instances of data-file collector and kafka as well as a choice of sftp, ftpes or https. Additional configuration can be made in the setup script. It could be a good idea to clean any other running containers in docker to avoid port and container name clashes. Command usage: `docker-setup.sh` Example cmd: \ `./docker-setup.sh` Let the script finish. If the script fails, make sure to clean the setup before attempting a new setup. `./docker-tear-down.sh` In addition, a `docker system prune` might be needed now and then. ### Tools for monitoring Open browser to redpanda (kafka gui) - watch topics, messages etc\ browser: `localhost:8780` Open brower to minio - available only if minio is given on the cmd line when starting the demo\ user: admin pwd: adminadmin\ browser: `localhost:9001` ### Push data - basic File ready events can be pushed to the ves collector or pushed directly to the topic for file ready events (bypassing the ves collector). Push to ves collector: Usage: `push-to-ves-collector.sh ` Parameters/ node-count - number of unique NEs\ num-of-events - number of events per NE\ node-name-base - NE name prefix\ file-extension - xml or xml.gz num-servers - number of sftp/ftpes/https servers to simulate NEs (10 is default) Usage: `push-to-file-ready-topic.sh ` Parameter: \ Same as `push-to-ves-collector.sh` Once the events has been pushed the progress can be viewed in the monitoring tools described above. If several sets of data shall be pushed, just change the parameter `` to make the new files unique. ### Clean up Run the script to remove all docker containers. `./docker-tear-down.sh` To also cleanup files. `cd pm-file-flow-demo/scripts` `./clean-shared-volume.sh`