package control /* #include #cgo LDFLAGS: -le2smwrapper -lm #cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include/e2sm */ import "C" import ( "errors" "" "unsafe" ) type E2sm struct { } func (c *E2sm) SetRicControlHeader(buffer []byte, ueIDbuf []byte, ricControlStyleType int64, ricControlActionID int64) (newBuffer []byte, err error) { cptr := unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0]) cptr_ueIDbuf := unsafe.Pointer(&ueIDbuf[0]) size := C.e2sm_encode_ric_control_header(cptr, C.size_t(len(buffer)), cptr_ueIDbuf, C.size_t(len(ueIDbuf)), C.long(ricControlStyleType), C.long(ricControlActionID)) if size < 0 { return make([]byte, 0), errors.New("e2sm wrapper is unable to set EventTriggerDefinition due to wrong or invalid input") } newBuffer = C.GoBytes(cptr, ( xapp.Logger.Info("E2sm SetRicControlHeader is success") return } func (c *E2sm) SetRicControlMessage(buffer []byte, targetPrimaryCell int64, targetCell int64, nrCGIOrECGI int64, nrOrEUtraCell int64, ranParameterValue []byte) (newBuffer []byte, err error) { cptr := unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0]) cptrRanParameterValue := unsafe.Pointer(&ranParameterValue[0]) size := C.e2sm_encode_ric_control_message(cptr, C.size_t(len(buffer)), C.long(targetPrimaryCell), C.long(targetCell), C.long(nrOrEUtraCell), C.long(nrCGIOrECGI), cptrRanParameterValue, C.size_t(len(ranParameterValue))) if size < 0 { return make([]byte, 0), errors.New("e2sm wrapper is unable to set RicControlMessage due to wrong or invalid input") } newBuffer = C.GoBytes(cptr, ( //TOCHECK: if is returning bits not bytes to get correct size of the buffer. xapp.Logger.Info("E2sm SetRicControlMessage is success") return }