.if false ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== .fi .if false Mnemonic rmr_wh_open.xfm Abstract The manual page for the rmr_wh_open function. Author E. Scott Daniels Date 20 February 2019 .fi .gv e LIB lib .im &{lib}/man/setup.im &line_len(6i) &h1(RMR Library Functions) &h2(NAME) rmr_wh_open &h2(SYNOPSIS) &indent &ex_start #include void* rmr_wh_open( void* vctx, char* target ) &ex_end &uindent &h2(DESCRIPTION) The &cw(rmr_wh_open) function creates a direct link for sending, a wormhole, to another RMR based process. Sending messages through a wormhole requires that the connection be established overtly by the user application (via this function), and that the ID returned by &cw(rmr_wh_open) be passed to the &cw(rmr_wh_send_msg) function. &space &ital(Target) is the &ital(name:port,) or &ital(IP-address:port,) combination of the processes that the wormhole should be connected to. &ital(Vctx) is the RMR void context pointer that was returned by the &cw(rmr_init) function. &space When invoked, this function immediately attempts to connect to the target process. If the connection cannot be established, an error is returned to the caller, and no direct messages can be sent to the target. Once a wormhole is connected, the underlying transport mechanism (e.g. NNG) will provide reconnects should the connection be lost, however the handling of messages sent when a connection is broken is undetermined as each underlying transport mechanism may handle buffering and retries differently. &h2(RETURN VALUE) The &cw(rmr_wh_open) function returns a type &cw(rmr_whid_t) which must be passed to the &cw(rmr_wh_send_msg) function when sending a message. The id may also be tested to determine success or failure of the connection by using the RMR_WH_CONNECTED macro and passing the ID as the parameter; a result of 1 indicates that the connection was established and that the ID is valid. &h2(ERRORS) The following error values are specifically set by this RMR function. In some cases the error message of a system call is propagated up, and thus this list might be incomplete. &beg_dlist(.75i : ^&bold_font ) &ditem(EINVAL) A parameter passed was not valid. &ditem(EACCESS) The user application does not have the ability to establish a wormhole to the indicated target (or maybe any target). &ditem(ECONNREFUSED) The connection was refused. &end_dlist &h2(EXAMPLE) &ex_start void* rmc; rmr_whid_t wh; rmc = rmr_init( "43086", 4096, 0 ); // init context wh = rmr_wh_open( rmc, "localhost:6123" ); if( !RMR_WH_CONNECTED( wh ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "unable to connect wormhole: %s\n", strerror( errno ) ); } &ex_end &h2(SEE ALSO ) .ju off rmr_alloc_msg(3), rmr_call(3), rmr_free_msg(3), rmr_get_rcvfd(3), rmr_payload_size(3), rmr_send_msg(3), rmr_rcv_msg(3), rmr_rcv_specific(3), rmr_rts_msg(3), rmr_ready(3), rmr_fib(3), rmr_has_str(3), rmr_tokenise(3), rmr_mk_ring(3), rmr_ring_free(3), rmr_wh_close(3), rmr_wh_send_msg(3), rmr_wh_state(3) .ju on