# Copyright 2022 highstreet technologies GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/python """ Module containing the class for a TAPI Node. """ import uuid from typing import Dict from lxml import etree from model.python.svg.near_tr_ric import NearRtRic from model.python.svg.amf import Amf from model.python.svg.o_cloud import OCloud from model.python.svg.o_cu_cp import OCuCp from model.python.svg.o_cu_up import OCuUp from model.python.svg.o_du import ODu from model.python.svg.ue import Ue from model.python.svg.fronthaul_gateway import FronthaulGateway from model.python.svg.node import Node from model.python.tapi_node_edge_point import TapiNodeEdgePoint from model.python.top import Top class TapiNode(Top): """ Class representing a TAPI Node. """ __data: dict = {} __configuration: dict = {} __parent: 'TapiNode' = None __width: int = 0 # default SVG width, should be overritten by constructor # constructor def __init__(self, parent: 'TapiNode', configuration: dict): super().__init__(configuration) self.__parent = parent self.__configuration = configuration self.width((4 + 1) * (2.2*self.FONTSIZE)) # 4x nep self.__data = { "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "name": [ { "value-name": "topology-node-name", "value": self.name() }, { "value-name": "topology-node-local-id", "value": configuration['node']['localId'] } ], "owned-node-edge-point": [], "administrative-state": "LOCKED", "operational-state": "ENABLED", "lifecycle-state": "INSTALLED", "layer-protocol-name": ["ETH"], "cost-characteristic": [ { "cost-name": "cost", "cost-algorithm": "alg1", "cost-value": "value-1" } ], "latency-characteristic": [{ "traffic-property-name": "property-1", "queing-latency-characteristic": "queue-1", "fixed-latency-characteristic": "latency-1", "jitter-characteristic": "jitter-1", "wander-characteristic": "wander-1" }], "o-ran-sc-topology:function": configuration['node']['function'], "o-ran-sc-topology:geolocation": { "longitude": "0", "latitude": "0", "altitude": "20000" } } # getter def x_offset_by_cep_name(self, name: str, local_id: int) -> int: cep_of_interest = len(self.data()['owned-node-edge-point'])-2 mapping: Dict[str, int] = { "o2-rest-consumer": -4*6*self.FONTSIZE, "a1-rest-consumer": -2*6*self.FONTSIZE, "oam-netconf-consumer": -0*6*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-ves-provider": 2*6*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-file-consumer": 4*6*self.FONTSIZE, "o2-rest-provider": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "a1-rest-provider": -8*self.FONTSIZE, "e2-rest-consumer": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "n1-nas-provider": -2*self.FONTSIZE, "n2-nas-provider": +2*self.FONTSIZE, "n3-nas-provider": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-c-unknown-consumer": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-u-unknown-consumer": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "e1-unknown-provider": -5*2*self.FONTSIZE, "e1-unknown-consumer": 5*2*self.FONTSIZE, "e2-rest-provider": -4*2*self.FONTSIZE, "n2-nas-consumer": -2*2*self.FONTSIZE, "n3-nas-consumer": -2*2*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-c-unknown-provider": -2*2*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-u-unknown-provider": 2*2*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-unknown-provider": -2*2*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-netconf-provider": 4*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-ves-consumer": 8*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-file-provider": 12*self.FONTSIZE, "ofh-netconf-consumer": -2*self.FONTSIZE, "eth-ofh-provider": -2*self.FONTSIZE, "oam-netconf-provider": 2*self.FONTSIZE, # "eth-ofh-consumer": -(len(self.data()['owned-node-edg # e-point']) - 2)/2 * 2 * self.FONTSIZE, "eth-ofh-consumer": 0-(cep_of_interest/2)*4*self.FONTSIZE + 2*self.FONTSIZE, "ofh-netconf-provider": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "uu-radio-provider": 0*self.FONTSIZE, "uu-radio-consumer": -2*self.FONTSIZE, "n1-nas-consumer":2*self.FONTSIZE } if name in mapping: return mapping[name] + 4*self.FONTSIZE * local_id print("Node: CEP name", name, "for x postion calculation not found") return 0 def y_offset_by_cep_name(self, name: str) -> int: mapping: Dict[str, int] = { "o2-rest-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "a1-rest-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "oam-netconf-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-ves-provider": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-file-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "o2-rest-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "a1-rest-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "e2-rest-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "n1-nas-provider": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "n2-nas-provider": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "n3-nas-provider": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "e1-unknown-provider": 1*self.FONTSIZE, "e1-unknown-consumer": 1*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-c-unknown-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-u-unknown-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-unknown-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "e2-rest-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "n2-nas-consumer": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "n3-nas-consumer": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-c-unknown-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-u-unknown-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "f1-unknown-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-netconf-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-ves-consumer": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "o1-file-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "ofh-netconf-consumer": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "eth-ofh-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "oam-netconf-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "eth-ofh-consumer": +3*self.FONTSIZE, "ofh-netconf-provider": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "uu-radio-provider": 3*self.FONTSIZE, "uu-radio-consumer": -3*self.FONTSIZE, "n1-nas-consumer": -3*self.FONTSIZE } if name in mapping: return mapping[name] print("Node: CEP name", name, "for y postion calculation not found") return 0 def configuration(self) -> dict: """ Getter for a json object representing the TAPI Node configuration. :return TAPI Node configuration as json object. """ return self.__configuration def data(self) -> dict: """ Getter for a json object representing the TAPI Link. :return TAPI Link as json object. """ return self.__data def local_id(self) -> int: return self.configuration()["node"]["localId"] def function(self) -> str: """ Getter returning the network-function type :return The type of the network-function as yang IDENTITY. """ return self.__configuration['node']['function'] def function_label(self) -> str: """ Getter returning the network-function label :return The type of the network-function as human readable string. """ mapping = { "o-ran-sc-topology-common:smo": "SMO", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:o-cloud": "O-Cloud", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:near-rt-ric": "Near-RT-RIC", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:access-and-mobility-management-function": "AMF", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:user-plane-function": "UPF", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:o-cu": "O-CU", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:o-cu-cp": "O-CU-CP", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:o-cu-up": "O-CU-UP", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:o-du": "O-DU", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:fronthaul-gateway": "FHGW", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:o-ru": "O-RU", "o-ran-sc-topology-common:user-equipment": "UE" } if mapping[self.function()]: return mapping[self.function()] else: return self.function() def identifier(self) -> str: """ Getter returning the TAPI Node identifier. :return Object identifier as UUID. """ return self.__data["uuid"] def json(self) -> dict: """ Getter for a json object representing the TAPI Node. :return TAPI Node as json object. """ result = self.__data.copy() result['owned-node-edge-point'] = [] for nep in self.__data['owned-node-edge-point']: result['owned-node-edge-point'].append(nep.json()) return result def name(self) -> str: """ Getter for TAPI Node name. :return TAPI Node as json object. """ return "".join([ self.__configuration['node']['type'], "-", str(self.__configuration['node']['localId']) ]) def node_edge_point_by_cep_name(self, cep_name, local_id) -> TapiNodeEdgePoint: """ Method returning a NEP based on a given interface name :param interface_name: Search string :return The NEP uuid or "not found" """ result = [] for nep in self.__data["owned-node-edge-point"]: for cep in nep.connection_edge_points(): if cep.name() == cep_name: result.append(nep) if len(result) == 0: for nep in self.__data["owned-node-edge-point"]: print("# Check", cep_name, nep.json()["name"][0]["value"], nep.json()[ "tapi-connectivity:cep-list"]["connection-end-point"][0]["name"][0]["value"]) return if len(result) > 1: for nep in result: if nep.name().endswith(str(local_id[-1])): return nep return result[0] def parent(self) -> 'TapiNode': """ Getter for a TAPI Node object representing the TAPI Node configuration. :return TAPI Node configuration as json object. """ return self.__parent def svg(self, x: int, y: int) -> etree.Element: """ Getter for a xml Element object representing the TAPI Node. :return TAPI Node as svg object. """ self.__svg_x = x self.__svg_y = y svg_nep = None if type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeSmo": svg_nep = Node(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeOCloud": svg_nep = OCloud(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeNearRtRic": svg_nep = NearRtRic(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeAmf": svg_nep = Amf(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeOCuCp": svg_nep = OCuCp(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeOCuUp": svg_nep = OCuUp(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeODu": svg_nep = ODu(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeUserEquipment": svg_nep = Ue(self, x, y) elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeFronthaulGateway": svg_nep = FronthaulGateway(self, x, y) # elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeORu": # svg_nep = Node(self, x, y) # elif type(self).__name__ == "TapiNodeUserEquipment": # svg_nep = Node(self, x, y) else: svg_nep = Node(self, x, y) group: etree.Element = svg_nep.svg_element() for nep in self.data()['owned-node-edge-point']: localId = 0 if "local-id" in nep.configuration()["nodeEdgePoint"]: localId = nep.configuration()["nodeEdgePoint"]["local-id"] nep_x = x + \ self.x_offset_by_cep_name( nep.connection_edge_points()[0].name(), localId) nep_y = y + \ self.y_offset_by_cep_name( nep.connection_edge_points()[0].name()) group.append(nep.svg(nep_x, nep_y)) return group def width(self, width: int) -> None: """ Setter for the SVG width in px. :param width as integer with unit "px" (pixel) """ self.__width = width # methods def add(self, nep: TapiNodeEdgePoint) -> 'TapiNode': """ Method adding a TAPI Node Edge Point object. :return TAPI Node as object. """ self.__data['owned-node-edge-point'].append(nep) return self