.if false ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== .fi .if false Mnemonic: general_use.im Abstract: Major section -- Describes the general use of RMR. Date: 1 August 2019 Author: E. Scott Daniels .fi &h1(General Use) To use, the RMR based application simply needs to initialise the RMR environment, wait for RMR to have received a routing table (become ready), and then invoke either the send or receive functions. These steps, and some behind the scenes details, are described in the following paragraphs. &h2(Initialisation) The RMR function &func(rmr_init:) is used to set up the RMR environment and must be called before messages can be sent or received. One of the few parameters that the application must communicate to RMR is the port number that will be used as the listen port for new connections. The port number is passed on the initialisation function call and a TCP listen socket will be opened with this port. If the port is already in use RMR will report a failure; the application will need to reinitialise with a different port number, abort, or take some other action appropriate for the application. .sp In addition to creating a TCP listen port, RMR will start a process thread which will be responsible for receiving dynamic updates to the route table. This thread also causes a TCP listen port to be opened as it is expected that the process which generates route table updates will connect and send new information when needed. The route table update port is &bold(not) supplied by the application, but is supplied via an environment variable as this value is likely determined by the mechanism which is starting and configuring the application. &h3(The RMR Context) On successful initialisation, a void pointer, often called a &ital(handle) by some programming languages, is returned to the application. This is a reference to the RMR control information and must be passed as the first parameter on most RMR function calls. RMR refers to this as the context, or ctx. &h2(Wait For Ready) An application which is only receiving messages does not need to wait for RMR to &ital(become ready) after the call to the initialization function. However, before the application can successfully send a message, RMR must have loaded a route table, and the application must wait for RMR to report that it has done so. The RMR function &func(rmr_ready:) will return the value &ital(true) (1) when a complete route table has been loaded and can be used to determine the endpoint for a send request. &h2(Receiving Messages) The process of receiving is fairly straight forward. The application invokes the RMR &func(rmr_rcv_msg:) function which will block until a message is received. The function returns a pointer to a message block which provides all of the details about the message. Specifically, the application has access to the following information either directly or indirectly: &half_space &indent &beg_list( &lic1 ) &li The payload (actual data) &half_space &li The total payload length in bytes &half_space &li The number of bytes of the payload which contain valid data &half_space &li The message type and subscription ID values &half_space &li The hostname and IP address of the source of the message (the sender) &half_space &li The transaction ID &half_space &li Tracing data (if provided) &end_list &uindent &space &h3(The Message Payload) The message payload contains the &ital(raw) data that was sent by the peer application. The format will likely depend on the message type, and is expected to be known by the application. A direct pointer to the payload is available from the message buffer (see appendix &mbuf_appendix for specific message buffer details). &space Two payload-related length values are also directly available: the total payload length, and the number of bytes actually filled with data. The used length is set by the caller, and may or not be an accurate value. The total payload length is determined when the buffer is created for sending, and is the maximum number of bytes that the application may modify should the buffer be used to return a response. &h3(Message Type and Subscription ID) The message type and subscription ID are both directly available from the message buffer, and are the values which were used to by RMR in the sending application to select the endpoint. If the application resends the message, as opposed to returning the message buffer as a response, the message number and/or the subscription ID might need to be changed to avoid potential issues ¬e .sm . .cn l=&cn_line_len i=&cn_ident start &atbot Times-roman 8p 1i It is entirely possible to design a routing table, and application group, such that the same message type is is left unchanged and the message is forwarded by an application after updating the payload. This type of behaviour is often referred to as service chaining, and can be done without any "knowledge" by an application with respect to where the message goes next. Service chaining is supported by RMR in as much as it allows the message to be resent, but the actual complexities of designing and implementing service chaining lie with the route table generator process. .cn end &h3(Sender Information) The source, or sender information, is indirectly available to the application via the &func(rmr_get_src:) and &func(rmr_get_ip:) functions. The former returns a string containing &cw(hostname^:port,) while the string &cw(ip^:port) is returned by the latter. &h3(Transaction ID) The message buffer contains a fixed length set of bytes which applications can set to track related messages across the application concept of a transaction. RMR will use the transaction ID for matching a response message when the &func(rmr_call:) function is used to send a message. &h3(Trace Information) RMR supports the addition of an optional trace information to any message. The presence and size is controlled by the application, and can vary from message to message if desired. The actual contents of the trace information is determined by the application; RMR provides only the means to set, extract, and obtain a direct reference to the trace bytes. The trace data field in a message buffer is discussed in greater detail in the &ital(Trace Data) section. &h2(Sending Messages) Sending requires only slightly more work on the part of the application than receiving a message. The application must allocate an RMR message buffer, populate the message payload with data, set the message type and length, and optionally set the subscription ID. Information such as the source IP address, hostname, and port are automatically added to the message buffer by RMR, so there is no need for the application to worry about these. &h3(Message Buffer Allocation) The function &func(rmr_msg_alloc:) allocates a &ital(zero copy) buffer and returns a pointer to the RMR &cw(rmr_mbuf_t) structure. The message buffer provides direct access to the payload, length, message type and subscription ID fields. The buffer must be preallocated in order to allow the underlying transport mechanism to allocate the payload space from its internal memory pool; this eliminates multiple copies as the message is sent, and thus is more efficient. .sp If a message buffer has been received, and the application wishes to use the buffer to send a response, or to forward the buffer to another application, a new buffer does &bold(not) need to be allocated. The application may set the necessary information (message type, etc.), and adjust the payload, as is necessary and then pass the message buffer to &func(rmr_send_msg:) or &func(rmr_rts_msg:) to be sent or returned to the sender. &h3(Populating the Message Buffer) The application has direct access to several of the message buffer fields, and should set them appropriately. &half_space &indent &beg_dlist( 1i &ditext ) &di(len) This is the number of bytes that the application placed into the payload. Setting length to 0 is allowed, and length may be less than the allocated payload size. &half_space &di(mtype) The message type that RMR will use to determine the endpoint used as the target of the send. &half_space &di(sub_id) The subscription ID if the message is to be routed based on the combination of message type and subscription ID. If no subscription ID is valid for the message, the application should set the field with the RMR constant &cw(RMR_VOID_SUBID.) &half_space &di(payload) The application should obtain the reference (pointer) to the payload from the message buffer and place any data into the payload. The application is responsible for ensuring that the maximum payload size is not exceeded. The application may obtain the maximum size via the &func(rmr_payload_size:) function. &half_space &di(trace data) Optionally, the application may add trace information to the message buffer. &end_dlist &space &uindent &h3(Sending a Message Buffer) Once the application has populated the necessary bits of a message, it may be sent by passing the buffer to the &func(rmr_send_msg:) function. This function will select an endpoint to receive the message, based on message type and subscription ID, and will pass the message to the underlying transport mechanism for actual transmission on the connection. (Depending on the underlying transport mechanism, the actual connection to the endpoint may happen at the time of the first message sent to the endpoint, and thus the latency of the first send might be longer than expected.) &space On success, the send function will return a reference to a message buffer; the status within that message buffer will indicate what the message buffer contains. When the status is &cw(RMR_OK) the reference is to a &bold(new) message buffer for the application to use for the next send; the payload size is the same as the payload size allocated for the message that was just sent. This is a convenience as it eliminates the need for the application to call the message allocation function at some point in the future, and assumes the application will send many messages which will require the same payload dimensions. &space If the message contains any status other than &cw(RMR_OK,) then the message could &bold(not) be sent, and the reference is to the unsent message buffer. The value of the status will indicate whether the nature of the failure was transient ( .sm &cw(RMR_ERR_RETRY) .sm ) or not. Transient failures are likely to be successful if the application attempts to send the message at a later time. Unfortunately, it is impossible for RMR to know the exact transient failure (e.g. connection being established, or TCP buffer shortage), and thus it is not possible to communicate how long the application should wait before attempting to resend, if the application wishes to resend the message. (More discussion with respect to message retries can be found in the &ital(Handling Failures) section.)