@startuml Information in rApp registration package "Provider Service" #palegreen { struct APIProviderEnrolmentDetails { string apiProvDomId string apiProvDomInfo []APIProviderFunctionDetails apiProvFuncs string regSec (required) } note right of APIProviderEnrolmentDetails::apiProvDomId Id provided by CAPIF Core end note struct APIProviderFunctionDetails { string apiProvFuncId string apiProvFuncInfo ApiProviderFuncRole apiProviderFuncRole (required) RegistrationInformation regInfo (required) } note right of APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProvFuncId Id provided by CAPIF Core end note enum ApiProviderFuncRole { AEF: API provider function is API Exposing Function. APF: API provider function is API Publishing Function. AMF: API Provider function is API Management Function. } struct RegistrationInformation { string apiProvCert string apiProvPubKey (required) } } APIProviderEnrolmentDetails::apiProvFuncs "1" o-- "1..N" APIProviderFunctionDetails APIProviderFunctionDetails::regInfo "1" o-- "1" RegistrationInformation APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProviderFuncRole "1" o-- "1" ApiProviderFuncRole package "Publish Service" #lightblue { struct ServiceAPIDescription { string apiId string apiName (required) string description []AefProfile aefProfiles } note left of ServiceAPIDescription::apiId Id provided by CAPIF Core end note note "apfId matching\n APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProvFuncId\n must be provided when publishing" as publishProviderRel ServiceAPIDescription .. publishProviderRel publishProviderRel .. APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProvFuncId struct AefProfile { string aefId (required) DataFormat dataFormat string domainName []InterfaceDescription interfaceDescriptions Protocol protocol []SecurityMethod securityMethods []Version versions (required) } enum DataFormat { JSON } enum Protocol { HTTP_1_1 HTTP_2 } note "AefProfile::aefId should match\n APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProvFuncId" as aefIdRel APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProvFuncId .. aefIdRel aefIdRel .. AefProfile::aefId struct InterfaceDescription { string ipv4Address string ipv6Address int port []SecurityMethod securityMethods } note left of InterfaceDescription::securityMethods Security methods supported by the interface, it take precedence over the security methods provided in AefProfile, for this specific interface. end note struct Version { []CustomOperation custOperations DateTime expiry []Resource resources string apiVersion (required) } struct CustomOperation { CommunicationType commType (required) string custOpName (required) string description []Operation operations } enum Operation { GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE } enum SecurityMethod { PSK PKI OAUTH } struct Resource { string resourceName (required) string uri (required) CommunicationType commType (required) string description } enum CommunicationType { REQUEST_RESPONSE SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY } } ServiceAPIDescription::aefProfiles "1" o-- "1..N" AefProfile AefProfile::interfaceDescriptions "1" o-- "1..N" InterfaceDescription AefProfile::protocol "0..1" o-- "0..1" Protocol AefProfile::securityMethods "1" o-- "1..N" SecurityMethod AefProfile::dataFormat "0..1" o-- "0..N" DataFormat InterfaceDescription::securityMethods "1" o-- "1..N" SecurityMethod AefProfile::versions "1" o-- "1..N" Version Version::resources "1..N" o-- "1..N" Resource Version::custOperations "0..1" o-- "0..N" CustomOperation CustomOperation::CommunicationType "1" o-- "1" CommunicationType CustomOperation::operations "0..N" o-- "0..N" Operation Resource::commType "1" o-- "1" CommunicationType package "Invoker Management" #coral { struct APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails { string apiInvokerId string apiInvokerInformation APIList apiList OnboardingInformation onboardingInformation (required) } struct OnboardingInformation { string apiInvokerCertificate string ApiInvokerPublicKey (required) string onboardingSecret } } note right of OnboardingInformation::onboardingSecret Secret provided by CAPIF Core end note note left of APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails::apiInvokerId Id provided by CAPIF Core end note APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails::apiList "1" o-- "1..N" ServiceAPIDescription : APIList containing services\n available for the invoker.\n Provided by capifcore APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails::onboardingInformation "1" o-- "1" OnboardingInformation package "Discover Service" #Yellow { struct DiscoveredAPIs { []ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescriptions } } DiscoveredAPIs::serviceAPIDescriptions "0..N" o-- "0..N" ServiceAPIDescription note "Services can only be discovered\n for an onboarded invoker through\n APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails::apiId" as invokerDiscoverRel DiscoveredAPIs .. invokerDiscoverRel invokerDiscoverRel .. APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails::apiInvokerId package "Security Service" #Pink { struct AccessTokenReq { string grant_type (required) string client_id (required) string client_secret string scope } struct AccessTokenRsp { string access_token (required) string token_type (required) DurationSec expires_in (required) string scope } } note "AccessTokenReq::client_id and\n AccessTokenReq::client_secret\n must match registered invoker" as accessInvokerRel AccessTokenReq::client_id .. accessInvokerRel accessInvokerRel .. APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails::apiInvokerId note "Function provided in\n AccessTokenReq:scope\n must be registered for a provider" as accessProviderRel AccessTokenReq::scope .. accessProviderRel accessProviderRel .. APIProviderFunctionDetails::apiProvFuncId note "API provided in\n AccessTokenReq:scope\n must be published" as accessPublishRel AccessTokenReq::scope .. accessPublishRel accessPublishRel .. AefProfile::aefId @enduml