# Copyright 2022 highstreet technologies GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/python """ Module containing the main class for this project for a TAPI Topology. """ import uuid from typing import Dict, List, Union from lxml import etree from model.python.top import Top from model.python.tapi_node import TapiNode from model.python.tapi_node_smo import TapiNodeSmo from model.python.tapi_node_o_cloud import TapiNodeOCloud from model.python.tapi_node_near_rt_ric import TapiNodeNearRtRic from model.python.tapi_node_amf import TapiNodeAmf from model.python.tapi_node_upf import TapiNodeUpf from model.python.tapi_node_o_cu_cp import TapiNodeOCuCp from model.python.tapi_node_o_cu_up import TapiNodeOCuUp from model.python.tapi_node_o_du import TapiNodeODu from model.python.tapi_node_fronthaul_gateway import TapiNodeFronthaulGateway from model.python.tapi_node_o_ru import TapiNodeORu from model.python.tapi_node_user_equipment import TapiNodeUserEquipment from model.python.tapi_link import TapiLink class TapiTopology(Top): """ Class representing a TAPI Topology """ __data: Dict[str, Union[str, List[Union[Dict, TapiNode, TapiLink]]]] = None __configuration: dict = None # constructor def __init__(self, configuration: dict): super().__init__(configuration) name = "o-ran-sc-topology-view" if "name" in configuration['network']: name = configuration['network']['name'] self.__configuration = configuration self.__data = { "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "name": [{ "value-name": "network-name", "value": name}], "layer-protocol-name": ["ETH"], "node": [], "link": []} topology_structure: dict = configuration['network']['pattern'] network_function_type: str = next(iter(topology_structure)) count: int = configuration['network']['pattern'][network_function_type] if network_function_type == "smo": self.__create_smos(None, topology_structure, count) elif network_function_type == "near-rt-ric": self.__create_near_rt_rics(None, topology_structure, count) elif network_function_type == "o-cu": self.__create_o_cus(None, topology_structure, count) elif network_function_type == "o-du": self.__create_o_dus(None, topology_structure, count) elif network_function_type == "o-ru": self.__create_o_rus(None, topology_structure, count) elif network_function_type == "ue": self.__create_ues(None, topology_structure, count) else: print("Unknown network function type", network_function_type) # getter def configuration(self) -> dict: """ Getter for a json object representing the TAPI Topology configuration. :return TAPI Topology configuration as json object. """ return self.__configuration def data(self) -> dict: """ Getter for a json object representing the TAPI Topology. :return TAPI Topology as json object. """ return self.__data def identifier(self) -> str: """ Getter returning the TAPI Topology identifier. :return Object identifier as UUID. """ return self.__data["uuid"] def name(self) -> str: """ Getter for TAPI Topology name. The TAPI topology is a representation of the network. Therefore, the TAPI Topology name has the same value as the Network name. :return TAPI Topology name as string. """ return self.__configuration['network']['name'] def json(self) -> dict: """ Getter for a json object representing the TAPI Topology. :return TAPI Topology Context as json object. """ result = self.data().copy() # nodes handling result["node"] = [] for node in self.__data["node"]: result["node"].append(node.json()) # link handling result["link"] = [] for link in self.__data["link"]: result["link"].append(link.json()) return result def svg(self, svg_x: int, svg_y: int) -> etree.Element: """ Getter for a xml Element object representing the TAPI Topology Context. :return TAPI Topology Context as svg object. """ group = etree.Element("g") title = etree.Element("title") title.text = "\n TAPI Topology \n id: " + \ self.identifier() # + "\n name: " + self.name() group.append(title) # nodes handling index_per_type: Dict = {} svg_nodes = [] for node in self.__data["node"]: if type(node) in index_per_type: index_per_type[type(node)] = index_per_type[type(node)] + 1 else: index_per_type[type(node)] = 0 index = index_per_type[type(node)] node_x = svg_x + \ index*self.__svg_dynamic_x_offset_by_node_type(type(node)) + \ self.__svg_static_x_offset_by_node_type(type(node)) node_y = svg_y + self.__svg_y_offset_by_node_type(type(node)) svg_nodes.append(node.svg(node_x, node_y)) # group.append(node.svg(node_x, node_y)) # handling and drawing links for link in self.__data["link"]: group.append(link.svg(0, 0)) # drawing nodes for svg_node in svg_nodes: group.append(svg_node) return group def __svg_static_x_offset_by_node_type(self, node_type) -> int: """ Mapping function from node types to y position in svg return: int value """ pattern = self.configuration()['network']['pattern'] padding = 0 # self.FONTSIZE width_unit = (2 * 2 * self.FONTSIZE + padding) ru = (pattern['user-equipment']-1) * width_unit - 2*self.FONTSIZE fhgw = (pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment'] - 1) * width_unit - 2*self.FONTSIZE odu = (pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment'] - 1) * width_unit - 2*self.FONTSIZE ocu = (pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment'] - 1) * width_unit - 2*self.FONTSIZE ric = (pattern['near-rt-ric'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment'] - 1) * width_unit - 2*self.FONTSIZE smo = (pattern['smo'] * pattern['near-rt-ric'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment'] -0.5) * width_unit * 2 - 2*self.FONTSIZE x_mapping: Dict[type, int] = { TapiNodeSmo: smo, TapiNodeOCloud: ric, TapiNodeNearRtRic: ric, TapiNodeAmf: ric + 16*self.FONTSIZE, TapiNodeUpf: ric + 24*self.FONTSIZE, TapiNodeOCuCp: ocu - 12.5*self.FONTSIZE, TapiNodeOCuUp: ocu + 12.5*self.FONTSIZE, TapiNodeODu: odu, TapiNodeFronthaulGateway: fhgw, TapiNodeORu: ru, TapiNodeUserEquipment: 0 } if node_type in x_mapping: return x_mapping[node_type] return 0 def __svg_dynamic_x_offset_by_node_type(self, node_type) -> int: """ Mapping function from node types to y position in svg return: int value """ padding = 0 pattern = self.configuration()['network']['pattern'] width_unit = (2 * 2 * self.FONTSIZE + padding) x_mapping: Dict[type, int] = { TapiNodeSmo: pattern['near-rt-ric'] * pattern['o-cu'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeOCloud: pattern['o-cu'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeNearRtRic: pattern['o-cu'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeAmf: pattern['o-cu'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeUpf: pattern['o-cu'] * pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeOCuCp: pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeOCuUp: pattern['o-du'] * pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeODu: pattern['fronthaul-gateway'] * pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeFronthaulGateway: pattern['o-ru'] * pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeORu: pattern['user-equipment']*2, TapiNodeUserEquipment: 2 } if node_type in x_mapping: return x_mapping[node_type] * width_unit return 0 def __svg_y_offset_by_node_type(self, node_type) -> int: """ Mapping function from node types to y position in svg return: int value """ offset = 11*self.FONTSIZE y_mapping: Dict[type, int] = { TapiNodeSmo: 0 * offset, TapiNodeOCloud: 1 * offset, TapiNodeNearRtRic: 2 * offset, TapiNodeAmf: 2 * offset, TapiNodeUpf: 2 * offset, TapiNodeOCuCp: 3.5 * offset - 4 * self.FONTSIZE, TapiNodeOCuUp: 3.5 * offset + 4 * self.FONTSIZE, TapiNodeODu: 5 * offset, TapiNodeFronthaulGateway: 6 * offset, TapiNodeORu: 7 * offset, TapiNodeUserEquipment: 8 * offset } if node_type in y_mapping: return y_mapping[node_type] return 0 # methods def add_node(self, node: TapiNode): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :return TAPI Topology object. """ self.__data["node"].append(node) return self def add_link(self, link: TapiLink): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :return TAPI Topology object. """ self.__data["link"].append(link) return self def find_node(self, type_name:str, client_local_id:str) -> TapiNode: """ Method finding the parent no in the hierarchy based on the node type name and the client local identifier. :param type_name: the TAPI NODE Type name of interest. :param client_local_id: which starts with the parent node local id. :re turn TAPI Node object. """ for node in self.__data["node"]: if type(node).__name__ == type_name: if client_local_id.startswith(node.local_id()): return node return # ERROR 404 def __create_smos(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "smo" next_type = "near-rt-ric" for local_id in range(count): prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.data()["name"][1]["value"] config = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type}} node = TapiNodeSmo(parent, config) self.add_node(node) # add O-Clouds if "o-cloud" in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() self.__create_o_clouds( node, structure, structure["o-cloud"]) if next_type in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() if current_type in structure: del structure["o-cloud"] if current_type in structure: del structure[current_type] self.__create_near_rt_rics( node, structure, structure[next_type]) return self def __create_o_clouds(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "o-cloud" for local_id in range(count): # add node prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.json()["name"][1]["value"] function = "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type node_configuration = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": function}} node = TapiNodeOCloud(parent, node_configuration) self.add_node(node) # add links # O2 link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o2-rest", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) return self def __create_near_rt_rics(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "near-rt-ric" next_type = "o-cu" for local_id in range(count): # add node prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.json()["name"][1]["value"] # hardcoded rule! # create 1 5G-Core AMF and 1 5G-Core UPF instance per Near-RT-RIC # 5G-Core AMF current_type = "access-and-mobility-management-function" function = "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type node_configuration = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": function}} node = TapiNodeAmf(parent, node_configuration) self.add_node(node) # 5G-Core UPF current_type = "user-plane-function" function = "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type node_configuration = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": function}} node = TapiNodeUpf(parent, node_configuration) self.add_node(node) # Near-RT-RIC current_type = "near-rt-ric" function = "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type node_configuration = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": function}} node = TapiNodeNearRtRic(parent, node_configuration) self.add_node(node) # add links # A1 link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "a1-rest", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 NETCONF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-netconf", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 FILE link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-file", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 VES link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-ves", "provider": parent, "consumer": node } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # continue if next_type in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() if current_type in structure: del structure[current_type] self.__create_o_cus(node, structure, structure[next_type]) return self def __function_identity(self, function_type: str, plane: str) -> str: """ Method to calculate the Function IDENTITY """ return "".join([ "o-ran-sc-topology-common:", function_type, "-", plane ]) def __create_o_cus(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "o-cu" next_type = "o-du" for local_id in range(count): prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.data()["name"][1]["value"] node: Dict[str, Union[TapiNodeOCuCp, TapiNodeOCuUp]] = {} for plane in ["cp", "up"]: config = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": "-".join([current_type, plane]), "function": self.__function_identity(current_type, plane)}} classes: Dict[str, Union[TapiNodeOCuCp, TapiNodeOCuUp]] = { "cp": TapiNodeOCuCp, "up": TapiNodeOCuUp} node[plane] = classes[plane](parent, config) self.add_node(node[plane]) # add links # E2 link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "e2-sctp", "provider": node[plane], "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 NETCONF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-netconf", "provider": node[plane], "consumer": parent.parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 FILE link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-file", "provider": node[plane], "consumer": parent.parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 VES link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-ves", "provider": parent.parent(), "consumer": node[plane] } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # continue # E1 Interface between O-CU-UP and O-CU-CP link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "e1-unknown", "provider": node["up"], "consumer": node["cp"] } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # N2 Interface between O-CU-CP and AMF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "n2-nas", "provider": self.find_node("TapiNodeAmf", node["cp"].local_id()), "consumer": node["cp"] } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # N3 Interface between O-CU-UP and UPF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "n3-nas", "provider": self.find_node("TapiNodeUpf", node["up"].local_id()), "consumer": node["up"] } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) if next_type in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() if current_type in structure: del structure[current_type] self.__create_o_dus( node, structure, structure[next_type]) return self def __create_o_dus(self, parents: Dict[str, TapiNode], topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "o-du" next_type = "fronthaul-gateway" for local_id in range(count): prefix = "000" if parents["cp"] is not None: prefix = parents["cp"].data()["name"][1]["value"] config = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type}} node = TapiNodeODu(parents["cp"], config) self.add_node(node) for plane, parent in parents.items(): # add links # E2 link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "e2-sctp", "provider": node, "consumer": parent.parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 NETCONF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-netconf", "provider": node, "consumer": parent.parent().parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 FILE link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-file", "provider": node, "consumer": parent.parent().parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # O1 VES link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "o1-ves", "provider": parent.parent().parent(), "consumer": node } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # F1 User Plane or Control Plane interfaces: Dict[str, str] = {"cp": "f1-c", "up": "f1-u"} link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": interfaces[plane]+"-unknown", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # continue if next_type in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() if current_type in structure: del structure[current_type] self.__create_fronthaul_gateways( node, structure, structure[next_type]) return self def __create_fronthaul_gateways(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "fronthaul-gateway" next_type = "o-ru" for local_id in range(count): prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.data()["name"][1]["value"] node_configuration = { "node": { "localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type, "southbound-nep-count": topology_structure[next_type] } } node = TapiNodeFronthaulGateway(parent, node_configuration) self.add_node(node) # add links # Eth NBI link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "oam-netconf", "provider": node, "consumer": parent.parent().parent().parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # Eth SBI link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "eth-ofh", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # continue if next_type in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() if current_type in structure: del structure[current_type] self.__create_o_rus(node, structure, structure[next_type]) return self def __create_o_rus(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "o-ru" next_type = "user-equipment" for local_id in range(count): prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.data()["name"][1]["value"] config = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type}} node = TapiNodeORu(parent, config) self.add_node(node) # add links # O1 NETCONF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "ofh-netconf", "provider": node, "consumer": parent.parent().parent().parent().parent() } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # OFH M-Plane to O-DU via fronthaul-gateway link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "ofh-netconf", "provider": node, "consumer": parent } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # continue if next_type in topology_structure: structure = topology_structure.copy() if current_type in structure: del structure[current_type] self.__create_ues(node, structure, structure[next_type]) return self def __create_ues(self, parent: TapiNode, topology_structure: dict, count: int): """ Method adding a TAPI node to TAPI Topology. :param parent: A TAPI node which acts a a parent node in the topology. :param topology_structure: Information about the next topology levels. :param count: Number of instance to be created :return TAPI Topology object. """ current_type = "user-equipment" for local_id in range(count): prefix = "" if parent is not None: prefix = parent.data()["name"][1]["value"] config = {"node": {"localId": prefix + str(local_id), "type": current_type, "function": "o-ran-sc-topology-common:"+current_type}} node = TapiNodeUserEquipment(parent, config) self.add_node(node) # add links # Uu radio link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "uu-radio", "provider": parent, "consumer": node } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) # N! to 5G-Core AMF link_configuration = { "topology_reference": self.data()["uuid"], "name_prefix": "n1-nas", "provider": self.find_node("TapiNodeAmf", node.local_id()), "consumer": node } self.add_link(TapiLink(link_configuration)) if "key" in topology_structure: print("Implement missing topology level.") return self