.if false ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== .fi .if false Mnemonic: advanced_use.im Abstract: Major section discussion the advanced features of RMR Date: 30 July 2019 Author: E. Scott Daniels .fi &h1(Advanced Usage) Several forms of usage fall into a more advanced category and are described in the following sections. These include blocking call, return to sender and wormhole functions. &h2(The Call Function) The RMR function &func(rmr_call) sends a message in the exact same manner as the &cw(rmr_send_msg()) function, with the endpoint selection based on the message key. But unlike the send function, &func(rmr_call) will block and wait for a response from the application that is selected to receive the message. The matching message is determined by the transaction ID which the application must place into the message buffer prior to invoking &func(rmr_call) .sm . Similarly, the responding application must ensure that the same transaction ID is placed into the message buffer before returning its response. &space The return from the call is a message buffer with the response message; there is no difference between a message buffer returned by the receive function and one returned by the &func(rmr_call) function. If a response is not received in a reasonable amount of time, a nil message buffer is returned to the calling application. &h3(Returning a Response) Because of the nature of RMR's routing policies, it is generally not possible for an application to control exactly which endpoint is sent a message. There are cases, such as responding to a message delivered via &func(rmr_call:) that the application must send a message and guarantee that RMR routes it to an exact destination. To enable this, RMR provides the &func(rmr_rts_msg:,) return to sender, function. Upon receipt of any message, an application may alter the payload, and if necessary the message type and subscription ID, and pass the altered message buffer to the &func(rmr_rts_msg:) function to return the altered message to the application which sent it. When this function is used, RMR will examine the message buffer for the source information and use that to select the connection on which to write the response. &h3(Multi-threaded Calls) The basic call mechanism described above is &bold(not) thread safe, as it is not possible to guarantee that a response message is delivered to the correct thread. The RMR function &func(rmr_mt_call) accepts an additional parameter which identifies the calling thread in order to ensure that the response is delivered properly. In addition, the application must specifically initialise the multi-threaded call environment by passing the &cw(RMRFL_MTCALL) flag as an option to the &func(rmr_init) function ¬e .sm . .if pfm .dv cnopts l=&cn_line_len i=&cn_indent .dv cncmd .cn start &cnopts &atbot Times-roman 8p .7i .ei .dv cncmd .cn start &atbot Times-roman 8p .7i .fi &cncmd There is additional overhead to support multi-threaded call as a special listener thread must be used in order to deliver responses to the proper application thread. .cn end &space One advantage of the multi-threaded call capability in RMR is the fact that only the calling thread is blocked. Messages received which are not responses to the call are continued to be delivered via normal &func(rmr_rcv_msg) calls. &space While the process is blocked waiting for the response, it is entirely possible that asynchronous, non-matching, messages will arrive. When this happens, RMR will queues the messages and return them to the application over the next calls to &func(rmr_rcv_msg:.) &h2(Wormholes) As was mentioned earlier, the design of RMR is to eliminate the need for an application to know a specific endpoint, even when a response message is being sent. In some rare cases it may be necessary for an application to establish a direct connection to an RMR-based application rather than relying on message type and subscription ID based routing. The &ital(wormhole) functions provide an application with the ability to create a direct connection and then to send and receive messages across the connection. The following are the RMR functions which provide wormhole communications: &space &indent &beg_dlist( 1i Helvetica ) &di(rmr_wh_open) Open a connection to an endpoint. Name or IP address and port of the endpoint is supplied. Returns a wormhole ID that the application must use when sending a direct message. &half_space &di(rmr_wh_send_msg) Sends an RMR message buffer to the connected application. The message type and subscription ID may be set in the message, but RMR will ignore both. &half_space &di(rmr_wh_close) Closes the direct connection. &end_dlist &uindent &space