# Copyright 2024 highstreet technologies # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from network_generation.model.python.hexagon import ( DoubledCoord, Hex, Layout, OffsetCoord, ) import network_generation.model.python.hexagon as Hexagon from network_generation.model.python.point import Point # Tests def complain(name: str) -> None: print("FAIL {0}".format(name)) def equal_hex(name: str, a: Hex, b: Hex) -> None: if not (a.q == b.q and a.s == b.s and a.r == b.r): complain(name) def equal_offsetcoord(name: str, a: OffsetCoord, b: OffsetCoord) -> None: if not (a.col == b.col and a.row == b.row): complain(name) def equal_doubledcoord(name: str, a: DoubledCoord, b: DoubledCoord) -> None: if not (a.col == b.col and a.row == b.row): complain(name) def equal_int(name: str, a: int, b: int) -> None: if not (a == b): complain(name) def equal_hex_array(name: str, a: list[Hex], b: list[Hex]) -> None: equal_int(name, len(a), len(b)) for i in range(0, len(a)): equal_hex(name, a[i], b[i]) def test_hex_arithmetic() -> None: equal_hex( "hex_add", Hex(4, -10, 6), Hexagon.hex_add(Hex(1, -3, 2), Hex(3, -7, 4)), ) equal_hex( "hex_subtract", Hex(-2, 4, -2), Hexagon.hex_subtract(Hex(1, -3, 2), Hex(3, -7, 4)), ) def test_hex_direction() -> None: equal_hex("hex_direction", Hex(0, -1, 1), Hexagon.hex_direction(2)) def test_hex_neighbor() -> None: equal_hex( "hex_neighbor", Hex(1, -3, 2), Hexagon.hex_neighbor(Hex(1, -2, 1), 2) ) def test_hex_diagonal() -> None: equal_hex( "hex_diagonal", Hex(-1, -1, 2), Hexagon.hex_diagonal_neighbor(Hex(1, -2, 1), 3), ) def test_hex_distance() -> None: equal_int( "hex_distance", 7, int(Hexagon.hex_distance(Hex(3, -7, 4), Hex(0, 0, 0))), ) def test_hex_rotate_right() -> None: equal_hex( "hex_rotate_right", Hexagon.hex_rotate_right(Hex(1, -3, 2)), Hex(3, -2, -1), ) def test_hex_rotate_left() -> None: equal_hex( "hex_rotate_left", Hexagon.hex_rotate_left(Hex(1, -3, 2)), Hex(-2, -1, 3), ) def test_hex_round() -> None: a = Hex(0, 0, 0) b = Hex(1, -1, 0) c = Hex(0, -1, 1) equal_hex( "hex_round 1", Hex(5, -10, 5), Hexagon.hex_round( Hexagon.hex_lerp(Hex(0, 0, 0), Hex(10, -20, 10), 0.5) ), ) equal_hex( "hex_round 2", Hexagon.hex_round(a), Hexagon.hex_round(Hexagon.hex_lerp(a, b, 0.499)), ) equal_hex( "hex_round 3", Hexagon.hex_round(b), Hexagon.hex_round(Hexagon.hex_lerp(a, b, 0.501)), ) equal_hex( "hex_round 4", Hexagon.hex_round(a), Hexagon.hex_round( Hex( a.q * 0.4 + b.q * 0.3 + c.q * 0.3, a.r * 0.4 + b.r * 0.3 + c.r * 0.3, a.s * 0.4 + b.s * 0.3 + c.s * 0.3, ) ), ) equal_hex( "hex_round 5", Hexagon.hex_round(c), Hexagon.hex_round( Hex( a.q * 0.3 + b.q * 0.3 + c.q * 0.4, a.r * 0.3 + b.r * 0.3 + c.r * 0.4, a.s * 0.3 + b.s * 0.3 + c.s * 0.4, ) ), ) def test_hex_linedraw() -> None: equal_hex_array( "hex_linedraw", [ Hex(0, 0, 0), Hex(0, -1, 1), Hex(0, -2, 2), Hex(1, -3, 2), Hex(1, -4, 3), Hex(1, -5, 4), ], Hexagon.hex_linedraw(Hex(0, 0, 0), Hex(1, -5, 4)), ) def test_layout() -> None: h = Hex(3, 4, -7) flat = Layout(Hexagon.layout_flat, Point(10.0, 15.0), Point(35.0, 71.0)) equal_hex( "layout", h, Hexagon.hex_round( Hexagon.pixel_to_hex(flat, Hexagon.hex_to_pixel(flat, h)) ), ) pointy = Layout( Hexagon.layout_pointy, Point(10.0, 15.0), Point(35.0, 71.0) ) equal_hex( "layout", h, Hexagon.hex_round( Hexagon.pixel_to_hex(pointy, Hexagon.hex_to_pixel(pointy, h)) ), ) def test_offset_roundtrip() -> None: a = Hex(3, 4, -7) b = OffsetCoord(1, -3) equal_hex( "conversion_roundtrip even-q", a, Hexagon.qoffset_to_cube( Hexagon.EVEN, Hexagon.qoffset_from_cube(Hexagon.EVEN, a), ), ) equal_offsetcoord( "conversion_roundtrip even-q", b, Hexagon.qoffset_from_cube( Hexagon.EVEN, Hexagon.qoffset_to_cube(Hexagon.EVEN, b), ), ) equal_hex( "conversion_roundtrip odd-q", a, Hexagon.qoffset_to_cube( Hexagon.ODD, Hexagon.qoffset_from_cube(Hexagon.ODD, a), ), ) equal_offsetcoord( "conversion_roundtrip odd-q", b, Hexagon.qoffset_from_cube( Hexagon.ODD, Hexagon.qoffset_to_cube(Hexagon.ODD, b) ), ) equal_hex( "conversion_roundtrip even-r", a, Hexagon.roffset_to_cube( Hexagon.EVEN, Hexagon.roffset_from_cube(Hexagon.EVEN, a) ), ) equal_offsetcoord( "conversion_roundtrip even-r", b, Hexagon.roffset_from_cube( Hexagon.EVEN, Hexagon.roffset_to_cube(Hexagon.EVEN, b) ), ) equal_hex( "conversion_roundtrip odd-r", a, Hexagon.roffset_to_cube( Hexagon.ODD, Hexagon.roffset_from_cube(Hexagon.ODD, a) ), ) equal_offsetcoord( "conversion_roundtrip odd-r", b, Hexagon.roffset_from_cube( Hexagon.ODD, Hexagon.roffset_to_cube(Hexagon.ODD, b) ), ) def test_offset_from_cube() -> None: equal_offsetcoord( "offset_from_cube even-q", OffsetCoord(1, 3), Hexagon.qoffset_from_cube(Hexagon.EVEN, Hex(1, 2, -3)), ) equal_offsetcoord( "offset_from_cube odd-q", OffsetCoord(1, 2), Hexagon.qoffset_from_cube(Hexagon.ODD, Hex(1, 2, -3)), ) def test_offset_to_cube() -> None: equal_hex( "offset_to_cube even-", Hex(1, 2, -3), Hexagon.qoffset_to_cube(Hexagon.EVEN, OffsetCoord(1, 3)), ) equal_hex( "offset_to_cube odd-q", Hex(1, 2, -3), Hexagon.qoffset_to_cube(Hexagon.ODD, OffsetCoord(1, 2)), ) def test_doubled_roundtrip() -> None: a = Hex(3, 4, -7) b = DoubledCoord(1, -3) equal_hex( "conversion_roundtrip doubled-q", a, Hexagon.qdoubled_to_cube(Hexagon.qdoubled_from_cube(a)), ) equal_doubledcoord( "conversion_roundtrip doubled-q", b, Hexagon.qdoubled_from_cube(Hexagon.qdoubled_to_cube(b)), ) equal_hex( "conversion_roundtrip doubled-r", a, Hexagon.rdoubled_to_cube(Hexagon.rdoubled_from_cube(a)), ) equal_doubledcoord( "conversion_roundtrip doubled-r", b, Hexagon.rdoubled_from_cube(Hexagon.rdoubled_to_cube(b)), ) def test_doubled_from_cube() -> None: equal_doubledcoord( "doubled_from_cube doubled-q", DoubledCoord(1, 5), Hexagon.qdoubled_from_cube(Hex(1, 2, -3)), ) equal_doubledcoord( "doubled_from_cube doubled-r", DoubledCoord(4, 2), Hexagon.rdoubled_from_cube(Hex(1, 2, -3)), ) def test_doubled_to_cube() -> None: equal_hex( "doubled_to_cube doubled-q", Hex(1, 2, -3), Hexagon.qdoubled_to_cube(DoubledCoord(1, 5)), ) equal_hex( "doubled_to_cube doubled-r", Hex(1, 2, -3), Hexagon.rdoubled_to_cube(DoubledCoord(4, 2)), ) def test_hexagon() -> None: test_hex_arithmetic() test_hex_direction() test_hex_neighbor() test_hex_diagonal() test_hex_distance() test_hex_rotate_right() test_hex_rotate_left() test_hex_round() test_hex_linedraw() test_layout() test_offset_roundtrip() test_offset_from_cube() test_offset_to_cube() test_doubled_roundtrip() test_doubled_from_cube() test_doubled_to_cube()