# ============LICENSE_START======================================================================== # O-RAN-SC : tr-069-adapter # ================================================================================================= # Copyright (C) 2020 CommScope Inc Intellectual Property. # ================================================================================================= # This tr-069-adapter software file is distributed by CommScope Inc under the Apache License, # Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ===============LICENSE_END======================================================================= # # Below 3 are the identites of TR069Adapters. This is needed if any one of the communication is going to be over SSL. # # tr069adapterSSLCert : Provide the Public Certificate Chain for TR069Adapter # tr069adapterSSLKey : Provide the Private Key for TR069Adapter # tr069adapterCertPassPhrase : Provide the PassPhrase used while generating the Public Certificate Chain for TR069Adapter tr069adapterSSLCert=tr069adapter.crt tr069adapterSSLKey=tr069adapter.key tr069adapterCertPassPhrase=tr069adapterpassphrase.txt # # Details for the Fault VES Collector Variables. # # faultvesCollectorDNSServer : If the faultvesCollectorHost is not an IP, but a FQDN, then provide the DNS Server IP where this FQDN is configured and will be resolved. # faultvesCollectorHost : IP of the Fault VES Collector. Allowed values (IPv4/IPv6). If FQDN is provided, then provide the complete FQDN and not just the HOSTNAME. # faultvesCollectorPort : Port of the Fault VES Collector. # faultvesCollectorComm : Communication to and from Fault VES Collector. Allowed values (noAuth/basicAuth/certOnly/certBasicAuth) # noAuth : SSL is disabled. # basicAuth : SSL is enabled, and the verification is done via username and password only. # certOnly : SSL is enabled, and the verification is done via Certificates only that are imported in VES. # certBasicAuth : SSL is enabled, and the verification is done using username and password and also with Certificates. # faultvesCollectorTrustVerify : If SSL is enabled, then whether to Trust Certificate. Allowed Values (TRUE/FALSE) # faultvesCollectorTrustCRT : If faultvesCollectorTrustVerify=TRUE, then provide the Trust Certificate Chain # faultvesCollectorBasicAuthUserPassEncrypt : If faultvesCollectorComm=basicAuth or faultvesCollectorComm=certBasicAuth, then provide the encrypted string. To encrypt execute the command 'echo -n "user:pass" | base64' faultvesCollectorDNSServer= faultvesCollectorHost= faultvesCollectorPort=8080 faultvesCollectorComm=noAuth faultvesCollectorTrustVerify=FALSE faultvesCollectorTrustCRT=faultvestrustcert.pem faultvesCollectorBasicAuthUserPassEncrypt= # # Details for the PNF VES Collector Variables. # # pnfregvesCollectorDNSServer : If the pnfregvesCollectorHost is not an IP, but a FQDN, then provide the DNS Server IP where this FQDN is configured and will be resolved. # pnfregvesCollectorHost : IP of the PNF VES Collector. Allowed values (IPv4/IPv6). If FQDN is provided, then provide the complete FQDN and not just the HOSTNAME. # pnfregvesCollectorPort : Port of the PNF VES Collector. # pnfregvesCollectorComm : Communication to and from PNF VES Collector. Allowed values (noAuth/basicAuth/certOnly/certBasicAuth) # noAuth : SSL is disabled. # basicAuth : SSL is enabled, and the verification is done via username and password only. # certOnly : SSL is enabled, and the verification is done via Certificates only that are imported in VES. # certBasicAuth : SSL is enabled, and the verification is done using username and password and also with Certificates. # pnfregvesCollectorTrustVerify : If SSL is enabled, then whether to Trust Certificate. Allowed Values (TRUE/FALSE) # pnfregvesCollectorTrustCRT : If pnfregvesCollectorTrustVerify=TRUE, then provide the Trust Certificate Chain # pnfregvesCollectorBasicAuthUserPassEncrypt : If pnfregvesCollectorComm=basicAuth or pnfregvesCollectorComm=certBasicAuth, then provide the encrypted string. To encrypt execute the command 'echo -n "user:pass" | base64' pnfregvesCollectorDNSServer= pnfregvesCollectorHost= pnfregvesCollectorPort=8080 pnfregvesCollectorComm=noAuth pnfregvesCollectorTrustVerify=FALSE pnfregvesCollectorTrustCRT=pnfvertrustcert.pem pnfregvesCollectorBasicAuthUserPassEncrypt= # # Details for the TR069Adapter Variables. # # tr069adapterComm : Communication to and from TR069Adapter. For all device communications, Factory Import and Config Import. Allowed values (SSL/NO-SSL) # tr069adapterSSLClientAuth : If tr069adapterComm=SSL, then whether to Authenticate Client Certificate. Allowed Values (TRUE/FALSE) # tr069adapterSSLClientTrustCRT : If tr069adapterSSLClientAuth=TRUE, then provide the Trust Certificate Chain for the client tr069adapterComm=NO-SSL tr069adapterSSLClientAuth=FALSE tr069adapterSSLClientTrustCRT=tr069adapterclienttrust.crt # # Details for the TR069Adapter Variables. # # netconfServerIP : IP address of the Server where the Docker containers are hosted. Allowed value is IPv4 # DeviceId : Mac ID of the Device netconfServerIP= requestTimeout=55 preConfigOnPNP=true